After listening to the elder of Qingling county and telling the story of tofu beauty, Li Nanfang decided that Yang Tiantian was the woman he thought she was.

He doesn't know what his relationship with this woman is.

He still remembers clearly that he had just seen Yue Zitong in her villa.

She is so virtuous and kind that when Li Nanfang saw her, she felt more secure in her heart - the warmth of a child who could not find her mother when she woke up from a nap and was just about to cry when she was held in her arms.

Even if he took a knife to break him up, Li Nanfang never thought that he would have something to do with Yang Tiantian at a certain moment.

But this damned fate arranged for them to have an unspeakable relationship.

Never say.

Even if the damned fate pushes her to him again, Li Nanfang can only rely on her to go to the ethereal village, which can't be said.

But the Bodhisattva has to say!

What's the difference between this and looking for death?

Don't Bodhisattvas know that some things can be done, but they can never be said——

The sound of Mori Han from the water made Bodhisattva's delicate body tremble. Then, with the fastest speed, Yang Tiantian's neck was strangled by her left arm. The machete in her right hand pressed slightly on her snow skin, and there was a faint blood flowing out.

Yang Tiantian is scared to death.

She wanted to scream.

His mouth was wide open, but he couldn't make the slightest sound. He could only shake all over.

What's Yang Tiantian's reaction? Bodhisattva didn't pay attention at all. He just stared at the water and heard his soul howl: "the devil, the devil who made you wake up in the middle of the night many times, is here again. Kill him - no, run, run

In the moonlight.

On the surface of the water wrinkled by the wind, a man appeared slowly like a ghost escaping from hell.

He is three years old.

But at the foot of zanglong mountain and by the zanglong River in Seoul, the unspeakable miserable days were deeply branded in the bottom of Bodhisattva's heart, just like yesterday——

Especially when she saw the devil's eyes, they were still shining with strange and ferocious brilliance. On her face, body and legs - every place that fascinated all men, after sweeping back and forth, all the strength of Bodhisattva disappeared.

Sooner or later, she will meet Li Nanfang again.

Bodhisattva is very confident.

She also imagined countless times, one day after seeing the devil again, what she should do.

First, turn around and run.

With the fastest speed!

For the sake of trampling on her for many days, the devil should not kill her completely.

Second, summon up courage, hold high the full moon machete, scream and rush to it.

Of course she can't kill the devil.

She has ten thousand assurance, died in his hand.

She would rather die in his hands than live and suffer endless mental torture.

No one, let alone any language, can describe the unspeakable fear of Bodhisattvas when they wake up almost every night at midnight.

Third, it is also what Bodhisattva most hopes.

That is, she coerced a person whom the devil valued, let him commit suicide, no, let him cut off his hands and feet - no, let him cut off the tendons of his hands and feet by himself, and from then on, he completely became a useless person.

Why didn't she kill him? Why didn't she cut off his hands and feet, but only let him become a useless person?

Because she hopes - when she wakes up in the middle of the night again, the devil is sleeping beside her like a child. As long as she gives a hint, this guy will be like a pug, wagging his tail and doing all he can to serve her and send her to the happy cloud.

There is still a big market for the famous saying that men conquer women.

Even if Bodhisattva is conquered by the devil, it is the biggest nightmare in the world.

In room 7 of zanglongshan in Seoul, Li Ming almost succeeded in forcing Duan Xiangning to abandon his martial arts. Why can't he be a Bodhisattva?

The goddess of fate finally began to favor Bodhisattva.

After several years, she met Li Nanfang face-to-face again and ushered in the third one she longed for.

In particular, Yang Tiantian, who she is holding, is the key to Li NanFang's rescue of Yue Zitong, which is many times more important than Duan Xiangning.

Bodhisattva man has ten thousand assurance. As long as Li Nanfang abandons his martial arts, he will do it obediently!

So, the Bodhisattva stared at the devil, as if after 10000 years, she would lay down her sword and slowly crawl on the ground. The best part of her body, which coincides with the full moon in the sky, was trembling slightly, and her mouth was crying meaninglessly.

What is she doing?

Yang Tiantian is completely confused.

Although she killed her, she would not believe that she knew Li Nanfang, but from the attitude of Bodhisattva to her, she could see that she had a special importance to that scum.

If she is a Bodhisattva, no matter how weak her character is, she will summon up her courage to threaten Li Nanfang.

Especially after feeling slight pain in the neck, Yang Tiantian thinks so.


But Bodhisattva fell on his knees, just like the most loyal slave. Seeing her great master, no matter what she was asked to do, she promised that she would never do it.

What's going on?

When Yang Tiantian was confused, she was also stunned by chunniang, who was hiding behind the bushes with shy life in her arms.

Soon, chunniang understood——

Lord, I'm scared by the devil!

Over the years, no matter how much the sect leader hates the devil, how much preparation he has made for today, and how much courage he has accumulated, the fear deeply burned in his heart after his appearance is like a volcanic eruption, destroying all her preparations.

The master knelt down and cried for the devil's forgiveness. It was purely an instinctive reaction of extreme fear.

