Xuanyuan Mo was full of complexity. Looking at the cave in the distance for a long time, he kept clenching his hands into fists and then loosening them. So repeatedly, he seemed to be struggling with something.

Finally, the complex look turned into firmness.

He couldn't watch a world-renowned genius be destroyed by his big brother.

However, if he doesn't follow the big brother's wishes, he will betray the big brother. At that time, his end... Will not be good.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Mo couldn't help smiling bitterly.


Inside the cave.

"Xuanyuan Mo wants to see me?"

Lu Zijia was a little surprised to pick his eyebrows. Obviously, he didn't expect Xuanyuan Mo to come to her at this sensitive moment.

Isn't Xuanyuan Mo afraid to offend Xuanyuan fan?

Xu Qi also couldn't understand this, but "elder martial brother Yizhe said that King Mo was dependent on King fan, and their relationship was not as harmonious as it seemed.

Maybe they have fallen out now. "

Smelling the speech, Lu Zijia's slender finger pointed his chin, as if thinking seriously, "it should be. If we really fall out, it's a good thing for us."

After all, one more friend or collaborator is better than one more enemy.

Outside the cave.

"I don't know what king Mo wants to see me?" When Lu Zijia saw someone, he went straight to the subject and asked.

Xuanyuan Mo didn't think that Lu Zijia would be so direct. He was stunned, but he quickly responded and said, "Master Lu is still so straightforward. In this way, I won't beat around the bush."

Xuanyuan Morton paused, looked very complicated and said his purpose.

After hearing Xuanyuan Mo's words, Lu Zijia, the party concerned, didn't respond. The people in the martial arts academy immediately blew up first.

"Shit! How mean! Xuanyuan fan is the king of the Empire. It's shameful to use such indiscriminate means! "

"Said Master Lu was a demon monk? Thanks to him, I think Wang fan is confused! "

"I don't think he's confused, but he doesn't have a brain at all! If Master Lu is a devil, how can he be right with devil everywhere?

And why do those demons want to catch master Yizhe and threaten Master Lu? "

"No, then King fan will talk nonsense. He is deliberately framing Lu Daoyou! We can't let that little man succeed. "

Looking at the people who were filled with indignation for her, Lu Zijia actually wanted to say: there's really no need to be angry.

After all, after several rumors and public opinion, if there is any trouble again, people will be vigilant and will not easily become one of the chess pieces to be manipulated.

Of course, some people will willingly become a chess piece because of their own interests.

"Why did Lord Mo come to tell me this news? Because of the flying spirit? "

After Lu Zijia calmed the people in the martial arts academy with her eyes, she asked Xuanyuan Mo meaningfully.

Xuanyuan Mo did not deny it, "well, I can't watch Hongtian Empire lose such an amazing genius as you.

If Hongtian Empire loses you, it will be a great loss, and it will also be the loss of practitioners of Hongtian empire. "

Hearing the speech, Lu Zijia couldn't help looking up at Xuanyuan Mo for a few minutes. "Lord Mo is a righteous man, but your move today will inevitably make Lord fan unhappy?"

Xuanyuan Mo had to rely on Xuanyuan fan because his mother's family was a small family and could not give Xuanyuan Mo any help.