I did not dodge, no regrets, let Manyu smoke, if this can reduce my harm to her, I am willing to be beaten, even if she wants my life.

Manyu smokes a few times and doesn't smoke. She forgets that she has leaked all over the garden and hasn't closed the door in time. Manyu covers her face with her hands and sobs silently. Xiang shoulders shrug and puff. She is extremely disappointed or sad.

"Manyu -" I want to explain a few words for my behavior. I hope she won't be so sad. I'm wrong. I apologize and repent to her.

"Go away! I don't want to see you again! " Manyu looked up at me coldly and roared, just like an enemy and a stranger. In her eyes, I couldn't see a trace of temperature.

There is only hate and dislike.

Manyu thinks I'm dirty, my body and soul are dirty, and I also dislike myself. At this moment, I know that I'm finished. Manyu was wary of me. After today's event, I'm afraid there will be no future.

She won't talk to me any more. Maybe she and I will only be the most familiar strangers since then.

I don't want to. I want to save her. I don't ask her to forgive me. I just hope she doesn't ignore me and treat me as a stranger who has nothing to do with her.

This will break my heart.

But how could I not break her heart when I hurt her?

Man Yu trusted me and made me stay as a friend. Is that how I repay her trust?

I'm chagrined, chagrined!


"Go away! Now! Get out of here now Manyu hissed and screamed. At this moment, she was a little frustrated or desperate, and didn't want to look at me again.

I don't know why I am like this. What have I just done? How can I treat such a good woman as Manyu.

I suddenly gave myself a few punches in the head, but I didn't have any strength. I was completely dead handed. These punches confused my head and made my confused brain even more confused.

Manyu was scared by my self mutilation. She held her body and looked at me timidly and puzzled. Her eyes were full of panic, confusion and confusion.

"Manyu -"

"what do you want? What do you want? " Man Yu shook his head and said in a panic: "can I beg you to leave my house? Can I beg you? Ye Zhong, please let me go. "

When Manyu said "beg" to me, I knew that it was all over. According to my understanding of her, she never asked for help. Now she said "beg" to me just because she completely regarded me as a stranger, an extremely dangerous stranger full of all kinds of terror.

Instead of trusting me, she was filled with fear.

Man Yu is begging me to let her go. My favorite woman is begging me to let her go. Isn't that ironic?

But who can blame for all this? It's all caused by myself. I'm obsessed with sex. For a moment, I want to be rude, but I'm only responsible.

I don't know why I did it, whether it was because of eight years of depressed emotion or my missing and love for Manyu. At that time, I completely lost my judgment and didn't care about the consequences of doing it. When I woke up, I knew what kind of harm it would do to Manyu.

When I realized the mistake, the big mistake had been made. Man Yu's only trust in me was also wasted by me.

Manyu scared pale, shaking his head pitifully begged me, my heart is about to break, Manyu, you don't like this, you so I love, I go, right away.

I was afraid of frightening Manyu again. I got up from the sofa and whispered to Manyu, "I'm sorry, Manyu. I'll go first. You have a good rest at home

Manyu didn't seem to hear what I was saying. She just lowered her head and begged me to leave her home.

I went to the escalator on the second floor and looked back at Manyu sitting on the sofa. She was like a bottle of cold statue sitting there.

I went downstairs with mixed feelings and left Manyu's house.

I was so ruthlessly driven away by Manyu.

I went back to sun Jianbing's house on foot. Now it's past nine in the morning. Sun Jianbing and qiutang went to work. Last night, qiutang gave me a key to her house. I opened the door, and I was alone in the empty room.

I lay on the sofa in a daze, not knowing what to do, as if nothing was right and I was not in the mood to do it.

I have no idea. This time, the driver is expected to be at the end of the job. It's sad to think about it. I'm going to be laid off when I'm a driver for Manyu. Is this the shortest temporary worker in China?

It's not easy to have such an opportunity to approach Manyu, so that I can guard her every day. I don't want to be wasted like this. I regret my death.

I just lay on the sofa for two or three hours until sun Jianbing called me.

"Where are you, Mr. Ye?"

Although sun Jianbing and I have decided to be brothers all our lives, we have all talked about it, but he has been used to calling me Mr. Ye for nearly ten years, so he did not change his name, but continued to call me Mr. Ye.I replied listlessly, "at home."

"At home? Didn't you pick Miss Su up in the morning? "

I said, "yes. In the morning, Miss Su twisted her foot, so she didn't go to work. "

"Oh. Is it serious? "

"It's OK. Just have a rest. "

I'm Miss Su's driver. If she doesn't go to work, it's meaningless for me to go to work. Besides, I haven't been employed yet, so sun Jianbing doesn't urge me to go to work.

has the final say that Sun Jianbing is the only one in the studio. What's more, in the studio, besides the rain, Qiu Tang and I have the final say, so I will not go to work without anyone to say anything, they will not care about it.

Sun Jianbing said: "Mr. Ye, if you are bored at home, you can go outside and get familiar with the environment. Hangzhou has changed a lot these years."


"It's almost noon. Shall I come to pick you up for dinner?"

When something happened in the morning, I said, "don't worry about lunch. I'll solve it myself. By the way, how's the company doing? "

"Very good. Don't worry, the studio is now standardized process management, Miss Su one or two days away from work will not affect the operation of the studio

"That's good. If it's OK, I'll hang up first and try to catch up


After talking with sun Jianbing, I thought about it for a moment. It's noon. It doesn't matter if I don't eat or drink, but Manyu can't help eating.

As soon as I think of Manyu, my brother is as energetic as a chicken. I get up from the sofa and go downstairs to the supermarket nearby to buy a lot of dishes.

I went home and made a four dish soup. These dishes were all Manyu's favorite food in the past. I didn't want to please Manyu to forgive me. I just hope she can feel better and don't starve herself.

I packed the food and then went to Manyu's house to deliver it to her.