But Lanxin didn't wake up for a moment, and my heart was hanging in the air for fear that she would suffer some internal injury and be in a coma all the time.

I took Lan Xin out of the boat and put her on a piece of grass in front of the beach. Then I went back to the boat and removed several boards to make a bed for Lan Xin.

I put orchid in place and went back to the ship to carry things again. I moved all the things that I could carry down for a rainy day. Who knows how long I'll stay in this ghost place? I'm prepared.

most excited me was that I found a box of high concentration of Baijiu Baijiu in the cabin, which was not expected to be on the table in the usual days, but I was the biggest reward for me for a few years of not having touched the bottle.

I unscrewed a bottle and took two sips. It tasted pretty good. When

finished moving, I picked up a shovel and dug a big pit on the front slope. I buried all of these corpses and buried them in the beach. There were many birds in Shanghai. If they let their bodies rot on the beach, they would be eaten by seabirds and what else.

Besides, even if they are not eaten by seabirds, the rotten corpses smell bad. Who can bear the bad smell.

After that, I took a bath in the sea and changed into a clean suit. This suit was found on a boat. It was a little tight on me, but I could make do with it. Then I went back to the beach and carried orchid to the hill in front of me.

The hill is not high, and the altitude will not exceed 50 meters. There is a large open grassland on the top of the hill, at least several thousand square meters. I am going to take orchid to nest here.

I brought up things by the beach in batches, and as soon as I was busy, I was so busy that the sun set to the sea level.

I made a fire. Although Lanxin had been in the sun all afternoon, her clothes were not completely dry, half dry and half wet. I thought about it. It was windy on the hill at night. Don't catch a cold. If she got sick here, it would be a very difficult thing.

I think about it, but I don't care so much. It's important to protect my life. I'll talk about other things later. I take off all of Lanxin's clothes, leaving only her underwear.

Lan Xin's figure is really against the sky, with curves showing clearly. She has no fat on her stomach, flat as the ground. Her two straight legs are even and slender. She looks at me with dry mouth.

I picked up two blankets to cover Lan Xin's body. These things were found in other cabins. Anyway, three ships found two blankets, five quilts and more than ten sets of men's and women's clothes. As long as they could be worn and used, I took them back.

In the afternoon, I hang these clothes on the tree in front of me to dry, or they won't work at night.

The wind on the mountain is really strong at night. It's just like this on the beach. The temperature difference between day and night is big. The cold wind is biting and makes me shiver.

In the middle of the night, LAN Xinyou wakes up. The first time she wakes up, she sees a big fire. Then she sees a figure sitting nearby.

Lan Xin shouts and sits up with a whoosh. At this time, the blanket falls from Lan Xin. Lan Xin, who is only wearing underwear, is beautiful in the moonlight.

My eyes are crazy. I haven't met a woman for more than three years. Which man can carry it.

When Lan Xin saw that a terrible savage was staring at her, she was shocked. She held her body and said, "who are you? You - what do you want? "

I suddenly reaction, big night staring at a woman is not polite, not to mention now I live a savage, don't scare her.

I quickly took back my eyes and said in a soft voice, "sister Lan Xin, don't be afraid. You're safe. You're fine. "

I called her sister Lan Xin. Lan Xin was surprised and worried. She thought how she could know a savage. What surprised her even more was that I could name her.

Lan Xin didn't recognize me for the first time, which can't blame her, because I have a sloppy beard. I haven't had my hair and beard cut for more than three years. It's just like a savage. It's strange that she can recognize me.

I stood up to get close to her. Lanxin immediately stepped back and tried to reach out to push me, but she just pulled back, because at this time she had to hold the blanket, or her whole body would be gone.

When Lan Xin saw her appearance, she was ashamed and angry. She thought what I had done to her. A woman was stripped by a savage. Can she not think wildly?

"Don't come here! If you come here again, I'll shout. " While holding the blanket back, Lan Xin threatened me. I was amused by Lan Xin's words. There was only me and her here. What was the use of her shouting? If it was useful, I would have called for help.

When Lan Xin saw that I was not afraid to laugh back, she was flustered for a moment. She wanted to shout, but she was afraid that it would irritate me even more. Lan Xin didn't know what to do for a moment, and her anxious mood crawled on her face, which made people laugh and feel sad.

I didn't dare to rush forward, but sat back again and said softly, "sister Lan Xin, don't worry. You can look around and see where it is

Just now, Lan Xin focused all her attention on me, but ignored a question. Where is this? How did she come here?

Lan Xin holds her body and looks around. She is scared again. It's dark all around here. It seems that she is in a desolate place. A woman is taken to a desolate place by a strange man at night. No matter how brave she is, she will be scared to pee.Lan Xin wants to scream a few times, but her throat seems to be stuck with something. She can't cry out at all, or her inner fear has swallowed her up, so she doesn't dare to do anything unusual.

I took a picture of the grass and motioned to Lanxin to sit down first. Lanxin did not dare to make her own decision and chose to compromise. At this time, apart from compromise, what else could she do? Resistance and non cooperation were unwise choices.

Lanxin is an extremely intelligent woman, who knows how to judge the situation. For the sake of today's plan, she still needs to pacify me first.

I really want to laugh in my heart. This woman is really lovely. I haven't seen her for several years, and I'm more and more calm.

"You - who are you?" Lan Xin hesitated to ask me this question again. Maybe she was more concerned about it and asked me again and again. Maybe it was her strategy to slow down. First find out my details, and then try to deal with me.

"You really don't know me?" I raised my eyelids and stared at Lan Xin with burning eyes.

Lan Xin didn't dare to look at me. She just glanced at me, then shook her head and said, "I don't know you. Have you ever been a guest of mine? "

Lanxin's Lanxin villa business is booming. People come every day, and there are countless guests. Many of them come because of the beauty of Lanxin. So it's reasonable for Lanxin to be so suspicious.

Maybe Lan Xin thinks that I'm pretending to be a ghost on purpose. The purpose is that I don't want to show my true face to others and have a bad heart for her.

Why else would I dress up like this?


You're kidding! This is neither Shennongjia nor filming. Are there any savages these days?

Therefore, Lan Xin firmly believes that I have a purpose to approach her, and she has to be suspicious when she wakes up dressed like this.