Chapter 426

Name:My Zombie Wife Author:mao ding
I stepped back several steps, wiped the blood from the corners of my mouth and prepared to exit the same way. With my current ability, I can't move the Pangu flag. I think they can't move when they come out.

The golden light curtain was closed. I had to open the golden light curtain again before I stepped out. Jiang Nu greeted me with a worried face and put her hand in my arms.

Since I did that thing with Han, although I didn't do it seriously, but looking back on that feeling, I always feel strange. I won't think about it when I see others, but as long as I see Jiang NV, the strange feeling will become stronger.

Now I smell the fragrance of Jiang Nu, and the caterpillar changes at once. Subconsciously, it retreats half a step.

Jiang NV didn't notice these details. She came and took my hand and said: Tong Tong, we've all come in for a month. I'm afraid there's a change outside. We can't delay.

I heard that I had come in for a month, and I didn't have anything else to think about. I hurried with Jiang Nu towards the exit. Congenital Linggen blocked the exit again, but we just passed by. Congenital Linggen took the initiative to disperse. Jiang Nu wanted to go out in a hurry and was pulled back by me.

If there is a change outside, the people of the holy land know that we are inside, and they may ambush at the exit. It's too dangerous to go out rashly.

My small world was released, my fist was clenched, and I stepped out in one step. No matter whether there was anyone or not, I went out and punched frantically around. In a short second, I superimposed 36 fists, and the strongest one condensed. I looked around and found that there was no one around. Then I signaled Jiang NV to come out.

One month after I went in, the Seven Realms flower was in the state of manifestation. We came out, and it began to dim and disappear gradually.

The Seven Realms don't show up. It's estimated that people in the wilderness can't open it when they come down. It's just right.

I looked up at the crack in my eyes. The bones of chaotic creatures were still horizontal in the void. I didn't know what the situation was, but Bai Wushuang came with thousands of demon soldiers. The Holy Land wouldn't mess around. The mountains were still far away. There was no silence, but the flood pressed out by the silence formed an ocean at this time.

Jiang Nu showed her strange image. They went straight to the crack of time and space. They didn't stop after entering. They flew directly to the golden giant bone. It may be that after the washing of blood rain, the repressive force on the chaotic creatures has disappeared.

Biyou palace and Yama palace moved to the giant's left leg, and the people in the holy land occupied the right leg. They looked at each other from a distance and had no conflict.

But now there are only more than 200 people in Qingling world who can dig gold bones. I don't know if others can participate after digging. Otherwise, our speed is far lower than that of the holy land, and we can't take advantage of it in the end.

Jiang Nu and I fell towards the biyou palace. Chen Hao and they immediately welcomed him up. What I was most worried about was Nanjian. I didn't know if he was still alive. The first time I asked, Chen Hao said: Nanjian is fine. She has been hanging her life with Dan liquid.

I was relieved when I heard the speech. It seems that cangxue and Li Zhengke took charge of the flat peach garden and made a lot of things.

I planned to see Nanjian first and use him as the first adaptation. On the way, Chen Hao took out a small bag and handed it to me. I opened it and saw that there were 50 or 60 chaotic spirit stones. Then Chen Hao told me the progress of excavation. As I thought, as long as the 100 people dig down, the rest can dig.

It's so good. Chen Hao, Jiang Nu, and we went in. Cangxue and Li Zhengke knew what we were going to do and wanted to avoid it. I shouted to them and said: it's no secret. My totem is complete. After Nanjian, you two will cast totem chaos. I have a feeling that after casting totem, the way of heaven will be opened up.

Nanjian was soaked in the elixir. She was already very weak, but when she saw me, she opened her eyes and asked weakly: boss Zhang, I want to cast a totem.

He said this unconsciously, which shows that he has been very uncomfortable.

I didn't tell him anything else. They are half dead. They know and don't know. As long as there are results.

After Nanjian said that, the whole man fell into a coma again. The small world collapsed and only half of his body was left. It is a miracle that he can live to now.

I didn't kill him, but asked cangxue to remove the pill. Without consciousness, Nanjian's life Qi was rapidly losing, and he had died in more than ten seconds. Chen Hao took out a chaotic spirit stone.

I looked at the other half of Nanjian's flesh and blood blurred body and said to Chen Hao: prepare two. I try to shape his residual body directly with a totem, which is likely to absorb more chaotic aura.

Chen Hao patted the pocket at his waist, which means how much he wants.

Seeing that I am not distracted, I concentrate on building the internal totem for Nanjian. The intact body is easy to do and can be directly attached to it. However, for the incomplete half, I began to want to use the spring thunder breathing method to recover him, but I think it is rare to have such an opportunity to try to build him with the totem.

When building a damaged body, I don't pick it out alone, but extend it from the intact half to form a whole, and the whole structure is the same as my totem. If Nanjian can succeed, its strength will definitely be higher.

