Until the end of the film, Xu Qing also failed.

Playing with small hands in the dark cinema, such a simple wish failed.

When the audience left, the headlights of the movie hall turned on again, and the little lovers in the corner naturally went out hand in hand.

"Let's go."

Xu Qing got up with the mineral water and half a bucket of popcorn. She took it home and ate two of them in her spare time, which was better than in the cinema.

I just don't know what Jiang He is thinking in his cerebellar pouch

Is the film too much of a shock for her?

No... although he felt a lot when he saw it for the first time, it was hard for Jiang He to have empathy.

"Do you... Do you like my hands?"

Jiang He, who had been silent, walked out of the cinema with him. He whispered when there was no one around him.


Xu Qing, who was just thinking about what she was thinking, was stunned for a moment. "It should be..."

It's not like he's holding hands, he just wants to hold hands

Do something else for fear of being beaten.

"Then take it for you." Jiang He took the bear and squeezed it for a moment. He summoned up the courage and stretched out his hand.

Xu Qing continued to force, but the action did not stop, tentatively pulled her hand.

What does that mean?

At the beginning, I let them walk, but I didn't let them touch me when I got to the cinema. Now I let them lead me

What happened?

Seeing Jiang He pursed her mouth and turned her head, Xu Qing felt that she had something to do. Maybe she had just experienced a complicated psychological struggle.

Sometimes the brain circuit of this girl is so strange that he can't guess what she is thinking.

In the late winter afternoon, after watching the movie, the two people strolled in the street. Next, they just strolled in the street without any goal.

"Did you see the movie just now?" Xu Qing thought for a long time and didn't ask her what she was tangled with - even if she didn't ask anything, she just jumped over it. Anyway, she didn't beat bear angrily.


Jiang He, who was watching him secretly, made an absent-minded voice and said, "good looking."

"What are you talking about?"

"Cure the sick and save the people, and finally get caught."


There seems to be nothing wrong.

Xu Qingli made up his mind and explained: "it's not that they were arrested for curing diseases and saving people. It's that they were arrested for selling fake medicines that can cure diseases..."

"Why is it fake medicine that can cure diseases?"

"It's too complicated to say. In a word, you just need to know that it's a fake medicine. That's not the point. The point is that we have more than one billion people here now... Do you know what a billion is? In the 16th year of Kaiyuan, there were only about 40-50 million people at that time, more than one billion of which was more than 30 times that of the Tang Dynasty

Xu Qing simply and rudely asked her to recognize this era again: "so you can see such a large number of people everywhere, as well as high-rise buildings, which also saves space... And it's far away. In short, there are so many people."

"It's very prosperous." Jiang He nodded.

"There is a saying that the world is so big that there are many strange things. We only live in this small place. There are many things we have never heard of, many people we have never heard of, and countless groups different from us. Maybe we can't touch them all our lives, and we won't know their existence, but they do live in every corner and in their own way, That's what life is all about. "

He slowed down and looked at Jiang He, "what do you think?"

"... I can't tell." Jiang He felt that there was something moving in his heart, but he couldn't grasp it.

"Vision determines the height of your mind. The more you see, the more your mind will change. Although you won't learn anything from movies, the truth is that this is the best way for you to improve at present."

Xu Qing looked up at the sun, and the sky was clear and transparent. "There is a joke like this. Several farmers sat on the ridge of the field and speculated about the emperor's life. Some people said that he ate white flour steamed bread every day and cultivated the land with a golden hoe... This is the difference in thinking and cognition, which is also called sitting in the well and watching the sky. If you don't understand many things, you will be one-sided, Limited in their own cognitive, but also easy to be cheated

"I feel cheated by you." Jiang He's stuffy way.

At the beginning, what was said was clear, what was said was a clear conscience?

"Well... You'll know whether I lied to you or not in the future." Xu Qing looks at Jiang He's head down and laughs, feeling inexplicably cute.

I picked up her hand and wanted to kiss it. In the middle of the action, I reacted again. I was afraid that my head would be flattened, and I put it down as if nothing had happened.

I really like it.

"I've been trying to find ways to help you improve your cognition and establish three modern outlooks, namely, world outlook, values and outlook on life.

Outlook on life is people's view of life, that is, the value and significance of living - for you before, it should be eating, clothing and warmth.

Values is to know all kinds of things, as well as the views and views of things, such as don't like waste, which is a great thing.

The world outlook is more complicated... Before, I just instilled my three outlooks into you, so that you can have a general foundation first, and then explore and develop on this basis. Kaiyuan's set can be thrown away... Now it seems quite smooth, and you have a strong ability to learn and accept. "

He said smoothly, but with a long sigh, "but it should be a long process to be complete. In this process, it's easy for me to cheat you."

"If you cheat, cheat." Jiang he bowed his head.

So far, at least, she hasn't been hurt. She's doing well.

It's better than not having enough food and clothing and wandering in the street with a sword. She doesn't even know how to go to the wild. She was still in the city after a long ride that day.

If you can keep cheating like this

She was suddenly stunned and shook her head. How could she have such an idea.

If you find that Xu Qing has any bad thoughts, you must leave immediately. Now you can trust him for a while... Er Niang should understand.

Jiang He was Xu Qing hand in hand secretly made a decision, should have vigilance or have.

Xu Qing was amused by her shaking her head, "what do you think?"

"I'm thinking about what you lied to me." Jiang He thought, "I have no money, and you don't accept the few pieces of silver..."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on her hands, her words stopped, and she turned her head to cover up her abnormality.

This is to experience life, by the way to observe his premeditation, looking for evidence of his misdemeanor. Er Niang will understand

"Silver is worthless. Take some gold and see if I want it." Xu Qing said casually, "back to what happened... Where are you? Oh yes, it's easy for me to cheat you, but there's a variable

"What variables?"

"About how I like you." Xu Qing took her hand tightly, "if I let you mistakenly think that you like me with my rich experience when you are at a loss and ignorant, it's no different from cheating, but I can't help but want to like you and be close to you, just like pulling a hand or something."

He looked at Jiang He's face and slowly stopped, "so I want to help you to know the world as soon as possible, to grow up quickly, to be able to distinguish between gratitude and emotion, and to have the ability to choose freely, so there will be no problem."


Jiang He opened his mouth and didn't know how to deal with it.

She likes to talk about it all the time. She's already a little immune, but she can't help sweating when she looks at Xu Qing's sincere eyes.

"But... It's still a long time. It's too slow for you to learn that."

Xu Qing pinched her hand and continued: "I want to cheat you occasionally, but you don't want to hit me, OK?"

"You... You..."

Jiang He has been suffocating for a long time.

What's the answer?