Chapter 317

What the bodyguard said is of no use. What Ouyang Yi has decided is so easy to change?

Besides, the missing person is Xia Xiaoran, his girlfriend and the one he cares about, not the one who doesn't care at all. How can he not worry?

"It's impossible to leave the hospital now. You go to go through the discharge procedures, and other people will follow me." He didn't take off his sick clothes. He put a suit on the outside of his sick clothes. Then he pushed the door and came out without any stop.


Xiaoyue stood at the door, looking at the sudden appearance of the crowd, in the heart some fear, fingers subconsciously friction on the doorframe, even the voice of speaking are a little trembling.

"You, what do you do? Who are you looking for? "

"You know me." Ouyang Yi came out of the crowd and stood in front of the crowd, his face serious, "your miss is missing, we need to go into the apartment to see if she has left any clues."

Xiaoyue's eyes looked at Ouyang Yi's face and confirmed that she did know her, but she still stood at the door and didn't give in.

"Now miss is not here. I'm just a servant. It's impossible to let strangers in."

"I know. You see, is this the thermos you prepared?" Ouyang Yi took out the heat preservation bucket Xia Xiaoran brought to Xiaoyue to see, in order to prove her harmlessness, "she came to see me today, this is the evidence that I did not lie, and, you know me, put me in, there will be nothing wrong."

However, Xiaoyue still hesitated.

Ouyang wing know her heart worry, slightly step forward, patiently said: "if you don't believe, you can dial her mobile phone, until confirmed that she really disappeared, you let me in, OK?"

As a matter of fact, Xiaoyue is already a little softhearted. After dialing the phone, she thinks for a while, nods her head and takes a few steps back to let Ouyang Yi's people enter the apartment.

Not long after his people came in, Huang Qifeng and Xu Yu also arrived, only a few minutes before and after.

"How's it going? Any news? " Xu Yu's face was heavy. After he came in, he hit the subject straight and straight, without any beating around the bush.

He shook his head heavily. Ouyang Yi's face was ugly. Nearly two hours had passed since Xia Xiaoran disappeared. There was no news at all.

"Not even a phone call?" Xu Yu asked, his eyes full of surprise.


Simple two words, but let the atmosphere in the living room instantly cold down, no news, for them, is not a good news.

"Will the other party just take people away, not ask for something?" Huang Qifeng sat on one side, cautiously guessing, "if it is true, Miss Xia is likely to be worried about her life."

Kidnapping is not terrible. The terrible thing is that the kidnappers don't ask for anything. If this is the case, they really have no strength to spend.

Xiaoyue has been waiting on the side, from time to time the tea pour water, a hear Xia Xiaoran's life worried, hand can't help shaking, even the water poured out a lot.

"Young master Ouyang, miss, is there anything wrong with Miss? Shall I inform the Xia family? "

"No way." Ouyang Yi immediately refused, let the atmosphere in the living room more strange.

He remembers that Xia Xiaoran said, let him pay attention to Xia Feng and the man in the photo, now she is missing, most of the things have something to do with them.

The Xia family not only has Xia Feng, but also has Xia Yan. As long as the news of Xia Xiaoran's disappearance reaches the Xia family, Xia Yan will know immediately, and Xia Feng will know naturally.

If her disappearance today really has something to do with Xia Feng, it doesn't matter if he knows, but what if Xia Feng didn't do it? Will he drop a stone when he knows?

Therefore, whether Xia Feng did it or not, he did not dare to take the risk!

However, these reasons can not be told to Xiaoyue, let alone publicized in her mouth.

"The old lady of the Xia family is old. She has a good relationship with Xiaoran. If she knows, it's not good for her health."

But a few seconds time, Ouyang wing thought of the best excuse, Xiaoyue reluctantly should come down, but the heart is still worried.

Ouyang Yi took out the picture Xia Xiaoran had given her from his pocket and immediately said, "let people go to find this man immediately. We must find him. It's very likely that if we find him, we will find Xia Xiaoran."

"Xu Yu, now immediately get the surveillance video of the hospital and the streets around the hospital. If he wants to take people out, he will pass these intersections and we will find clues!"

The more critical the situation is, the clearer Ouyang Yi's thoughts are. Little by little, they all begin to flash before his eyes.

Looking for work began in an orderly manner, from the beginning of the panic, Ouyang wing's heart calm down, the body began to cool slowly.

"Look! Here it is

Xu Yu's voice, attracted everyone's attention, Ouyang Yi's action is the fastest, quickly to the front of the computer screen.

In the video, Xia Xiaoran walks to the safe passage and enters the blind area of the monitor. Behind her is a tall man. It's Wang Feng in the photo. That's right! A few minutes later, Wang Feng dragged the fainted Xia Xiaoran out of the safe passage. Even when he passed by the monitor, Wang Feng raised his eyes and looked at the monitor, his mouth slightly raised, with a trace of irony. That look in the eyes, clearly is to say, you have the ability to come to me“ Now? Now! Look for this man Ruthless tone is not enough to express the urgency of his heart, Ouyang Yi said the green veins are slightly burst up. This side is constantly looking for people, and Xia Xiaoran on the other side is just waking up. Awake moment, she would smell the pungent smell of chemical reagents, opened his eyes, in the dark, she can not see some of the surrounding situation. Shaking her head, her thoughts began to clear up gradually. Recalling what happened before, she suddenly understood that she had been kidnapped. Thinking of the sound she heard before she was in a coma, she already knew it. If she didn't guess wrong, it should be Wang Feng. How did she not expect that she could not escape from Wang Feng's nightmare in the last life? In this life, she was so defensive and could not escape. Is this what others call fate“ Miss Xia, are you awake? Did you have a good sleep? " Familiar voice, around her ears, but no one around her“ Come on, what's your purpose, or what conditions did Xia Feng reach with you? I can give you twice what he can give you! "