Jin Taiyan said as she looked at Lin Yuner with a playful expression in her eyes.

Sometimes even she doubts. Li Xianzhe was sent by heaven to play tricks on Lin Yuner.

Whether it's chatting with kakaotalk or during the break between recording programs together, you can always hear a few words about Lin Yuner from each other's mouth.

If Li Xianzhe likes his good sister, he doesn't.

After all, she has been used to seeing too many Lin Yuner suitors over the years. Li Shengji is a typical example of which one is not looking for opportunities to be courteous.

But Li Xianzhe, on the other hand, would say a few words if he could find a chance to bring Lin Yuner.

"Lin naive", "pseudo busy", "don't worry about other people's children" and so on.

Breaking off his fingers, there were eight out of ten nicknames about Lin Yuner born in his mouth.

Miraculously, every time Lin Yuner knew, he jumped up and down angrily.

But it didn't affect her relationship with Li Xianzhe. On the contrary, their friendship is... Getting better and better?

"Oh ~ ~ oba?" Lin Yuner bit his teeth quite speechless.

"Take care of me like oba? Beautiful, he was said by netizens that he was the eighth brother-in-law in his girlhood. I haven't settled with him yet. "

"Eh? I didn't expect Yuner to remember this. "

Tiffany looked at the sister with a magical face and pointed the country with her waist crossed.

"That was a long time ago, wasn't it? I remember crystal mentioned this in his live broadcast at that time. Wasn't it denied by the sage that it was a joke? "

"It's a joke, but I don't know how. Since then, the sones began to hold on to it."

Quan Yuli then said, "Yuner often goes to fanclub to communicate with the sones recently. There are still many people asking about sages.

All of them are eight brothers in law. They seem to regard Yuner as a housekeeper. The ridicule in their words almost didn't annoy Yuner. "

Youdao is the best at adding fuel to the fire than Pro teammates. These people gloat to uncover Lin Yuner's scars, but their faces are more serious than one another.

"If I didn't have a tight schedule, I would go to the United States to find him whatever I said, and then ~ ~"

It seemed that Li Xianzhe's complacent expression appeared in the back of his head, and Lin Yuner's face was fierce.

"Hum... Provoking my sister's dignity again and again, I must teach him a lesson."

"Lesson? Are you going to fight him? " Jin Taiyan tilted her head with great interest.

"OK, OK, hurry up and have a fight. We have just waved our fists. It seems that we have practiced it."

Sunny said that sunny retorted that "no matter how nice and quiet people are, there are always moments of ventilation, such as Xiaoxian and Taiyan."


"Ah! Why are we both involved! "

Xu Xian and Jin Taiyan, who were watching the war, immediately roared with dissatisfaction.

"What's your name? Don't you mention you occasionally? One by one, no big or small. "

Sunny shrunk her neck. Before she said a few words, Xu Xian's voice hit again.

"Ernie, Taiyan, Ernie is older than you."

Although he is only two months old, as the third in the team, the word "no big or no small" is really inappropriate. Xu Xian thinks so.

“Wue? It's still my wife who is older than me. I haven't slept with any of you, especially you Xiaoxian. "

Tiffany hugged Jin Taiyan in his arms, stuck out his tongue and said contemptuously, "daedae is mine, don't rob!"

"Just grab it." Sunny calmly pulled the hair in her ear.

"You have my credit for being so big there."

Tiffany quickly retreated and couldn't help but look down at his collar.

The hugged Jin Taiyan shook her head reluctantly and compared her driving with sunny. They can't find the second one in the team.

At least everyone still has some skin. This Lee Saburo doesn't have it at all.

"You really are. People are talking serious!"

The daily chat deviated from the topic, which was the daily life of the girl age. Lin Yuner angrily stared at these sisters.

"Instead of comforting me, you still make fun of me here. Is it girlhood?"

Jin Xiaoyuan hurriedly comforted, "so you really want to go to the United States to fight with him? Is there a shortage of staff? "

Seeing the seriousness of the other party, Lin Yuner was also moved.

Good man, you see the truth when you are in trouble, although Jin Xiaoyuan usually looks unreliable.

But standing up at this critical moment still made her feel that years of sisterhood had not been maintained in vain.

But the next moment, Jin Xiaoyuan's words directly drove her into the abyss.

"I'm in charge of shooting. Don't forget that I'm one of the PDS of hit the stage now.

You can rest assured that I will shoot Yuner's heroic posture with the most professional method.

Maybe because of this video, you will be selected by director Zheng douhong to become a new generation of martial arts actress. "

Lin Yuner's face froze for a moment.

Zheng douhong, a famous action director in China, is also the most famous one.

There are too many actors who want to work with him.

"Hum... Ignore you."

Knowing that it is difficult for a person to beat eight mouths, Lin Yuner sat down and turned his head angrily.

"I don't think Yuner is going to fight with the sage. After all, the sage's figure, Yuner has to be spanked."

The crowd followed Cui Xiuying's words and mended the picture a little. Instead, they covered their mouths more happily.

You should know that Lin Yuner is the representative of slender figure in idol circle.

Li Xianzhe's figure is very strong because of his long stay in the United States and fitness.

Many people say that he is a 1.9-meter jinzhongguo (jinzhongguo 178). When they stand together, it is really the feeling of Cuizhu to the tree stump.

"So this is a thousand miles to find a husband?"

After studying in China for some time, Jin Xiaoyuan thought of a word.

"Looking for a husband thousands of miles? Hey, Yigu, it really moved South Korea's good girlfriend. Congratulations. "

Sunny clapped her hands warmly. "Although Yuner's figure is a little poor, she just rushed at this face.

If you can take my brother down, as a sister, I have no opinion. After all, it's not a kiss on top of each other. "

With that, he also compared wink with Lin Yuner, which made everyone get goose bumps all over.

"Who else in the world can bear Sunny's coquetry? Really come and take sunny away."