Chapter 1189

At this point, Liu Yongqing also sighed a little, "I don't know if I can make the Liu family's property return to its original state..."

"Don't worry, young master. You are a member of the Liu family. Naturally, you have a unique advantage in business. I believe you can do it." Luoying reaches over the back of Liu Yongqing's hand and wants to give him some encouragement.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yongqing's other hand suddenly grasped Luo Ying's hand. His eyes looked at Luo Ying very seriously and asked, "Luo Ying, you accompany me all the way. Will you accompany me all the time?"

Liu Yongqing suddenly became so serious, which made Luoying a little bit unaccustomed. She was slightly stunned, looked at Liu Yongqing and asked, "young master, what you said is that I'm the servant girl of the Liu family. Naturally, I'll be with you..."

"No, I'm not talking about this. I mean..." when Liu Yongqing was about to talk about this with Luo Ying seriously, the carriage suddenly shook and stopped him.

Luoying came to the carriage and lifted the curtain.

Just at this time, someone yelled in front of the motorcade: "it's windy. We have reached the foot of the mountain. Do you want to go up the mountain?"

Today, when I went out, it was still sunny. I didn't expect that it was just an hour after I went out, and there were dark clouds on the top of the team. Moreover, there were bursts of cold wind mixed with sand and stones, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Several high headed horses guarding the crotch are also restless and restless. The horses keep kicking the ground. It seems that they are very restless.

Su Peiqi came down from the carriage, looked up at the dark clouds all over the sky, and then asked, "how about going up the mountain?"

"I'm afraid there will be a debris flow," the guard said

It's summer, especially when there is a lot of rain. In case of a landslide and debris flow, the whole motorcade may be engulfed in the twinkling of an eye, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Luoying also helped Liu Yongqing out of the carriage, went to Su Peiqi's side and listened to his arrangement.

Looking down and thinking for a while, Su Peiqi said, "let's see if there is a place nearby where we can take shelter from the rain. Let's camp for the time being."

The guard got the order, and then scattered around to look for it.

Liu Yongqing stepped forward and said to Su Peiqi, "my Lord, I have a slope not far from here. Why don't we go there and have a rest first. Look at the weather, I'm afraid it will rain cats and dogs in a short time."

The implication is that they have no more time to spend

The weather changes fastest in summer, and Liu Yongqing's proposal was soon approved. Then Su Pei got on the bus, while Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying led the way. The motorcade then walked to the side of the mountain. After walking about 500 meters, Liu Yongqing saw the broken Temple standing there alone.

At this time, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the sand and stones are thrown directly into people's face and mouth. Liu Yongqing can't even open her eyes, let alone open her mouth

Liu Yongqing had no choice but to turn his back to the direction of the wind. He reached out to the groom not far behind him and pointed to the broken temple in front of him.

The groom nodded, then pulled the horse and quickly went up. When they just entered the broken temple, the big raindrops were falling.

Liu Yongqing, Luo Ying and Su Peiqi go into the broken Temple together. They pick up a clean place and sit down. Seeing that the sky around them is getting darker and darker, Su Peiqi also orders Mr. Ren to start a fire.

It seems that the temple has been deserted for a long time. The windows are also full of holes. The strong wind and rain are blowing in from the holes. No matter where it is, it has a cool feeling.

The reason why Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying know about this broken temple is that they once passed by here to have a rest when they rushed to the capital. Now they revisit their hometown, and they still have some memories of it.

"My Lord, although the temple leaks rain everywhere, the roof is relatively safe. There is a lot of rain in summer, so we can come and go quickly. I see that in the afternoon, we can set off..."

Su Peiqi has always been accompanied by a man who looks like a teacher. He talks and behaves very well. At first sight, he is full of poetry and books. Liu Yongqing respects him very much, and calls him Mr. Fu just like Su Peiqi.

Mr. Fu always holds a pen in his hand and is ready to write down some important things and sentences anytime and anywhere. He is still so studious at the age of thirty, which makes Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying admire him.

Su Peiqi nodded silently, looking at the heavy rain outside the window and didn't speak.

In the silence and darkness, suddenly a light comes. Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying look at them. Not far away from them, the guards light a fire. On the top of the guards' heads, there are some silvery things reflecting.

Even before they came and thought about what the silvery things were, they immediately saw that the guards who made the fire turned around and fell to the ground. A dark thing spread out from under them, and a faint smell of blood appeared in the air.

Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying are staring at the undercurrent on the ground, but Mr. Fu raises his hand to block Su Peiqi, and yells: "guard, guard, there are assassins!" As soon as the words fell, the jingle of swords and swords came. Liu Yongqing didn't even think about it. He hugged Luoying and protected her tightly in his arms. He also quickly stepped back and carefully didn't let Luoying suffer any harm“ You, you... "Luoying is tightly protected by Liu Yongqing, even breathing is a little difficult, struggling to get out of his arms, but he doesn't give Luoying a chance at all. Liu Yongqing's eyes fixed on those not far away swords and swords, and he muttered, "it's OK, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Su Peiqi and Mr. Fu also quickly hide to one side, while Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying hide to the corner of the other side. Although the number of assassins coming this time is small, even Liu Yongqing, who is not good at martial arts, can see that the assassins are so skillful that they can block four or five guards alone. Even so, in the long run, the assassins were still a little weak. Except for one person who was slightly injured, the others disappeared in a flash, and four or five holes were made in the roof of the broken temple. The other guards rushed to chase after him, but Su Peiqi yelled, "don't chase the poor!" Hearing this, the guards returned to the broken temple and were drenched with rain. Qi Shushu knelt down on the ground and said, "my Lord is scared..." Su Peiqi just waved his hand and didn't speak. Looking back, he saw Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying hiding in the corner in horror.