It should be a special force, which can also stimulate the breakthrough of the realm.

I added the incomplete part with a totem. There was no flesh and blood. After it was done, Chen Hao put a chaotic spirit stone on it.

Maybe it's because my totem is complete. The absorption of chaotic spirit stone occurred half an hour later, and the time is much shorter.

As the chaotic aura entered, the soul light began to gather in Nanjian's aura, and vital signs appeared. However, when the incomplete half of the body was lit, less than half of it was lit, and the chaotic spirit stone was absorbed. Fortunately, Chen Hao kept paying attention, and there was almost no interval, so he put another chaotic spirit stone on it at the first time.

Because of the supplement of flesh and blood, Nanjian's body did not appear unbearable image. After half of his body was demobilized, he also completely woke up and fell into a weak period.

I really want to know what strength he is now, but he can't recover for a while.

As soon as Nanjian was taken down, Chen Hao lay in bed and said to me: boss, it's my turn now. Without the broken yellow cloth, I can't lift my head under the totem.

The broken yellow cloth returned to the Pangu flag. He couldn't give it to him. Without totem, he was indeed in a weak position, but now he is in peace. I don't think I can worry.

I pulled Chen Hao up and said: you are cast by Tianyuan stone and have absorbed a lot of dark and yellow gas. Now casting with totem may change. Don't worry until you see your sister-in-law.

Chen Hao is most afraid of being inferior to others. He is unwilling to say: Although peace is said now, the grandsons of the holy land come to make trouble every three or five times. I look angry.

The big environment is peace, but the friction in the small environment can't be avoided. According to Chen Hao, the people who make trouble in the holy land are still half step Tianzun, which is a little too much.

I patted him on the shoulder and said: the best thing must be in the end. Your physique is special. Maybe there are other opportunities.

There is no better way to cast totems. It should be because my totems are complete and they are cast the same as me.

But I'm not fooling Chen Hao. I really want him to wait.

Chen Hao heard what I said was still in the end. He didn't need me to pull. He turned over and jumped up. I motioned Li Zhengke to come, and asked cangxue to call all the Li family, intending to make them the first to become strong.

Dandao is special. Every loss is a loss. It's better to start with them. Moreover, after their strength is improved, it's uncertain that they can go further in Dandao.

When I broke Li Zhengke's spiritual orifices and cast a totem for him, the Li family also happened to come. Cangxue knew the number of chaotic spirit stones, but brought 45 people.

Finish it for Li Zhengke smoothly, and then Li Zhengke's father, uncle and so on. Leave the snow behind for a while. Everyone who wakes up needs her to help reply in the weak period.

Everything was going on in good order. Suddenly there was a riot outside. Someone shouted at the door to vent their dissatisfaction.

I asked Chen Hao to leave the chaotic spirit stone and go out to see what happened.

Chen Hao just went out for a few seconds and suddenly heard him shout angrily: do you want to rebel?

After he roared, the noise outside suddenly stopped, but only a few seconds later, I heard the voice of the old sage say: the chaotic spirit stone was obtained by everyone together. Now casting totem, why are you the only people in the Qingling world?

The strong man in the river also added: in the last war, everyone can see the deaths and injuries of all walks of life, and no one pays less than anyone.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, scolded the old sage and said: old man, I know to rely on the old and sell the old. Now I still have the face to beg for benefits. If it weren't for my sister-in-law and boss, you would be angry now.

After scolding the old sage, Chen Hao continued to fight against the Lord of the Styx River and said: and you, the 18th floor of hell has just given you. Do you think your wings are hard?

Two and a half steps to heaven, and he still wears special armor when he gets up, which can be comparable to heaven, but as long as Jianyuan doesn't participate, it's not a big problem.

However, as soon as I thought of Jianyuan, something more troublesome than Jianyuan came, and the people of the witch family came to the door in person to ask for advice.

When the witch clan comes forward, the problem is a little big.

Bai Wushuang didn't participate in the cooperation, but he didn't say he stood by us. It's important to say that his current identity is the demon king. He needs to consider for the whole demon family. It's estimated that he will wait and see the palace and get benefits.

In a high position, I can't help it. I can imagine the pressure Bai matchless is under, and I don't blame him.

At the last moment, when the chaotic spirit stone ran out, I went out. The strong, old sage and Pluto of the witch family stared at Chen Hao coldly.

They have the courage to make trouble, but they never dare to do it. There will only be a small conflict.

It's just that several circles control the army, which can force me to a dead end. When I came out, their attitude eased slightly, waiting for me to explain.

Now if you go back, it will only escalate the contradiction. I thought about it and sneered twice and said: more than 50 spirit stones, can't you sit still? You know, this is just the beginning. There's a share in the back. At this time, there will be internal strife. How can we cooperate later?

As long as the totem is in my hands, I still have the initiative.