The meaning of the way of heaven, after all, is still unable to sit, showing its tusks.

With the help of heaven's power, the four clans of puppet emperors stepped into the realm of real emperors. Now, they are reduced to puppets controlled by heaven and thugs of heaven's will.

Luo Hong was not surprised at all.

Just like the real emperors of the five ethnic groups in ancient times, they became puppets of the way of heaven and fought fiercely with the emperor of man and the stars outside the three realms for 100000 years.

Finally, it was the early master who broke the gap at the cost of falling. The emperor, at the cost of burning his life, killed all of them outside the starry sky, isolating the three worlds from the crisis of extinction.

Otherwise, according to the plan of the way of heaven, the five real emperors are bound to set foot in the three realms. The heaven may not be too dangerous, but the human world will be slaughtered and in danger of extinction.

Therefore, when he learned that the puppet emperors of the four ethnic groups, through the power of the heavenly way, had stepped into the realm of the real emperor, Luo Hong guessed that the so-called family of heavenly relatives was actually just a ridiculous puppet of the heavenly way.

Hum, hum

The eyes of the real emperor of the four ethnic groups were completely turned into bright white, without emotion fluctuation. The Qi on his body was also rising. A terrible oppression made Luo Hong feel a bit stagnant.

Luo Hong's four caves and heaven are united perfectly. In the realm of the puppet emperor, he can fight against the real emperor of the four tribes. However, it's a little difficult for the puppet real emperor who is controlled by the way of heaven at the moment.

At this moment, the four real emperors completely broke the shackles of the real emperor and set foot in the field of the real emperor.

He was blessed with the power of heaven.

"Mortals It's time to kill. "

The eyes of the real emperor of the four nationalities of gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas seem to be flowing with white light.

Keep an eye on Luo Hong and kill him.

It's a killing opportunity released by the way of heaven.

When the power of the way of heaven spread to the real emperor of the four tribes, it was another battlefield in the world of heaven.

The Mother God of life, who is entangled with the rules of heaven, suddenly raises her head, and her beautiful face is very serious.

Because the way of heaven disperses the power, the Mother God of life feels that the pressure has slowed down a lot.

A shrill scream, the sound burst open the sky, constantly bombarding the four directions.

At the next moment, the chain of rules falling from the yingbai shadow is breaking one after another, broken by the Mother God of life.

In a short time, half of the shackles were broken, and the ban of heaven's will on the Mother God of life became weaker and weaker.

This is also Luo Hong's goal.

It's unwise to fight against the meaning of heaven's way directly, but Luo Hong can distract his attention from the meaning of heaven's way.

In order to suppress the Mother God of life, the way of heaven must disperse its power. After all, the Mother God of life is not a weak one, but a top real emperor in ancient times, and the strongest of the three realms.

Such existence, even if it is a day, also dare not easily ignore.

As a result, Luo Hong's crazy fight against the real emperor of the four nationalities is to defeat them strongly. If heaven's will does not disperse forces to support, Luo Hong will completely wipe out the real emperor of the four nationalities.

After all, the four real emperors are the puppets of heaven's will, not willing to give up easily.


The anomaly of the Mother God of life also makes the meaning of heaven fluctuate.

Under their control, the real emperor of the four tribes sent out a cold killing.

Just a moment, as if into the space and time in general, in the long river of time and space rapid burst out.

It's faster than time.

Luo Hong only felt his hair standing up, then he felt that the real emperors of the four nationalities were separated from him. They were all wrapped up in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. Moreover, the weapons in the hands of the real emperors of the four nationalities were shining with the power of heaven. Suddenly, they waved and chopped down at Luo Hong.

In a flash, Luo Hong turned into a fat fish pressed on the chopping board, which was hard to escape.

The huge death crisis and pressure made Luo Hong feel extremely sentimental.

How strong!

This is the real strength of the real emperor!

It's totally different from the four real emperors who broke through half a bucket of water.

Luo Hong's scalp is numb.

In the distance, the face of the No.1 evil god who was watching also changed.

At the next moment, the snail shell envelops Luo Hong!


Loud explosion!

The idea of the way of heaven controlled the attack of the real emperor of the four clans, and fell on the snail shell of the No.1 evil god. Just in an instant, the snail shell was covered with fine cracks.

