"Recently, a lot of plans have been arranged. A newly signed writer of the company submitted a good script. Not surprisingly, shooting will start immediately after the end of" please answer 2007 ". In terms of variety show, I helped xiaoyuannu plan a variety show with dance theme. My father should have heard the wind and will start recording the first issue in the near future.

Then I have to go to HK in two days. There is a movie script that I need to interview in person. After that, I will fly directly to the United States by plane. "

"Movies, variety shows, TV dramas, and other things in the United States. Jifan said that you received another ancient costume drama from China for Yuner. Combined with these, can you be busy alone?"

Li Xiuman frowned when he heard it. He always paid attention to it. Li Xianzhe's steps are not only large, but also very fast. What he did in a few months may not be completed in S.. M for a year or two.

It is rare to say that the internal factions of the company are complex and combine the senior management of major companies.

Li Xianzhe mentioned these and seemed very excited. "Those who can do more work. If these things are done in advance, I will be more and more relaxed in the future. At present, they are all to lay the foundation. I can't be careless. If I don't confirm it myself, I can't even sleep."

For entrepreneurs, they treat their company like children and watch it grow step by step all the time. Li Xianzhe is in this state now. Others can't do what they can do. He must do it himself.

"However, in the second half of the year, I may stay in the United States for a few months. I will find someone to help me run the company."

Li Xiuman looked at the more stable little son, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and sipped the wine slightly. "Your foundation is in the United States and China, and you can't put down your career there, but as a part of the Three Kingdoms, I'm afraid your body can't carry it."

"I have carried it alone for more than ten years. I always think people should have a sense of crisis. I have survived in a difficult living environment. These are nothing."

Li Xianzhe touched his nose and smiled brightly. The inconspicuous pinch of white hair between his temples made Li Xianzhe slightly smoke the corners of his mouth and swallow what he wanted to say.

The father and son are actually people with good face. They will not easily say those words that are too warm, but they obviously don't want to make the atmosphere too embarrassing and dull.

Cut a piece of beef and put it in Li Xianzhe's bowl. Li Xiuman glanced at the two sullen little girls, smiled and said, "no matter how busy you are, you should also take time to accompany the most important people around you."

Li Xianzhe turned his head, stretched out his hand and stroked the messy bangs in front of Jin Zhixiu's forehead. His eyes were full of tenderness. "Yes... I always care about them."

"Just know what you want. You don't have to throw a lot of money to chase a girl, but more importantly, your heart.

The experience of working with YG to create such a variety show may be imitated by other companies in the future. In terms of timing and vision, I have never doubted you. This banquet is a little hasty. Jenny and Zhixiu, don't blame me. "

Where are the two women willing to have an opinion? They trembled subconsciously and quickly waved their hands. "Arnie, we like it here very much."

Li Xianzhe looked at this scene. Before, she was not so careful in front of their president Yang.

It was a look of respect in fear. I was very familiar with it. I remember that when I first settled in the board of directors, those trainees looked at me like this.

A little reward will make them honored, and a little punishment will make them take it for granted. The attitude of the top management has always been the driving force to spur them to become better.

Identity differences are deeply imprinted in the bones. This feeling is like a group of servants. Thinking of the group of trainees in his company, Li Xianzhe shook his head. Some things don't change overnight.

"Well, in that case, eat more. The trainee is so hard, and the nutrition must keep up."

"If you are used to eating, the teacher Nim should eat more."

Li Xiuman smiled, probably knowing that his perception in others' eyes could not be changed for a while and a half, and he didn't blame him.

Jin Zhini looked at Li Xianzhe quietly, scraped her fingers on the back of Li Xianzhe's hand, bit her lips and whispered, "am I going too far?"

Li Xianzhe blinked. "Don't you find that my father likes you very much? I've been serving you dishes just now. Look at me ~ "

Then he pointed to his empty bowl. The words they said with their heads down and ears biting could not hide from others in this quiet restaurant.

Li Xiankui pulled his eyes, biting a piece of meat fiercely, and thought, "why should I come here today?"

Li Xiuman touched his chin and suddenly thought of something. He leaned slightly and took out two small boxes and put them on the table. "I thought that the girl Shengyan would be the only one in your life, but what happened in the middle exceeded our expectations, but there are gains and losses. Now you meet the people you like. I can see that you cherish them very much, I bought it temporarily on my way here. I don't know if it's suitable. "

In fact, when they saw the two boxes, Jin Zhini and Jin Zhixiu had guessed what was inside. At that moment, their brains completely exploded. Li Xiuman's words were actually very straightforward.

They haven't said a few words before and after this, but they have been recognized by the godfather. Of course, they don't know that Li Xiuman has observed them for a long time in private. Today's meeting is a signal.

According to the beating heart, they opened the box in front of them. There, two diamond rings lay quietly in the mat, one white and the other pink.

Li Xianzhe didn't expect Li Xiuman to send such a thing. He stared at the ring and didn't know what to say.

"Teacher nim~ this... Is a little too expensive."

No wonder they do. After all, in girls' eyes, necklaces and rings have completely different meanings, and they are still diamond rings. Many people directly link them with wedding rings.

Such a move, but let Li Xiuman face bent eyes "this time, still call the teacher Nim?"


The two women were a little confused for a moment, but they glanced at Li Xianzhe's slight nod. They were determined. They held the thing in their hands and put it away. A flash of purplish red flashed on their faces. Their red lips wriggled before they said "Uncle..."

With a waxy "Uncle", Li Xiuman grinned, "even if there is a need in the future, s.. M and YG are rivals, but they are not out of touch. Occasionally, artists can cooperate directly."

The two women answered in a low voice. They didn't know where the courage came from and got up one after another with the juice in the cup.