Chapter 700

Name:My Zombie Wife Author:mao ding
I can see that both the housekeeper and fuber are worried about me, but they also know how important what they have to do. After I told them, they left, and only Jiang Nu stayed.

Jiang NV sat by the bed, took my hand and asked: Tong Tong, don't you know what the problem is? You're in control.

A few days ago, I had been thinking about this problem. I kept checking my body, but I didn't find any abnormalities.

To say that Wu De's affair hit me, I admit that Wu De's betrayal was indeed unacceptable to me. At the moment of hearing the news, the whole person was like lightning, but as Han said, in fact, I had always been prepared in my heart, otherwise I would not avoid the people Wu De could contact when arranging the investigation.

So, I was prepared, but that mouthful of blood vomited out without warning. At the moment of hearing the news, my body was not under my control at all.

Because I have explored thoroughly, I know how bad my situation is. Now thinking about those will only waste time. I won't explain anything at that time.

I appointed it five days ago. Even if I don't want to die like this, as Wang Dafu scolded me, it's very cowardly to die like this, but I can't change anything.

Perhaps my mood now, like those mortals, the end of life suddenly comes, panic, reluctance, struggle, and finally accept my life.

I've come to the last step now. I just hope to arrange everything well and don't let Han be bullied.

When Jiang Nu saw that I didn't speak, her tears fell on my hands. He leaned down, kissed me gently on the face, got up and turned away without saying a word.

I had a bad feeling, but before I could stop it, Jiang Nu appeared.

Sure enough, my feeling was right. Within a few minutes of Jiang Nu's departure, Zhen Kun hurried in and told me that Jiang Nu had left the divine realm in a spaceship, and couldn't stop it.

Well, I said, in fact, when she left, I guessed that she was going to find Wu De. I also thought that I had to tie the bell to get rid of the bell, but I didn't find that my situation had anything to do with Wu De in the whole process.

I said: Send a team to follow and protect her safety.

I believe Wu De will not hurt Jiang Nu, but this belief is not so sure now.

Zhen Kun said: after Wu De defected, we obeyed your orders and didn't chase him, but someone saw him flying in the direction of nothingness.

The land of nothingness?

I frowned slightly and had a terrible idea in my heart. Is my disease related to the place of nothingness?

But it's impossible to think about it. After all, I'm the controller. If they make me sick quietly, how terrible is it? In addition, Wu De had no separate contact with the land of nothingness.

Seeing that I was thinking, Zhen Kun reminded me: boss, someone has seen Wu De leave alone once before and fly towards nothingness.

I waved my hand, motioned him not to say, and then asked: have you checked the place where Wu De worked and the place where he practiced?

I felt like I had caught something, but I couldn't say what it was, but I was a little more energetic and struggled to sit up.

Zhen Kun said: we checked after the incident and found nothing.

I coughed a few times and said excitedly: in the investigation, especially tongtianzhu, don't let go of any place.

Zhen Kun was puzzled. He was stunned. He reacted and said happily: boss, did you find anything? What about the inheritance?

I interrupted him: I am very weak now and may die at any time. I can't stop the inheritance.

Zhen Kun should understand what I mean, gritted his teeth and said: if it is really the hands and feet of people in the nothingness, we must calculate this account.

I didn't answer Zhen Kun, because even if the nothingness did something, we didn't have the ability to settle accounts, but now when it comes to the nothingness, we have to say that they have such a chance.

And Wu De is entrenched on the sky pillar all day. That thing can see through far away and can contact the outside. His change may also be related to the land of nothingness.

Thinking of this, even if it's just a guess, makes me excited. After all, I don't want to die, and I'm afraid of death. I'm afraid that Han Hua will have a bad life after death. I'm afraid she can't get out of her sorrow.

I've been calm these days, but I'm helpless. Now I suddenly catch a glimmer of hope. Even speculation brings me great hope.

Not long ago, Wang Dafu and Li Zhengke were called by me. I said my guess. Although I was looking forward to my good, Wang Dafu still said: I don't want to pour cold water, but it's too evil to say it. According to you, Wu De was bewitched by people through the divine realm, and you, a controller and a strong man at the top, inexplicably fell ill because of the nothingness?