No.1 evil god, the shell of swallow cochlea will burst.

However, if we want to crack, we have resisted the attack.

Luo Hong is safe in the snail shell.

In the snail shell, the plump figure of No. 1 evil god emerged, and his face was extremely serious.

"Xiao Luo Are you really going to fall out with the sky at this time? "Evil one thinks it's too early.

The meaning of the three realms of heaven is absolutely very strong.

Being able to suppress so many strong people and allow the most powerful beings, such as evil spirits and mother gods of life, to be confined in the forbidden area for endless years, naturally shows the power of the way of heaven.

But now, Luo Hong plans to fall out with the idea of heaven, so he may not win.

There are too many variables.

After all, if the meaning of the way of heaven really pulls out all the strength to suppress Luo Hong, Luo Hong will not be able to bear it.

They will also be banned like many evil gods.

Luo Hong's silver hair is flying, and the eyes under the mask of the evil king are full of brilliance.

This time, I really felt the power of the real emperor. I also felt some emotion in my heart. The emperor is really strong. He can compete with the real emperor of five nationalities controlled by the will of heaven in the starry sky for 100000 years. This strength is absolutely the best in the imperial realm.

No wonder the emperor can be praised by No.0, calling him a rare talent in these years.

Take a breath.

But it's not a big problem.

Since the meaning of heaven's law does not talk about martial virtues, he Luo Hong There's no need to talk about martial arts.

Luo Hong's mind moved.

Suddenly, the picture in front of me began to change.

His will, in an instant, seemed to come to the dark zone.

The sea of darkness is calm.

Ten evil god pagodas stand quietly in the dark sea, each of which emits a strange black light.

The breeze is blowing slowly, rippling the starting point of the sea.

Luo Hong's will appeared on the sea.

White hair, white robes.

Carry on your back.

Step by step, he walked slowly towards the zero evil god tower.

Soon, the door of tower zero opened automatically.

Luo Hong raised his hand and aimed his palm at the open door. In the door, it seemed that there was a great pulling force from it.

"Come on."

Luo Hong light way.

Let him feel what real power is.


All of a sudden, the whole dark sea was surging.

In the No.0 evil god tower, a "Xiao Luo Hong" sitting cross legged flew out, with countless miraculous lights.

When the villain flying out of the evil god tower suddenly opened his eyes, for a moment, Luo Hong only felt a kind of spiritual transformation.

Shenge immediately wrapped Luo Hong's will, turned into a streamer, tearing the dark forbidden area.

Over the sky, there was a moment of turbulence.

The colorful rays rolled by.

There is a sense of chaos in the ups and downs, as if the meaning of the way of heaven to tear down the white light.

It's like falling from the sky, falling from nine days, into Luo Hong's body, which is shrouded by the snail shell of No.1 evil god.

Diffuse into Luohong's eyebrows, diffuse into Luohong's will sea.


With a slight shock, the power of millions of evil shadows on Luo Hong's body dispersed.

And Luo Hong's eyebrows, a drop of crystal in the continuous gathering shape.

At the next moment, Luo Hong's Qi began to soar and become stronger and stronger.

Chubby No.1 evil god, with high spirits in his eyes, stared at Luo Hong. He was surprised.

Luo Hong opened his eyes. His white hair, white clothes and the mask of the evil king were shaken away. Luo Hong held out two fingers.

Chaos in the left eye and stars in the right eye.

The white dress is graceful, the hand pinches the mask, lightly rubs.

At this moment, Luo Hong seems to have undergone earth shaking changes.

It's a combination of Godhead and zero.

Luo Hong felt his strength soared to an unimaginable level.

According to the words of zero, this is the so-called "becoming God".

As a matter of fact, Luo Hong didn't want to accept the power of zero so early. Zero also suggested that, because once he accepted the power, he would be standing on the opposite side of the meaning of heaven.

The next one was even zero.

But now Luo Hong has no choice.

Moreover, Luo Hong has a bolder idea.

Luo Hong's spirit, Qi and spirit have changed greatly.

Luo Hong, dressed in white, stepped out in one step. His back was shining, and his snail shell faded.

The eyes of the real emperor of the four ethnic groups were white, and he was staring at Luo Hong, which made the killing more intense.

