Chapter 488

Name:My Zombie Wife Author:mao ding
I sighed for a long time. I didn't say some words of compassion for heaven and man, let alone scold Chen Hao and Wu De, because we are already one kind of people.

The cleaning lasted for half a day. During this period, I went to the void to determine the direction again and correct the sign. I was worried that a disorderly fight would disturb the sign, and the bones of chaotic creatures just destroyed by Chen Hao and Wu De are estimated to be the last.

But when I checked carefully, Chen Hao followed me and said to me: boss, don't worry about these now. There are magic tools that can locate in the starry sky in the holy land. I just went to see it. It's amazing. We can see our exit from above, and we won't get lost in the universe in the future.

God's law can cover one realm, even monitor the Seven Realms through the Seven Realms flower, but it is still too small for the whole universe.

Now I heard that there are magic tools that can locate in the universe in the holy land. While I was surprised, I was more curious. I didn't care to sort out the coordinates and hurried back to the holy land with Chen Hao.

In just half a day, Wu De had been followed by more than 50 "confidants", and we fell down. Immediately someone came to guide the way, flew towards the central buildings, and finally fell into a palace. In the secret room, I saw the magic weapon said by Chen Hao.

Living in Qingling world, although I haven't touched the outside world, I see little and know little, but I can see at a glance that what I see in front of me is not a magic weapon, but a machine, a very advanced machine, but this machine can be controlled by mysterious force, which is very unique.

The combination of science and technology and metaphysics, if measured by the scientific and technological level of Qingling world, can be said to have exceeded Qingling world for at least ten thousand years. It is even said that the scientific and technological civilization of Qingling world can not make such equipment at all.

Wu De also came from behind. He was filled with emotion when he saw the machine in front of him. However, he had heard more than us. After marveling, he said: I have heard of an alchemical civilization that can combine science and technology with magic. I'm afraid this is the product of alchemical civilization.

I have also heard that alchemy originated in the west, but there is no alchemy civilization in the two western countries. Wu De's confidant came to please and said: This machine was dug out of the earth and rock when we found the holy land. We studied it for more than ten years and finally found out its working principle. Later, it was regarded as a secret treasure, which was accessible only to a few people in the holy land.

I asked: how far did your ancestors escape from Xianlu?

The strong man of the Holy Land shook his head and said: I don't know, but there are ancient books left over, which recorded some things at that time. The fairy world collapsed. There were 50000 people passing through the space barrier on the fairy Road, and only 5000 people finally arrived at the holy land. On the way, those people sacrificed themselves and maintained with their own blood. The rest of the way is to go on. Calculated, they must have drifted far away.

Chen Hao asked: no matter how far they floated, one thing can be confirmed. They didn't encounter the extreme cold of the universe, that is, they didn't go out of the solar system.

I asked Chen Hao back: how big is the solar system?

I'm not trying to make things difficult for Chen Hao, but I really don't know how big the solar system is. As a result, several people have big eyes and small eyes, and no one knows.

The strong in the holy land also don't know, because they haven't reached the Qingling world yet, and then they directly move to the witch world, and don't know anything about scientific and technological civilization.

Monks go from heaven to earth and cross Seven Realms, but if we really want to talk about our understanding of the universe, we are really not as good as the technology of the earth.

Chen Hao scratched his head and said: it's a big distance anyway.

Finally, people can only use the word "very big" to bring it over, so as not to be embarrassed.

I looked around and didn't dare to move anything I didn't understand, but when I walked around the back, I found a small icon on the machine.

At first glance, I didn't feel anything, but at the moment I looked back, I suddenly thought of something and hurried up. The icon was very small and hidden. If I didn't look carefully, I couldn't detect it at all, but my heart beat faster.

Is it a five-star red flag made in China?

But this time

Chen Hao and Wu De also came together. When they saw the five-star red flag, they also looked different. Wu De also said a trendy word and asked me: boss, isn't this a time shuttle?

I can't explain this in front of me, and it's too weird.

After talking for a long time, we didn't come up with anything in the end. He had to ignore it. Before leaving, Chen Hao made some arrangements to drive out all the original people and replace them with his current confidants and Wu De.

I don't have to worry about two people. When we came out, the cleaning was over. Chen Hao asked. This cleaning killed more than 100000 people, which can be said to be very thorough.