Spring Niang understand, open mouth to remind the door owner, don't do this, quickly pick up the machete, jump up, put on Yang Tiantian's neck, threaten the devil, commit suicide!

Even if not, the owner should sneer and take Yang Tiantian back.

As long as Yang Tiantian is taken away, Li Nanfang will not be able to go to ethereal town before sunset tomorrow.

If he can't go as promised, Yue Zitong will not only have bad luck, but also have elites to kill him.

In that way, the pain that this demon inflicts on the sect owner will be gradually alleviated.

But just as chunniang's scream was about to blurt out, shy Sheng, who was lying in her arms and snoring, moved and made a sound of somniloquy.

The existence of shy life is like a basin of cold water pouring on chunniang's head.

Let her in the lightning flint, calm down.

She can't expose her hiding place.

Because once she wakes up the fear of the door owner, the devil will use the fastest speed.

Shysheng is not only the heart of the sect leader, but also the hope of the whole hungry ghost way (in fact, it's Shura way, clerical error, please understand). She is also regarded as her own son by chunniang.

You should never be hurt in the least.

In short, chunniang can die, the master can die, and even all the disciples can die, but only one is ashamed to live, and can't be hurt.

Shame born in, hungry ghost road will be generation after generation.

If he has a weakness, it will be the end of the hungry ghost road. This is the most mysterious eminent monk in Tianzhu. He told bodhisattva that chunniang and others knew it.

It is precisely because from the moment of birth, bashisheng has shouldered the mission that no one else can replace, so Bodhisattva will take him wherever he goes.

"Don't let the young master suffer any harm."

Chun Niang bit her lips hard and lay in the bush. She didn't dare to move again.

Bodhisattva moved.

No one made her move.

Yang Tiantian was still at the scene, and Li Nanfang was standing in the waist deep stream. She didn't do any action or say a word. At most, she just looked at the Bodhisattva coldly. Suddenly, she used her knee as her foot and slowly climbed into the stream.

At the moment when Bodhisattva enters the water, Yang Tiantian seems to hear her moaning. Please forgive her, great master——

I don't know how long after that, when Bodhisattva comes out of the water and appears in Yang Tiantian's sight again, she has nothing left.

Gourd shaped body, like a snake like waist, slowly twisting.

She put her hands around Li NanFang's neck, raised her chin slightly, closed her eyes, and began to sing in a nasal voice. Yang Tiantian couldn't understand it, but she could feel the rising melody of evil fire in her heart.

Bodhisattva man stood up from the water and knelt down in the water.

Full of primitive evil melody, replaced by a strange sound, spread close to the water.

Yang Tiantian, who can turn around and run wildly at any time, is still looking at the Bodhisattva and the stone carving.

After her pupils finally rolled slightly, she found that Li Nanfang had also changed.

In fact, Li Nanfang is still Li Nanfang.

Hands and feet, head on the neck.

It's his eyes.

What kind of eyes are those?


With monstrous scarlet.

Moreover, there is a kind of magic that makes Yang Tiantian just want to crawl on the ground and incarnate into a second Bodhisattva.

She couldn't move.

What she can do is to stare at the Bodhisattva being thrown into the water by the devil.

Spray, splash.

It's like the whole stream is boiling.

Women's pain, but happy singing, on the water, in the moonlight, in the breeze, in Yang Tiantian's ears, eyes, elegant flying——

Shyness wakes up.

He was awakened by his mother's hoarse but extremely loud voice.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw four people.

The nearest one to him is Chun Niang.

Chun Niang covered her ears with her hands and closed her eyes tightly. Her lips trembled and she recited.

There was a woman standing by the stream, like a stone carving, motionless.

There's a man in the stream.

A man is holding a woman.

The woman's legs are wrapped around the man's waist like a boa constrictor, but her body is backward 230 degrees, and her long hair is hanging on the water.

It seems that the woman who died was his own mother.


Shyson only looked at him and knew who he was.

That's Li Nanfang!

It's the devil that made his mother wake up from midnight crying countless times.

Although shy is young, he has vowed countless times to use his full moon machete to cut Li NanFang's neck so that his mother can have a good sleep.

Shyson always wanted to find the devil. He also asked Bodhisattva and chunniang many times where he was?

They all told Bashi that demons are in China, so they can't set foot in it easily.

If shy students want to drive away the demons in their dreams for their mothers, they can only practice Kung Fu hard, eat well and grow up quickly.

When he was practicing, all the dummies looked like Li Nanfang.

In this way, whenever bashful life cuts a dummy, he feels like he is cutting a devil, and he may be happy.

But no amount of pleasure can compare with cutting down the real devil Li Nanfang.

As a result, shy students dream of finding li Nanfang.

Now, he finally saw Li Nanfang!

Although he didn't understand why his mother hung on Li Nanfang like that and made such a cry.

But he could see from Bodhisattva's trembling body that she was suffering from unspeakable pain——

"Li Nanfang, I will kill you!"

When he was about to kill Li Nanfang, he was so excited that he couldn't help shivering. His eyes flashed madness that didn't match his age. He clenched his Sharp Machete in both hands and let out a tender roar. Like a baby tiger, he rushed out of the bush.