"Chaos, sin."

"The power that should not appear in the world."

The intermittent voice of words came from the mouth of the real emperor of the four nationalities.

All of a sudden.

The real emperor of the four clans made another move.

The speed is so fast that it seems to blend into the long river of time.

This move, before Luo Hong, even with millions of evil shadow on his own body, is still unable to resist.However, Luo Hong can clearly see the actions of the real emperor of the four ethnic groups.

Luo Hong stepped down.

It's like a meteor falling.

Hard step into the long river of time and space, the long river instantly burst open, blow out a huge hole, the mighty ripples swept in all directions, rolling endlessly, mighty.

Ripple swept, the real emperor of the four ethnic groups was immediately flying, smashed into the river of time and space.

Luo Hong holds the mask of the evil king in his hand and rubs it gently.

Raise your hand.

Five fingers are like hooks, fingers are like swords.

In an instant, the river of time and space roared endlessly, and it turned out to be a huge hand.

Grab it with your palms facing the sky, to the real emperor of the four tribes!

The real emperor of the four ethnic groups burst out a strong force of heaven, hitting the palm.

At that moment, even fighting in the long river of time and space, it seems that the three realms also felt this extremely terrible fluctuation.

Countless strong people look startled, feel a shake in the heart, for the control of energy, have become very unfamiliar.

And over the sky.

The white face, suddenly a coagulation, slowly turned, seems to look to the direction of time and space.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

The mother of life is LiXiao.

At this moment, the long river of life scattered in the sky begins to shrink and gather rapidly.

Turned into a drop of water.

The Mother God of life is conceived in this drop of water, which is like an egg and chaos.

The Mother God of life is also a strong one born in chaos.

At this moment, it seems to return to the beginning, sensing the power of chaos.

The next moment, a drop of water, holding the long legs of the Mother God of life opened his eyes.

It's like a new life.

The chains around her body began to break one after another.

Heaven's intention to suppress her, at this moment, completely collapse failure!

The white palm of the Mother God of life holds a drop of water in her heart.

That's the origin of life.

That's the power of the mother of life.

It also belongs to her divine personality.


The Mother God of life coldly stares at the white face above the sky, as if silently issued a declaration of challenge.



There is a voice of endless majesty descending from nine days.

The three worlds are in turmoil, and countless creatures are in fear.

That is the will of the three realms, the will of countless creatures.

The white face, the face appeared angry, angry color.

Luo Hong, mother of life, zero, emperor of man

All the creatures who break free from their control are those who are extremely rebellious and unforgivable.

The three realms should respect heaven!

At this moment, the battlefield of heaven is also in turmoil.

When the Mother God of life is unsealed, it will naturally affect the war situation.

The face of the strong among the Allied forces of all ethnic groups in heaven has changed greatly.

Although Luo Hong took away a lot of evil shadows, because of the eight evil spirits, they were the top eight heavenly kings. As a result, the alliance of heaven lost its advantage in a moment, and even fell into a disadvantage in high-end combat power.


Everyone in the fighting raised their heads.

Look at the sky.

Because, they found, the sky cracked!

The huge space cracks lie across the sky, and after the cracks, there is a long river of time and space, which is surging and overflowing.

Luo Hongwei was the only one who suppressed the real emperor of the four ethnic groups in the long river of time and space.

Luo Hong walked on foot in the long river of time and space, and between his fingers, the emperor was blown to pieces.

The emperor was pressed into the river.

At this moment, the real emperor, who was controlled by the meaning of heaven, was crushed by Luo Hong.

"The scattered power It's not enough. "

Luo Hong smiles.

If heaven's will is to do everything for him, Luo Hong will not be able to resist.

After all, even zero was suppressed.

But now the meaning of heaven and the will of the other side of the starry sky, as well as the war between heaven and the devil for so many years, has already lived up to the strength of that year.

Even, we need to cleanse the three realms to gain enough soul power and strengthen the strength of the will.

Therefore, this is Luo Hong's strength.

The Mother God of life completely broke free from the bondage of heaven.

And then, the meaning of heaven does not have much power to suppress the Mother God of life.

The real emperors of the four ethnic groups once again molded their bodies from the long river of time and space. Their white eyes were merciless and cold. They were like emotionless killing machines.

