"I don't care. You call the dean and Mr. Zhuo now. I'll listen!" Chen Siyan pursed her lips.

Yang Chen some for: "now inconvenient, I another day let people go back to report peace."

"No! Right now Chen Siyan is reluctant.

Mengpo changed her clothes from upstairs and came down. When she saw Chen Siyan, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Yanyan!"

For Yang Chen's sister, Meng Po is not hostile, but like this stubborn little girl.

Mengpo changed into a simple T-shirt and shorts, looking young and energetic.

When Chen Siyan saw Meng Po, she couldn't help staring at her and said in surprise, "sister Meng, you're here, too!"

With that, Chen Siyan immediately looks at them suspiciously, muttering in her heart, are they cohabiting?

Meng po said with a smile, "I just came here today, too."

"Didn't my brother inform you?" Chen Siyan asked immediately.

Meng Po was silent and smiling.

Chen Siyan immediately understood the meaning of Meng Po's slightly bitter smile and said angrily, "my brother is so hateful. Don't you know how worried we are about him? I didn't even inform us if I was all right. I don't know how worried we are about him! "

Meng Po also threw a resentful look at Yang Chen. After she couldn't find Yang Chen at that time, she was really worried. She didn't sleep well all year.

Yang Chen didn't tell them, it really made them hoard some resentment in their heart.

Looking at the two women, Yang Chen immediately stood in a camp and said with a bitter smile, "well, I'm wrong. This is my fault. Can I make you a delicious apology at night?"

"That's about it!" Chen Siyan doesn't give up. She also knows what it means to Yang Chen to lose Ye Xin. Maybe she hasn't recovered yet.

Yang Chen saw that this matter was over. He took a look at the sword edge hiding in the corner and immediately said, "now it's my turn to ask you. Why do you suddenly want to come to Ancheng? Who is looking after the company in Ningchuan? "

"Of course, it's the vice president and the managers of various departments. We can't train a few capable cadres for such a long time." Chen Siyan said.

Yang Chen sneers, stares at her to continue to ask: "that you come to an city to do what?"

Chen Siyan hesitated for a while. She turned her eyes and said, "give yourself a holiday! Sister Xueqing is here. Why can't I come! I'm here to find sister Xueqing. "

Seeing that Chen Siyan didn't admit that she had been killed, Yang Chen didn't continue to ask, so he said, "it's OK. I'll relax in Ancheng during this time, and I'll leave when I have enough rest."

"Ah?" When Chen Siyan heard Yang Chen driving her away, she was caught off guard and said, "I can play as long as I want. You don't have to worry about this!"

Yang Chen looks at Chen Siyan, can't help but sneer, eyes floating to the sword.

Jian Feng shivers all over and quickly lowers his head. He doesn't dare to look at Yang Chen.

"Go to the company with Jianfeng to find Xueqing first, and come back for dinner in the evening." Yang chendao.

He also has the people of the Dragon teeth team to settle down. He doesn't have time to fool around with the little girl here. It's the same to talk about the past in the evening.

"Good!" Chen Siyan immediately happily agreed to come down, hopping to pull the sword's arm.

Jianfeng quickly dodges. He dares to show intimate action with Chen Siyan in front of Yang Chen. He immediately makes a gesture of please and says respectfully, "please first!"

Chen Siyan is slightly stunned. She seems to think of something. Her face turns red and looks at Yang Chen who is staring at her. She goes out quickly.

Jian Feng follows behind Chen Siyan, and doesn't even dare to look back.

After watching them leave, Meng po said with a smile: "when I saw Yan Yan, I remembered when I was a child. At that time, I worked as a volunteer with my parents in Africa. I was almost as stubborn as her at that time."

Yang Chen took a deep look at Meng Po and sighed, "the past is unforgettable, the future is in front of us."

Hearing this, the sadness in her eyes disappeared. She looked up at Yang Chen and said with a smile, "yes, the future is near."

Chinese is not the same as English. The pronunciation of synonyms can't tell which word it is. So Yang Chen doesn't know which "Jin" Meng Po is talking about. He just looks at Meng Po's eyes and notices something different.

"Let's go! Tell me what you've been through this year. "

They went back to the villa next door.

As soon as he entered the hall, Yang Chen felt as if he had returned to the previous campus. It's like a noisy scene during the visible period. The room is buzzing and their discussions are all over their ears.

Although this is not the first time they have come to China, the last time they came here, they were fighting with the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, so they had no time to understand the situation of China; The purpose of this visit is to stay in China for a long time, and it is inevitable that they will live in China for a period of time. Therefore, they need to understand the real situation of China and integrate into this environment.

However, in the final analysis, these people are still foreigners. They don't know much about China. Don't think that the standard Mandarin they have been taught by Yang Chen is a Chinese expert. Besides some books, they don't know anything about the real life of China.

So, seeing the information on the news software and the blog, they constantly refresh their understanding of China and have a heated discussion with the people around them.

Even, they didn't notice that Yang Chen and Meng Po came back.

Looking at the appearance of all the people in Shura hall, Mengpo could not help feeling ashamed. How could she feel like she came to the vegetable market!

"Cough!" Meng Po coughed, trying to attract everyone's attention.

All of a sudden, they continued to discuss enthusiastically, directly drowning Mengpo's cough.

Seeing that the crowd didn't respond, Meng Po's face sank and she scolded, "be quiet!"

This voice is very loud, and it makes everyone calm down in a moment. They sit up straight and look at it.

They found that Yang Chen and Meng Po had already stood in front of them, and they couldn't help feeling a burst of hot on their faces.

Yang Chen said with a smile: "you are in a normal state. There are many misunderstandings about Huaxia, which makes it difficult for you to understand his real situation. But the development of Huaxia is far beyond your imagination. Huaxia is a good place. I'm sure you will like it. It's right to know more about it. "

People nodded, they really have a great interest in China.

"Now tell me what happened to Shura hall in the past year." Yang chendao.

Zixiu took the lead in saying: "Kilimanjaro's cemetery has been bombed."

"What As soon as Yang Chen heard the news, he came up with anger, and his whole body suddenly sent out a sense of killing, which filled the whole room with a sense of killing. People felt afraid and could not breathe, as if they were in the Shura arena!

After all, the king of Shura is the king of Shura. No one can resist the killing intention of the king of Shura!

Dragon has scales, Kilimanjaro on the cemetery, buried are his brothers, but also one of his scales!