"Brother, you are still a cow. It's too coquettish to hold the goddess to make fans!"

"Brother Hong, I just want to make a joke with them. I also know that they believe that I am innocent."

After Fang Xiaole sent out those two microblogs, Lin Yao's fans recognized them one after another. This operation also stunned many onlookers.

In fact, many of them also know that Fang Xiaole can't have anything with Li Linghua, but they are also happy to watch the excitement there.

There are many fans and passers-by who "covet" Lin Yao. Why not in the entertainment circle?

It's just that Lin Yao has always loved herself and never had redundant contacts with any male artists. From beginning to end, she chased Fang Xiaole, got married and got pregnant, and didn't give anyone else any chance.

Fang Xiaole, a lucky guy, has naturally become the object of envy and hatred of many people.

Now that he has been scolded, these people are still very comfortable.

You deserve it. Who let you marry the most beautiful and gentle woman in our entertainment industry?

Isn't it natural to marry the goddess on your knees?

But who would have thought that Fang Xiaole didn't even want to kneel and directly sent a microblog to threaten fans.

The most irritating thing is that Lin Yao's fans still eat this set.

These people quickly confessed and apologized to Fang Xiaole.

This wave of operation was true and a little coquettish. Hong Sanshi, an old cadre, was stunned. He immediately called Fang Xiaole.

"A fart joke? Are you not afraid of being swallowed by Lin Yao's fans? "

"In fact, Lin Yao's fans are very gentle people. They are just blinded by unrealistic fantasy and jealousy. I just put the cruel reality in front of them to wake them up."

"My Gan! Brother, you are becoming more and more coquettish! "

Hong Sanshi was really convinced. Unexpectedly, the honest and dull smelly brother became so coquettish after he got married.

But he still couldn't figure it out: "how did you persuade your sister-in-law to cooperate with you?"

Fang Xiaole said, "don't convince me. She always listens to me. Isn't brother Hong like this in your family?"

"..." Hong Sanshi laughed:

"That's right. Your sister-in-law usually listens to me most. Don't say it. Your sister-in-law has burned me foot washing water. I've washed my feet. Bye!"

"Wow, brother Hong, you are still awesome! Admire! "

"Hey, hey, it's a little fun. Otherwise, I'm brother. I'll hang up."

Hong Sanshi hung up the phone calmly, turned his head and looked at Zhao Yue sitting aside with a smile. He calmly stood up and walked into the kitchen,

He quickly burned the foot washing water, poured it into the foot washing basin, poured cold water, homogenized the temperature, quickly took it out and put it at Zhao Yue's feet, looked up and said with a flattering smile:

"Wife, wash your feet."



In Longfeng garden, Fang Xiaole couldn't help laughing:

"Brother Hong is bragging again. He could not hang up the phone and immediately brought foot washing water to sister Zhao."

"Husband, don't say that about brother Hong. Maybe sister Zhao Yue is really good to brother Hong at home?"

Lin Yao said.

"That's how you trust people."

Fang Xiaole smiled and asked:

"Are your shoulders still sour?"

Lin Yao shook her head skillfully: "no more acid, thank you, husband."

"Well, that's good. I'll press your legs next time. You worked hard just now."

Fang Xiaole sat at the end of the bed and gently massaged Lin Yao's legs.

In order to protect the fetus, Lin Yao didn't step out of the door during this period. She had been lying in bed all the time. Lack of exercise led to poor blood flow in her feet. Usually song Yan and Hai Yao gave Lin Yao a massage.

Just now, Fang Xiaole asked Lin Yao to cooperate with him. In fact, he was scaring Lin Yao's fans. Where was he willing to really let his pregnant wife massage him.

Now after the shooting, Lin Fen was tamed by him. In order to express his gratitude, he took the initiative to massage his wife.

As for the panic you hold, let your wife satisfy yourself in other ways?

Don't I feel my wife's softness when I massage?

Fang Xiaole thought and unconsciously pressed his hand on his thigh.

"Old man, husband, how itchy."

Lin Yao's little voice tunnel.

"Ah, sorry, I'm used to it."

Fang Xiaole coughed and quickly moved his hand down a little.

The temperature in the bedroom seems to be getting a little higher.

Lin Yao asked softly, "husband, if you really, um, hold it hard, then, then you..."

"Just what?" Fang Xiaole asked immediately.

"Just exercise more." Lin Yao is very serious and said, "I see a gym opposite the community. Why don't you get a card and go to fitness every night? In this way, you can not only vent your excess energy, but also strengthen your body."

Fang Xiaole looked at Lin Yao in disbelief: "I'm so happy. You've changed your wife."

"How can they? Husband, if you don't want to go to the gym, what do you want to do? "

Lin Yao's bright chest... Oh no, bright big eyes blinked and blinked, staring at Fang Xiaole tightly.

Fang Xiaole looked at Lin Yao, who tightened her lips. "So, wife, are you still jealous?"

"No!" The plump and charming pregnant woman's head shook like a rattle, and her chest also looked like turbulent waves.

"You cooperate with me to shoot, in addition to trying to interact with your fans in this way, you also want Li Linghua to see and let her not have any thoughts that she shouldn't have, right?"

Fang Xiaole asked.

"I, I, sorry, husband, I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't control myself."

Lin Yao thought Fang Xiaole was angry and quickly explained that Shui Yingying's eyes were poor, weak and helpless.

"Still loaded!"

Fang Xiaole tried to tickle her, and Lin Yao begged for mercy:

"Husband, I'm sorry, I don't dare. Cluck, it's itchy. I'm wrong!"

After subduing his increasingly naughty wife, Fang Xiaole also lay in bed. She hugged Lin Yao who got into her arms and said with a smile:

"Wife, you probably don't know? There are many beautiful women in the gym. Once people like me go in, they will definitely rush to be my private teacher. "

"Ah? Then you must not go to the gym! "

"But how can I vent my excess energy?"

"I, I..."

"Don't tease you, wife. You're going to the first birth inspection the day after tomorrow. Are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous, just a little afraid."

"You're worried. I'll go with you then. It'll be fine."




Two days later, Tuesday.

Today is the day when Lin Yao is pregnant for 12 weeks. It is also the day when Lin Yao's fetus is declared stable and can finally get rid of her "prison career".

Of course, for expectant and nervous pregnant women, today is also the first day to face maternity inspection.

"Hoo, not nervous, not nervous, I call not nervous."

In Jiangrong maternal and child health care hospital, the beautiful and plump pregnant woman took a deep breath and walked into the terrible birth inspection center accompanied by Fang Xiaole.