I just like a ghost, appeared in front of Leng min and Bian Yinqiang without warning.

Bian Yinqiang and lengmin are sitting on the sofa nervously. They don't know when there is one more person beside them, which makes them tremble. Mom, are you a human or a ghost.

Leng min is a little more calm, but he is so scared that he falls on the back of the sofa. Bian Yinqiang's mental quality is much worse, and he is so scared that he falls on the floor.


Bian Yinqiang was scolded by me and his face was like pig liver. He quickly got up from the ground and sat back.

I put my legs down and said with a smile, "are you all ready?"

"Ready - ready." Leng min sits upright, leans forward and hands me the paper bag on the tea table.

I took it over with one hand, opened the opening, took out the information inside and looked through it. The things were quite complete. The whole Lanxin villa, including the information of other hospitals and the transfer contract, were all in it.

I nodded with satisfaction and said, "not bad. It's quite complete. "

"Me - where are my things?" Lengmin has not forgotten her black box.

"Hum." With a sneer, I handed a black box to Leng min and said, "I keep my word. If I give it to you, I won't break my promise. Take it."

Lengmin takes it with both hands, opens it and looks inside. She hasn't touched the black box, and doesn't know what's inside, so she asks Bian Yinqiang to confirm.

Bian Yinqiang rummaged inside the box, finally nodded his head and said, "yes, these are the things."

These things are made by him, he said that naturally there will be no mistake, lengmin worried about what I backup, she said softly: "these things will not that what?"

Of course, I know what she wants to ask. A villain's heart is like a gentleman's belly, so I pulled my face and said, "you think everyone is like you. I do things by all means. I'm always open and aboveboard. If I give it back to you, I'll give it back to you. Besides, do you think you overestimate yourself too much and treat yourself as an important person? Is it necessary for me to do this? ”

Leng min was taught to be speechless by me. He sat there with a red face and didn't dare to answer back. Bian Yinqiang didn't dare to be presumptuous. When he saw my soul, he didn't dare to stand up for Leng min.

"It's time for me to leave when the matter is done. This place doesn't belong to you in the future. Don't let me see you two disgusting things in Lanxin villa, otherwise -" I made a gesture to wipe my neck, which immediately scared Leng min and Bian Yinqiang's eyes. They almost didn't kneel down to promise me anything.

When I'm not wandering in front of them, Leng min may dare to boast a few words. Once she sees me, she will wilt and dare not say a word of disrespect from beginning to end.

I don't care about this pair of dogs and men. Let them live and die on their own. I turned downstairs and left the villa. I walked down the mountain road in front of me. After walking for a few minutes, there were two shadows lying in the woods on both sides of the mountain road in the dark. One was watching with a pair of goggles, and the other was lying motionless in front of a sniper gun.

The black figure with the eyeglasses whispered through the headset: "report to the captain, the prey appears, the prey appears, but there is only one figure. The eagle asks whether to snipe, please direct, please direct, over."

"Phoenix, can you confirm your identity? It's over. "

"Captain, it's target one. It's over. "

Another voice asked, "is there a target? It's over. "

Phoenix said: "not for the time being, over."

"Stand by, over."

"Copy. Over."

"What did the captain say?" The eagle asked the Phoenix.

"Stand by."

"Good." The eagle agreed and asked, "if target 2 does appear, can we really shoot?"

Phoenix said faintly: "as long as the captain orders, why not?"

"He's the eye of heaven."

"What happened to the eye of heaven?" Phoenix began to disdain to say a, suddenly reaction, and asked: "who do you say?"

"Eye of heaven."

"The legendary eye of heaven?"


Eagle said: "at the beginning, I joined the special forces because I heard too many legends about the eye of heaven and wanted to be a man like him, a real man."

Phoenix was a little silent for a while, then said: "Eagle, I understand your mood, but the eye is no longer the eye of the sky, we are no longer the eye of the sky. There can be idols, but compared with the honor of soldiers, these are insignificant. "

"But -"

"no, but, this is the mission." Phoenix coldly said a sentence, Eagle sighed, no longer say anything, but continue to stare at the target in the sniper mirror.

I walked down the mountain road slowly. I kept listening to the movement around me. I didn't know what was going on. I smelled a breath of death, which had been lingering in my heart.Danger, danger.

The eagle has been staring at me, suddenly I slipped and fell on the mountain road. The eagle just blinked. When he looked at the sniper mirror again, the target disappeared.

"Phoenix, the target is gone. What's the matter?"

Phoenix holding glasses through observation, has just been in her eyes under the target disappeared, this is she and Eagle never met things, how can it, No. 1 target can escape themselves.

Phoenix and Eagle observed for a while, determined that target 1 had escaped their sight, and quickly reported to ghost.

"Captain, target one is gone. Target one is gone. Over."

"When did it happen? It's over. "

"A minute ago, over."

"Stand by. I'll tell the others to keep watching. Over."

"Copy. Over."

Wei Wenjie said to the Tibetan mastiff, "Tibetan mastiff, what's the situation there? Over."

"Business as usual, business as usual, over."

"Continue to hold the fort. Once target one escapes to you, report immediately. Over."

"Copy. Over."

"Snow leopard, do you and black bear see anything? It's over. " Wei Wenjie called snow leopard several times, but the other side just didn't answer. Wei Wenjie was surprised and had an ominous premonition that something had happened to snow leopard and black bear.

Wei Wenjie immediately gave orders: "attention of all groups, attention of all groups, the situation has changed, snow leopard and black bear may have an accident, first level alert, pay attention to observe the surrounding and hide yourself, I will take people to see the situation. It's over. "

"Copy. Over."

Wei Wenjie took three special combat team members to leave the depression and move to the hiding position of snow leopard and black bear.

When they arrived at the site, Wei Wenjie saw snow leopard and black bear lying flat under a big tree, and the sniper gun disappeared. Wei Wenjie sniffed on their noses, breathing steadily and without life-threatening.

"The eye of heaven is indeed worthy of being called the eye of heaven. I admire it for being so quiet after ten years of neglect." Wei Wenjie said a few words to himself, and then told his teammates to wake up the snow leopard and the black bear and ask what happened.

Among the two special forces soldiers who grabbed snow leopard and black bear respectively, snow leopard and black bear soon woke up.


Snow leopard and black bear look at Wei Wenjie awkwardly. A soldier king is killed by each other. This is not to lose his face, but to the whole special forces.

Wei Wenjie said: "don't blame you, you alone against him, how can not defeat, thanks to his old love, to your mercy."

"Captain, who is he?"

"My captain, eye of heaven."


When the word "sky eye" pops out of Wei Wenjie's mouth, all five of them are stunned. Their target tonight is the soul of the special forces: sky eye.