It's understandable that Wang Dafeng doesn't believe it. Instead of being hit by him, I'm more sure of my guess. Remind Wang Dafu: if our guess inside is correct, the land of nothingness is likely to be a land of reincarnation. You can think about what harm will be caused to mortals if the evil spirits in the hell come out?

Li Zhengke interrupted at this time: but that's mortal, we're not mortals.

I said: if the land of nothingness is the land of reincarnation, it is not the land of reincarnation of mortals, but the land of reincarnation of the powerful in the universe. I don't know how many days it exists, and I'm afraid there are countless reincarnations in it.

After I finished, Wang Dafu pondered and concluded: your meaning is very clear, that is, your current situation is that you have been harmed by ghosts, and we are all Taoists who are not good enough to find it?

"That's almost what I mean!" I couldn't help laughing when I heard Wang Da Pang's appropriate metaphor, but he was right. That's my guess.

Seeing that I agreed, Wang Dafu couldn't help laughing, and then said: and Wu De, he was fascinated by ghosts, so he became like this?

I coughed twice and was out of strength. Li Zhengke held me against the bed, nodded and said: it should be so, but what you said is not accurate. It's easier to understand. For example, the two "ghosts" have always been on Wu De and me, but they usually can't hurt and affect Wu De and me. It doesn't completely affect us until there are incentives on us.

After thinking about it, I said: Wu De is keen on power. One day, I suddenly heard that we would all retire. As a result, his mind was shocked, resulting in an opportunity for what has been on him. I was also hit when I heard that Wu De betrayed and left, which also gave me an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Such an analysis of the whole matter is completely one link after another. Wang pangzi can't find fault. Now the only bad thing is the evidence. And this kind of evidence depends on Wu De. He is different from me. I went directly into the place of nothingness and was in it. It's easy to hibernate on me.

We can't find it now, and we couldn't have found it then. But Wu De is different. Wu De has not touched the nothingness. If he wants to be affected, he can only pass through the Tongtian column. Zhen Kun said he left once, but I still believe that when he left, he must have been affected, or he noticed something wrong and went out to explore.

If so, Wu De will certainly leave a message.

After listening to my story, all the people were silent. After talking for so long, I was a little tired and leaned on the bed to close my eyes.

Not long ago, cangxue came with some elders of the Li family. Cangxue held a jade box in her hand and carefully approached me and handed it to me and said: we looked at countless classics and finally got some incredible opinions, but there was no other explanation.

Wang Da Pang asked: what conclusion can you draw? It's incredible. Hurry up and find a way together.

Cangxue was a little embarrassed, and several elders behind him were also very embarrassed. The chief elder of the Li family also said to the people in the room: This is incredible, but we are also based. Don't make a fuss when you will hear it. The specific explanations are a little complicated. We'll discuss it later.

After the chief elder said that, cangxue went to the bedside and turned around and said to everyone: the boss's current situation is very much like a folk possessed by a ghost, and we can't see the ghost now!

Cang Xue said, took a long breath and waited for everyone to laugh. As a result, it was found that the room was so quiet that the needle could be heard, and Han Peng didn't know when he arrived at the door.

Cangxue was surprised to see that everyone was silent. He coughed a little embarrassed and said: don't you think it's strange?

It's really hard to cut your teeth when the controller is killed by ghosts. But now everyone is silent. Wang Dafu took a heavy breath, broke the silence and said: so, have you thought of a way?

Cangxue hurriedly opened the box in her hand. There was an all black pill in it. Cangxue said: This is an exorcism pill prepared according to the ancient prescription. We have improved it and integrated the magic medicine of nourishing the soul. It may be useful, but we are not sure it will be useful.

Wang Dafu took the pill from cangxue and said: whether it's useful or not, take it for the boss first.

Cangxue then asked some incredible questions: do you believe what I said?

Wang Dafu said: if you said it a few minutes ago, you would certainly laugh us to death, but just before you came, the boss himself put forward the same view. He was evil, and Wu De was also evil.

At this time, Han Hua came over. Jiang Nu immediately told Han Hua what she had guessed before. After hearing this, Han Hua said: if you find the evidence left by Wu De, you can basically conclude that from now on, all the people who had entered the nothingness and went to the heaven platform should make statistics and pay attention to themselves. Cangxue treats Zhang Tong in this direction.

Han has always been vigorous and resolute in doing things, not to mention my dead horse as a living horse doctor. If I wait for the results to make a decision, it will be too late.