To be a puppet of the way of heaven is pitiful and ridiculous.

Luo Hong smiles gently.

Raise your hand.Hold the palm of your hand.

All of a sudden, behind the four puppets of heaven, black crooked evil shadows suddenly appeared.

Countless evil shadows turned into chains and entangled the bodies of the four puppets.

Shazhu was suspended in front of Luo Hong. With the sound of hum, it was clear and resounding, and then turned into a slender three foot Shazhu sword.

Luo Hong holds the mask of the evil king in one hand and knocks his fingers in the other.

Kowtow under the finger, the moment snap.

To the hell!

Great power sword!


All of a sudden, on the long river of time and space, only a mighty ghost appeared.

Yiluohong now combines the power of the divine and breaks out this move. The long river of time and space is cut off!

The real emperor of the four clans raised his head and his face was at a loss.

The next moment, they were swallowed by ghosts.

Luo Hong ignored the result, turned around, stepped out in white, and returned to the battlefield of heaven.

Now Luo Hong's return, the whole heaven is in turmoil!

The result of Luo Hong's suppression of the real emperor of the four ethnic groups has already shocked the whole heaven, and the alliance of heaven has been completely stunned.

And the Terran side was also shocked.

"Emperor Luo is invincible!"

The strongmen in the Terran army, bathed in blood, were suppressed.

This is equivalent to the war between the two armies and the suppression of the commander in chief in the course of the battle.

Such a situation, naturally, is incomparably inspiring the morale of the army!

In the face of the tsunami of the Terran strong cheers.

Luo Hong just laughed.

Raise your hand.

At the next moment, evil shadows emerge behind every strong human.

"General Chen, open the door of heaven and earth."

Luo Hong negative hand, scan all over the blood of Chen Tianxuan.

When Chen Tianxuan saw this, he bowed his hands and bowed himself: "minister, obey the order!"

After that, Chen Tianxuan let out a sharp roar, and the Dijiao sword was raised, just like the beginning of the sky.

The closed door of heaven and earth suddenly opens!

Luo Hongfu's hand.

The evil shadow shot out in an instant, grabbing a human monk and escaping into the gate of heaven.

Then the sky was cleared.

All that is left of heaven and earth is the Allied forces of all nationalities in heaven.

And the top man in the Terran.

The master, the emperor of Zhou, the empress of Chu, Luo Hou, Luo Kuang, Luo Xiaobei, Wu Qinghua and others were suspended in silence.

What is the purpose of Luo Hong's return to the world?

They don't know, but they can guess that Luo Hong must have a big hand.

And this big hand is absolutely shaking the three realms!

Holding the origin of life in the palm of her hand, the Mother God of life walks on the heaven. When she steps out, she appears beside Luo Hong.

"You said that you would only help create reincarnation..."

The Mother God of life looked at Luo Hong and said.

Luo Hong ordered a little and said with a smile: "don't worry, I won't cheat you."

Words fall.

Luo Hongzhi held out his hand like a flower.

He grasped the source of life in the palm of the Mother God of life.

The next moment, the origin of life blooms like a flower, the flower Just like the flower on the other side of the yellow spring in the prototype of reincarnation created by Luo Hong.

"To create reincarnation, the first thing we need is enough dead souls. The dead souls of the dead creatures in the three realms are all wandering, absorbed by the meaning of the way of heaven and turned into the power of the way of heaven. Today What we need to do to create reincarnation is to grab enough souls to make reincarnation work. "

Luo Hong looked at the blooming flowers in his hands and gave a brilliant smile.

The whispering words make the Mother God of life dreamy.

The next moment, Luo Hong left the flower.

The flowers of the origin of life fall from the nine days and sway.

Finally, it blooms on the earth.


the essence of life spewed out and turned into a pond, a clear spring, a lake, a big river, and a vast sea.

is instantly swallowed up and covered by the essence of life.

Every piece of land, every inch of mountains and rivers are engulfed and diffused.

The strong of the Alliance forces in heaven are extremely frightened, and the king of the four tribes in heaven is extremely crazy.

This is Luo Hong Crazy!

Is he going to enforce the law on behalf of heaven and purge heaven?

And Luo Hong is suspended in the void.

Gaze, smile.

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