Chapter 3469

As soon as I heard that the boss knew him, Lu Yan's men put down their pistols.

Xiao'an slowly came out of the dark.

His eyes at Lu Yan are extremely complicated.


"I know you've been following me."

"Then why didn't you tear me down?" Xiao an's head is bowed, and she is a little guilty.

"There's something you can see."

"Then Are you going to kill people? " Xiao'an felt that he saw the whole killing process of Lu Yan.

Does it mean that Lu Yan will deal with himself when he is in danger?

"If you think more about it, I'll kill people as casually and simply as you eat, so I won't be afraid of you saying it and killing them First, even if you call the police, the police here can't catch me. I'm a third-party citizen. Second, there's no police to catch me, even if you're special forces. "

Lu Yan's words seem to be a little boastful. The girl in her early twenties actually uttered wild words.

"You Why kill? " Xiao'an has been holding on for a long time. He wanted to ask about Lu Yan's identity.

"Because this is my career. I want to earn money to eat and live."

"Are you a killer?" Xiao'an seems to have guessed Lu Yan's career.

"Killer? No, it's not that low. " Lu Yan shook his head and smiled.

"Let's go out first."

Lu Yan looks at his men.


Several of the men, dragging the dead body, went out.

Let xiao'an and Lu Yan have a convenient speaking space.

"Lu Yan, what is your identity?"

Seeing that everyone else has gone, xiao'an simply doesn't beat around the bush.

"Xiao'an, do you know the mercenaries?"

"Mercenaries?" Xiao'an's heart gave a beat and nodded.

"I know, I've heard about some mercenary legends in the army before."

"Do you know the best in mercenary?"

Xiao'an hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "it is said that the strongest mercenary is the second young lady. Five years ago, it was said that the second young lady, just after graduating from West Point and entering this circle, swept the predecessors in the mercenary world, reorganized the rest of Sansha and set up a new mercenary regiment."

"Well, I know a lot." Lu Yan smiled.

"I used to study these things in the army, and I especially like people with good skills, especially close combat. It's said that the second young lady, who is the king of mercenaries, fought against the heroes at West Point."

When xiao'an talks about her idol, her eyes are sparkling, even he doesn't realize it.

"Then you know What is the real name of miss two? " Lu Yan looked at him and said quietly.

Xiao'an didn't answer, but there seems to be an answer in her heart

"Then Let me tell you today The second Miss also has a name - Lu Yan. "

She finished word by word, then patted xiao'an on the shoulder and turned away.

Xiao'an is totally in the same spot, just like a fool

It seems that this amount of information can't be digested

There was only one thought left in his mind, that was to repeat the sentence.

Second miss is Luyan - second miss is Luyan.

After Lu Yan came out, his men came quickly.

"Eldest brother, the body has been melted by chemical liquid, there is no trace But is this guy really credible? Does the emperor really dare to fight with us? "

"It's not impossible. His last expression should not be a lie. You should check the IP address of the account that gave him the money and trace it."


Lu Yan turned to the other and said, "you go to find someone to pretend to be this guy, say you want to deliver the goods, ask them to meet at the wharf, and don't leave a living after meeting people."

"Yes, boss."

At this time, someone suddenly asked, "boss, is that guy inside going to kill? Is he Too much to know? "