Chapter 2473

"This is our vice president Huo and a very authoritative doctor." Introduced by the little nurse.

It's said that it's the vice president, but the old lady's face has eased a little.

"Since it's the vice president, please arrange my daughter-in-law to enter the delivery room as soon as possible Give birth to my grandson. " The old lady ordered.

Huo Mian ignored the old lady and went directly to the hospital bed to have a look at the maternity.

The woman's face was pale and sweaty. She didn't seem to have a clear mind. It was estimated that the pain was too severe.

Huo Mian reached out and touched her forehead. Fortunately, there was no fever.

Looking at heart rate and blood pressure, I found that they have started to go up.

"Are you ok?" Huo Mian asked softly, holding the woman's hand.

The puerpera slowly opened his eyes, looked at Huo Mian, then reluctantly nodded, as if he could not speak with pain.

"You don't have to talk. Listen to me Your present situation is very dangerous. We have checked you and found that the position of the fetus has been deviated. In addition, the color Doppler ultrasound shows that the fetus is obviously too big. If you insist on a smooth birth, your life will be in danger. Not only you, but also the baby may be suffocated in the process of birth So we plan to have a caesarean operation for you immediately, but your family members won't sign, so I plan to ask you, can you press the fingerprint yourself, as long as you agree, we will do it immediately. If you still insist on a smooth birth, you will bear any consequences in a short time, and it will be too late to regret. I will give you a minute to think about it. If you want to, you can nod your head if you agree. "

The mother-in-law exploded before she could speak.

"What do you want? We all said, no operation, you doctors, blackheart hospital, want to pit our money, we all know It's only a few thousand cases of spontaneous delivery and tens of thousands of cases of caesarean section. You've been cheated. A bad doctor, don't touch my daughter-in-law. We're going to have a spontaneous delivery. "

"In her present condition, if it is not in accordance with the normal birth, she will be in danger of life." Explanation of Huo Mian.

"If you don't scare people, you will say that you are not skilled enough. If you dare not, we will immediately transfer to the first hospital. You doctors, who are not good at their own skills, want to cheat us. It's really immoral."

"In the current situation, if the hospital is transferred, adults and children are in danger." Hermione continued.

"I don't believe you, son. You call a taxi. Let's go." The old lady was so angry that she turned to look at her son standing behind her.

The man is more than 1.8 meters tall, but he looks submissive and has no idea. Everything depends on his mother. At first sight, he is a typical Ma Bao.

Huo Mian didn't care about them either. He approached the woman again. "Do you think about it? You must make a choice for the safety of you and your baby, or your mother-in-law will transfer you to another hospital. If you have an accident in the middle of the way, the gods can't save you. Don't let your ignorance delay an innocent life. "

Maybe it was Huo Mian's words that made the woman waver. Finally, she nodded her head.

"Did you agree to the operation?" Huo Mian asked.

The woman nodded again.

"Xiaolin, go to get the operation risk certificate. I'll ask the maternity to sign it."

"Yes, vice president."

"Dare you? If you operate on us, I will tell you that your hospital is closed and ruined. I will tell you... " The foolish old lady stopped the little nurse from letting her get the risk book.

"Xiao Rong, please inform director Zhao of their preparation for the operation. I will send the puerpera to the operating room now."

"Yes, vice president."

"Why are you still standing? Come here and stop this woman..." The old lady was also in a hurry, shouting at her son behind her.

That man just like waking up in a dream, a few steps come over, a stop Huo Mian, don't let her move.

"You're going to kill your wife and children, you know?" Asked Hermione in a cold voice.