Li NanFang's face, even if it turns to ashes and is scattered in the sea, can be recognized by Yue Zitong.

This is the protagonist of her childhood nightmare, the one that made her hate her teeth when she grew up.

But now it looks like that - lovely.

Yes, it's cute.

Look at the broom eyebrow, single eyelid, flat nose and Toad beak in the south of my family. How handsome they are when combined.

If you rub rouge, draw eyebrows, draw lipstick on your face, and then wipe half a bottle of milk on your face, you'll have to take advantage of the South Korean stick cream.

Yue Zitong never found out that Li Nanfang was so handsome.

Before, why didn't you find out?

I can't help scraping my fingers on his face.

Of course, she can't see it. Her eyes are full of soft love now.

"We are husband and wife. Scum, you know what? We are husband and wife, for a lifetime, no, not for a lifetime, but for ten, a hundred, and forever. "

Yue Zitong's voice is like balderdash: "in the future, no matter where we are, we will be husband and wife. Just like the song, pinch a you, pinch a me, a sister and a brother. Break you and me. Add some water to make the mud heavy. One more you, one more me. My brother has a sister, and my sister has a brother. "

She sings very well, especially when she is full of affection. She is soft, greasy and sweet, just like Li NanFang's favorite maltose when he was a child. After a bite, his sweet heart melts.

I don't know why, Li Nanfang suddenly wants to cry.

Men want to cry, not like some lack of tendons said, is not promising.

As Lu Xun said, ruthlessness is not necessarily a hero. How can Lianzi not be her husband?

Crying is one of the seven emotions.

Not only sad to cry, happy will cry, was moved to cry.

Tears also have a name - true feelings.

Of course, Li Nanfang just wanted to cry, but he couldn't.

If he really shed tears, his little aunt will immediately turn from soft fingers to female night fork, twist his ear to a 360 degree rotation without dead angle, and scold others. She dares to eat her tender tofu while she is asleep, and even deceives her.

In order to protect his ears, Li Nanfang decided that even if he was moved to death, he would never cry.

It's better to raise your ears and listen to the boasting she will do later.

Good things can not be done, but after they are done, they must be exaggerated, which is one of the most remarkable characteristics of Yue Zitong.

Sure enough, after singing a little song, Yue Zitong easily turned the topic to last night's event.

"Scum, do you know what terrible dangers I experienced last night in order to save you?"

After the next 15 minutes, Yue Zitong stood up from an objective point of view and told her in detail what she had experienced last night.

When she said that she thought her little nephew was dead, she cried so heartily that she was determined to die for love.

When Yang Xiao was about to snatch Li Nanfang away from her warm arms, how she, a weak woman with no power to bind a chicken, had a soul stirring life and death struggle with evil forces.

Especially later, when she threw away Yang Xiao and deliberately broke the fence of the villa property, Li Nanfang had to admire her resourcefulness and bravery even if she was a mud man.

Heroine, the term, seems to be specially invented for her.


All this is not as touching as her keeping her nephew awake all night.

"If I get old because I don't get enough sleep, it's all your fault. Hum, darling, you can marry a wife of my beauty and wisdom. It's a blessing you asked for after you broke 17 or 8 big wooden fish in your last life. Why don't you just have fun? Oh, and ah, I said these, you can't remember, all day long in the mouth, praise me. I'm used to doing good without leaving a name. Everything should be low-key. "

In Yue Zitong's whisper, the winter sun rises.

Red, like her little face.

It seems that she finally realized that it was shameless to boast too much.

"Well, baby, sleep well, and my aunt will cook for you."

Bowing his head, he kisses Li Nanfang lightly on his forehead. Yue Zitong gets up and walks to the door.

Li Nanfang just opened her eyes, but she suddenly turned around.

In a hurry, he closed his eyes again.

Then he felt Yue Zitong bow his head and kiss him gently.

She is reluctant to leave Li Nanfang!

Even if he was lying in her home and on her embroidered bed, she didn't go out. She just went to cook, and she was reluctant to leave him.

Li NanFang's heart was pounding.

The whole person, as if floating on the clouds, in the sunshine floating ah, floating very comfortable.

She's been gone a long time.

Li Nanfang kept the way she was when she left, motionless.

He was afraid. It was a dream.

After a move, the dream wakes up.

However, he will wake up in the end.

The black dragon hidden in his body, when Yue Zitong confessed, never stopped hovering and wagging his head and tail, trying to rush out of his body and rush to the window.

What's on the other side of the window?

Can cause black dragon so excited.

Li Nanfang sat up slowly and looked at the window.

The dressing table, on the left side of the window, is full of all kinds of cosmetics, as well as pearl jewelry and so on.

In the past, after seeing so many jewelry, if Li Nanfang didn't steal a few pieces and put them in his pocket, he would be quite upset.

Not now.

