He was lucky to be a half step God. He didn't know what to break through without the help of the five element sword.

Entering the period of transforming God, it is a great realm, which needs to go through thunder robbery. If he can advance in a hundred years, he will laugh in his dreams.

"That's true. Even if you have good qualifications, it's impossible to break through to Huashen in a short time." Youming nodded.

While they were chatting, they were enjoying their world. Suddenly, a rosefinch's voice came from outside: "sister Youming, are you inside?"

Youming was startled and jumped up quickly to put on his clothes.

She looked at Ye Xiong and asked, "what are you doing? You're not getting dressed. You're dead when the rosefinch sees you."

"What a shame. We are two husband and wife. What do we do between husband and wife and when it's the turn of outsiders." Ye Xiong said lazily,

He was still lying in the quilt and didn't mean to get up at all.

"Get up." After Youming changed his clothes, he went to pull him.

"Why are you so stupid? Even if I change my clothes and go out to see rosefinch, she will doubt that I might as well stay in the bed room and don't go out. How does she know I'm here?" Ye Xiong smiled.

Youming thought about it and warned, "don't go out without my consent. If the rosefinch sees it, it's not over with you."

With that, she tidied up her skirt and felt that there was no problem. Then she walked out slowly.

Just after taking two steps, she suddenly found a little pain between her legs and walked unnaturally.

"This bastard has no pity for jade at all. He treats me like nothing." She could not help cursing.

Out of the room, through the small living room, the rosefinch stood at the door.

"Rosefinch, what can I do for you?" Youming asked.

"The fairy king has something urgent to find ah Xiong. I searched everywhere and couldn't find him, so ask, is he with you?" Asked the rosefinch.

"He... Is not here with me." Youming quickly denied it and said, "will he go out to work?"

"I communicated with his water mirror, but I couldn't get through."

"You go back and wait a minute. Maybe he will come back soon." Said the nether world.

The rosefinch looked at her face and suddenly found that there was a red mark on her neck. He understood at once and said, "well, I'll go out and wait for him. I hope he will come back soon. The fairy king is in a hurry to find him."

Then she went out.

Seeing that the rosefinch had been staring at her neck just now, Youming quickly put a mirror in front of her. When she saw the big kiss mark on her neck from the mirror, she was ashamed and almost ran away.

It's dead. It's really dead now.

The thought of being discovered by rosefinch drove her crazy.

Youming hurried into the room, picked up Ye Xiong on the bed and pointed to his neck: "look what this is, it's all your good deeds."

Ye Xiong looked at her neck and couldn't help laughing. Seeing the kiss, the fool knew what she had done.

"My fault, it's all my fault!"

Seeing that she was so angry, ye Xiong didn't dare to flirt with her again and apologized quickly.

Youming wanted to get angry. Seeing that he took the initiative to admit his mistake, he was embarrassed to scold him again.

"The fairy king came to you and said there was something urgent. Go out and meet him!" Youming's anger was still red.

Ye Xiong turned over and got up, put on his clothes and kissed her on the forehead. Then he went out of the room and left the mustard space.

As soon as he left the mustard space, he saw the rosefinch waiting for him outside, with strange eyes.

Ye Xiong knew what she meant in her eyes. He must be guessing what happened between himself and Youming.

Soon, the rosefinch thought nothing had happened and said, "the fairy king has something urgent to ask you to see him."

"Where are they?"

"Come with me."

Following the rosefinch, ye Xiong enters the mustard space of bailitu, and everyone in it has arrived.

Bailitu, Qin Huang, Luo Tong, Duan Canghai, Luo Kun, Yan Beishu are all here. It seems that they have been waiting for him for a long time.

"We are all acquaintances here, so we don't need to introduce. Today, I called you to have a meeting to discuss how to deal with the demon fairy king." When Qin Huang saw Ye Xiong coming, he stopped talking nonsense and came straight to the point.

"Ye Xiong, we have discussed for a while. You just came here. Tell me your opinion." Hundred mile road.

"I don't have any opinions now. Follow everyone." Ye Xiong said.

"After discussion, we agreed to join hands to attack the demon fairy king. What do you think?" Qin Huang asked.

Before he came, ye Xiong guessed that it would be such a result and nodded: "since everyone agrees, let's do it!"

Although the magic fairy king has artifact in hand, here are five people working together and five God turning friars. They are already the top power in this field. After working together, it is difficult to say who wins and who loses.

"Before we start, we have to deal with a character, a hundred miles of wind and cloud. What do you think?" Asked roton“ How to deal with it? Kill it? " Asked Ye Xiong“ If the five of us work together, we have a good chance of winning. However, if the hundred mile wind and cloud helps the demon fairy king, he can deal with at least one of us. In this way, our chances of winning will be less, so he must die. " Luo Kun said“ Have you considered persuading him to surrender? " After all, Bai Lifeng is Bai Xue's father. If ye Xiong kills him, it will certainly affect the relationship between him and Bai Xue“ It's not that I haven't considered it, but it's a little difficult. The man's character, dead temper and identified things will not change. "“ Ye Xiong, you have a good relationship with Bai Xue, or I'll leave it to you. How about it? " Asked bailituo. Ye Xiong thought for a moment and nodded: "well, I'll leave it to me, but I can't guarantee his obedience."“ Just try your best. If there's really no way, you can only kill them. " After the meeting, ye Xiong immediately set off for the canglan empire. After leaving, bailitu reminded him that he must avoid the demon fairy king. Now the demon fairy king is like a mad dog chasing him. Ye Xiong killed his left and right arms one after another, which greatly reduced the strength of the demon family. Now the demon fairy king wants to break him into pieces. Without his reminding, ye Xiong has always been careful not to go to the same place as the magic fairy Dynasty Canglan Empire, Imperial City, hundred mile home. Since the demon world invaded the fairy world, the demon fairy King took the imperial city of Daqin and the imperial city of canglan empire as the base camp of the demon family. As the protector General of canglan Empire, Baili family was also captured by the demon clan, but it was well preserved because of Baili Fengyun. After Baili Fengyun returned to the fairyland, he lived in his own home. It's just that the wind and cloud has never been at home. This novel has been translated by www.novelhall.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.