However, it is not our race that has a different heart. The current stability may not be the stability in the future. When I came out, I began to plan to prepare for the entry of the witch world.

Wu De began to reorganize the army of the holy land, and after the disturbance, the people of the holy land were involved to form a mechanism of mutual restriction and mutual supervision.

I opened the small world to form a channel for people from the witch world to enter. The sanctuary has an atmosphere and can accommodate the witch people for the time being. There will be no problems.

After that, Wu De and Chen Hao found a secret room without anyone and began to study the runes in the hearts of chaotic creatures. Wu De and Chen Hao didn't finish some construction until the Holy Land moved.

I waited for more than two days. Wu De and Chen Haocai built the rune. After a little adjustment, Wu De split the Yin Qi of the core and saved his life. Then he motioned Chen Hao and I to step aside. He himself first linked the special rune.

At the beginning of Wu De, a terrible force erupted from his body, and the pulse of his heart pushed the terrible force out of his body every time.

And Wu De's small world is also undergoing great changes. While it is perfect, there is the gas of life in it.

Before that, I just saw that there was life in the small world between me and Han, and it could not maintain real life. But Wu De's small world now feels that he can raise life.

It can be seen that the power of longevity contained in the runes in the heart of chaotic creatures is different from that released by the spring thunder breathing method. Wu De's breath was very disordered at the beginning, lasted for two or three days, and then gradually stabilized. While his breath stabilized, a plant appeared in his small world.

Although it is only a seedling, it is a real life.

Wu De simply adjusted his breath, and then told me: there was no big problem, but the body rejected that force at the beginning, and it felt like it was going to explode.

The holy land will return to the witch world immediately. We don't have much time, because after solving the holy land, the next step is to bring all people into the wilderness. As for the situation in the great wilderness, there are Jianyuan and hanpeng, and there will be no problem for the time being.

The only thing I worry about is that there are not many people in the witch clan. I worry that they will become very passive.

Because of Wu De's reminder, Chen Hao and I stabilized our body in advance when linking the heart meridians. The process went a lot smoothly, but it took a day.

Chen Hao's change is the same as that of Wu de. my change is greater than that of them, because there was the power of life before. Under the combination of the two, a big tree more than ten meters high directly appeared in the small world.

Wu De and Chen Hao both came to observe. Chen Hao said: boss, why do I think the tree in your small world is a bit like the tree of life?

I also have this feeling. It has been growing since it appeared. There is a feeling of giving birth to life. The tree of life in heaven breeds seven archangels, all of which are at the level of heaven. If so, will my little world also give birth to the God?

Following Chen Hao's train of thought, I continued to analyze and say: if so, for the creatures born in my small world, I am their Creator God, who can dominate everything and control the God.

As I said, Chen Hao and Wu De all looked at me at the same time. I was stunned myself. Instead of being stunned by them, I thought of a terrible fact.

Will the seven realms where we are now be the small realms of the Tao of heaven? Because we were born in his small realms, the breath of the Tao of heaven will remain in the law?

Chen Hao was the first to say this. Wu De and I both chose silence. If so, it would be too terrible. And it's even harder to resist.

Wu De gasped and said: the rune we found now can remove the breath of the way of heaven left in our law. It can be seen that chaotic creatures have no connection with the way of heaven, or they are at the same level. At that time, we can pass on this strange Rune and remove the breath of the way of heaven. In this way, We have no connection with his small world.

If we were really born in the small world of heaven, the method proposed by Wu De is undoubtedly the best. Unfortunately, Grandpa hasn't seen me, otherwise I don't need to guess these things.

But his absence from me will only make me more and more sure of this speculation.

The holy land can fly in the universe, and the speed is very fast, just like a fish in water. It can be said that it is completely built to travel through the universe.

The terrible thing is that it is probably made by the Chinese. It is incomprehensible to say, but the icon on the positionable machinery makes this impossibility possible. The existence of the holy land also hides too much information, but there is not so much energy to explore at present.

Twenty days later, the passage appeared in front of me. After going out, I came to the witch world.

When we appeared, the army of the witch family surrounded us. After we went in, they always surrounded the exit. If they had something like the holy land, they would follow in.

Chen Hao appeared in the holy land for the first time. His appearance immediately aroused the joy of the witch world. It can be said that our trip has eliminated a great danger for the witch world.