Stealing his wife's jewelry is not a man's behavior.

After ignoring the jewelry, there is nothing to look at in the dressing table.

Isn't it just some cosmetics and a big mirror?

Black dragon is interested in that side. Should it be the hill outside the window?

Can we say that there are rare jade buried on the hill behind?

Now Li Nanfang has confirmed that Heilong is interested in jade and antiques.

It doesn't look like there is an ancient tomb on the hill, so there will be no antiques.

It's quite possible that there are rare jade.

However, Li Nanfang was somewhat puzzled by the performance of the black dragon.

In the past, the black dragon could not wait to pounce on the beautiful jade. A thirsty desert traveler saw the river.

But now, the black dragon's reaction is excited and hesitant.

I'm afraid.

It's like there's something that it needs, but it does some harm to it.

"Out of the window, what on earth is there?"

Li Nanfang was a little puzzled. He got out of bed, came to the back window, pulled up the curtain and pushed the window open.

Immediately, the northern winter unique dry cold wind, immediately whirling rushed in.

He couldn't help but shiver.

Creak, the sound of opening the door, from behind.

He looked back and saw that Yue Zitong was standing at the door, looking at him with joy.

There's also some infatuation.

Li Nanfang also looks at her.

Two people four eyes opposite, deep feeling gaze for a long time, Yue Zitong just asked softly: "wake up?"

"Well, wake up."

"Arm, does it still hurt?"

"It's itchy."

"It proves that the powder sprinkled on you by others is very effective."

Yue Zi Tong leaned on the doorframe and put his hands around his chest: "besides his arms, what's wrong?"

Shaking his shoulder, Li Nanfang said, "it hurts here."

"Is the bone OK?"

"Should it be all right?"

"Yes, can you hold chopsticks?"

"So it is."

"Then wash your face and brush your teeth. And then eat. "

Yue Zitong soft smile, turned and left.

"I don't feel good about her treating me like this. Do you think I have a lot of cheap elements in my bones?"

Li Nanfang was stunned for a moment, shrugged his shoulders and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out, Yue Zitong, wearing a small apron, was setting dishes in the dining room.

It seems that last night's experience touched her a lot.

Otherwise, early in the morning, she would not have cooked five or six dishes, and a bottle of red wine on the table.

As long as we are alive, we should cherish the present happy life.

Today, instead of wearing a sexy three piece suit and a small apron, she was wearing the black sportswear she wore when she went to find Li Nanfang last night.

It was covered with mud, blood the size of a few coins, and tears on the chest.

Li Nanfang knows that she didn't change her clothes on purpose.

Even without a comb.

On the face, still hang tear mark.

Fortunately, a pair of small hands are white and pink. They should have been washed.

This is to seduce Li Nanfang to ask, what's wrong with her.

In that way, she would exaggerate and describe what she had experienced last night at least three times, without having to let him remember it.

In the past, when he did something good to Yue Zitong, he wanted to let people all over the world know about this problem. Li Nanfang was very contemptuous.

Now, he feels very happy.

A woman who likes to blow, cry, laugh and be jealous is a woman of flesh and blood.

In this way, when she is jealous, you should be patient to explain to her.

When she loves to laugh, you can take the opportunity to see her wormhole teeth.

When she cries, you will know which brand of tissue has better water absorption.

When she brags, you have to pretend to be "impossible" shocked to satisfy her vanity.

Of course, you will pay a lot, even sometimes, you will be upset.

But there is no denying that you will have her, and happiness.

Looking at the happy face, Li Nanfang stared at her for a long time, then murmured: "aunt, how can you make you like this?"

"Oh, not for you?"

Yue Zitong does not know that before she blows to Li Nanfang, her faint sigh has become a habit.

"I want to know what happened last night when I passed out of a coma."

"Come and sit down."

After Li Nanfang sat down, Yue Zitong filled a glass of red wine for him. With a unique voice with low magnetism, he slightly exaggerated what she had said several times and told it all over again.

During this period, Li NanFang's face kept changing.

Sometimes surprised, sometimes worried, sometimes angry, sometimes ready to cry.

Life is like a play. It's all about acting.

However, if acting can bring real happiness, Li Nanfang doesn't mind accompanying her every day.

It's just that Li Nan Nan blurted out: "in the bedroom, when you said that you broke the railing of the property, you didn't say that you also knocked people off."

Yue Zitong looked at his affectionate eyes, suddenly cold up, a trace of embarrassment to cover up the sneer, also floating from the corner of his mouth: "say, why don't you say it?"

"That what, I suddenly remembered that I had something to do."

Li Nanfang regretted that he really wanted to give himself a big mouth to punish him for his crime of destroying happiness in an instant.

"Ha ha, now you are more and more daring, dare to eat my tofu openly. Want to go? No way

Cold laughter, a small white hand, skillfully twisted his left ear.