6:30 p.m.


Dinner time.

In the bedroom of Lin Yao and Fang Xiaole, the atmosphere was a little dull.

Because the program will only be recorded tomorrow, Fang Xiaole specially came home from work early today to have a warm dinner with his wife and mother-in-law, so as to resolve the embarrassment after the quarrel between Lin Yao and Hai Yao yesterday.

"Here comes the dish!"

Song Yan also cooked in person today. She cooked several Sichuan dishes and brought the last dish to the table. Seeing that Haiyao's mother and daughter didn't speak, she kicked Fang Xiaole under the table.

Fang Xiaole also saw Lin Yao's gentle mother and daughter angry for the first time. When she looked carefully, the small one sat on the bed with her mouth, the large one sat at the table with her mouth tilted, and the mother and daughter were both childish.

He couldn't help laughing.

The mother and daughter looked up at him together, showing incredible expressions, especially Lin Yao. Her soft and weak eyes blinked and blinked, looking very bent.

"Cough, well, I'm either laughing at you two or there's a happy event on the stage today."

Fang Xiaole coughed and laughed.

"What happy event?"

Haiyao stared at him with big eyes. If you can't say it, it won't be over.

Fang Xiaole swallowed his saliva and quickly piled up a sincere smile on his face:

"Today, director Li and director Chen talked to me and said that director Chen would be promoted to deputy director, and Sister Li would replace him as director of the program department."

"Sister Li is going to be promoted? It's really a happy event! "

Lin Yao's happy tunnel.

Li Guan has helped Fang Xiaole a lot. Lin Yao always remembers that she is happy for Li Guan to be the director.

Haiyao bowed her head and mixed vegetables without talking.


Fang Xiaole then said, "after Sister Li was promoted to director, the position of deputy director was empty. The stage said, let me sit."


Song Yan was immediately excited: "son, you mean you're going to be an official?"

Haiyao also looked up at Fang Xiaole with joy on her face.

They don't know much about the entertainment industry, but they have an obsession with being a leader. They were immediately surprised to hear that their son-in-law was going to be an official. It's like Xiaole being a star on TV.

"Xiao Le, you eat more."

Haiyao's face also looked better. She immediately brought food to Fang Xiaole. When she saw her daughter nearby, she also took a chopstick to Lin Yao.

"Mom, are you not angry?"

Lin Yao was happy and asked with a smile.

"Hum! Next time you partner with your sister to cheat me, I can't spare you! "

Haiyao snorted, but her face was still smiling.

"Hey, hey, don't dare."

Lin Yao spits out her tongue and gives Fang Xiaole a piece of meat. In a soft voice:

"Husband, congratulations."

For a time, the originally dull atmosphere became happy again.


"Husband, my mother is not so happy because you have become a leader. She just cares about you."

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, the couple were lying in bed. Lin Yao suddenly said to Xiao le.

"I understand, silly girl."

Fang Xiaole knew that Lin Yao was worried that he thought her mother was snobbish, so she specially explained to him.

"My mother-in-law is happy because the better my career is, the more security you can have in your future life. However, my mother-in-law really wants more. My wife is a diva. Maybe I'll have to eat your soft rice when you come back after giving birth."

"Husband, you said..."

Lin Yao whispered, "is there anyone else willing to listen to me when I go back after giving birth?"

"You have so many fans? Are you still worried about this? " Fang Xiaole lost his smile.

"No, there are so many new people in the singing world. In one year, many people can forget me."

"Do you regret it?" Fang Xiaole asked.

"No regrets." Lin Yao said without hesitation.

They met and smiled.

Female artists can never get around the problem of getting married and having children, especially popular stars like Lin Yao chose to get married and have children at the peak of her career.

This is actually a great sacrifice for her, but it also shows Lin Yao's feelings for Xiaole.

"Wife, thank you."

Fang Xiaole gently stroked Lin Yao's belly and said softly.

After ten weeks of pregnancy, her stomach had no obvious bulge, but when Fang Xiaole gently touched the soft belly, she seemed to feel the breath of life contained in it and the feeling of blood connection.

"Husband, do you think what's in my stomach is a dragon and Phoenix fetus?"

Lin Yao leaned on Fang Xiaole's shoulder and asked softly.

"It doesn't matter. We're lucky enough. Let the rest go."

"Well... Yes!"

Lin Yao suddenly sat up, took out her mobile phone and entered the microblog.

"What's the matter?"

Fang Xiaole asked.

"Our TV series will be broadcast the day after tomorrow, and I, the landlady, should do my part."

Lin Yao logs in to her microblog account and smiles.

Today is Sunday. The day after tomorrow, that is, next Tuesday, "Chang'an 12:00" will be broadcast.

At the same time, it also announced that the summer battlefield of TV dramas would begin.

This is the first and crucial step for aiyao studio to enter the TV drama market.

Lin Yao knows that for her husband, the success or failure of the play is more important than his becoming the deputy director of the program department of Apple station.

Therefore, as the landlady, she also wants to contribute.

However, Fang Xiaole took her cell phone.


Lin Yao looked at him puzzled.

"It's agreed to keep the baby at ease. Don't worry about these trivial things. For me, you and children are the most important."

Fang Xiaole said seriously.


What else does Lin Yao want to say, but seeing her husband's eyes, she has to be obedient.

"Husband, that..."

After lying down for a while, Lin Yao twisted her body and retracted into Fang Xiaole's arms. Her cheeks suddenly turned a little red and her voice became very light. It seemed that she was afraid of being heard by the two mothers in the living room.

"I'm pregnant. You, you can't that. Will you feel bad?"

In surprise, Fang Xiaole looked down at Lin Yao hiding in his arms. The girl's ears were red. He said helplessly:

"Who told you this?"

Lin Yao said in a small voice, "don't be angry, husband. It's sister Tang Wan. She said that men can't do that when their wife is pregnant. Some men can't help going out to find other women. Sister Tang Wan said that many women like you outside. She asked me to keep a closer eye on you..."

"Tang Wan? It seems that she doesn't think my program is exciting enough. "

Fang Xiaole smiled..

"Husband, don't say what I mean."

Lin Yao saw her husband's expression and knew that Tang Wan was going to be bad. She quickly begged Fang Xiaole to keep it a secret.

"I can keep it a secret. You have to compensate me now."

Fang Xiaole's "vicious" tunnel.

"Ah? But how can I compensate you? " Lin Yao weak tunnel.

"You've become more and more disobedient recently. I'm going to spank!"

"Oh, my husband, no, I'm wrong!"





Two days later, Tuesday.

At eight in the evening.

The summer season of TV series began.