Yan bizhou and Falcon joined hands and soon cleaned up the enemies in front of them. As for the poisonous insects, they didn't care much about them.

A large number of poisonous insects are desperately biting. At this time, Liu Quansheng's fuel is thrown out.

As soon as Yan bizhou and Falcon were about to withdraw, they saw a lighted object whistling past behind them.

Both of them dodged quickly, and the fuel rushed into the pile of insects. In an instant, there was a sea of fire in front of them, and the insects were all gathered together. In this way, it was a burning company.

Rao is so, Yan bizhou and Falcon are still bitten by insects.

Even at the beginning, both of them avoided the insects, but later, the insects were inevitable.

But at this time, those evil seedlings of the other side were also killed by two people.

Yan bizhou took a look at the situation around him. After confirming that no one existed, he fell to the ground with a groan, and the Falcon fainted.

Seeing Yan bizhou and Falcon fall, Han Xue and others can't help it any more. At this time, the insects have been cleaned up.

"Dr. Gu, what's the matter with them?" Cold snow ran to two people, but found that two people are pale, as if poisoned in general, but two people's chest are ups and downs, obviously just fainting, not dead.

Gu Tianquan checked the two people's condition, he had a headache and said: "big trouble!"

On the other side, Yungong mountain went into the water for a trial. The water almost reached the belly of Yungong mountain. If the strength was not strong enough, it would be easily washed away.

"How's it going?" Wang Yang asked, looking forward to it.

"The water is turbulent. I think it's dangerous for Liu Fengyuan and Mei Xiuyun to come here. You and Meng Xinghun can still get through." Yungong mountain explained.

Wang Yang saw that there seemed to be no poisonous insects in the river, so he rushed into the water to check the situation himself.

Sure enough, everything is as Yungong mountain said. The river looks calm and the water is not very deep, but the water below is extremely turbulent.

Wang Yang speculated that there would be a lot of undercurrents nearby. If there were some reefs, then the danger to everyone would be even greater.

Yungong mountain and Meng Xinghun are very good. Both of them are Miao people. It should not be a problem to pass here.

But Liu Fengyuan's strength is much weaker. Mei Xiuyun is a girl who has no strength to bind a chicken. It's hard to protect herself in this kind of river.

"Boss, I have no problem." Liu Fengyuan seems to see the dilemma of Wang Yang, immediately very firm said.

"I can walk with Meng Xinghun, with Meng Xinghun's back to me, and I'll explore the way below. I wear gloves, and even if there's something down there, it's relatively convenient. " Yungong mountain murmured.

Wang Yang nodded and then said, "the water on the bank is deep to the belly. I don't know how deep it is. I'll let Mei Xiuyun ride on my shoulder."

Mei Xiuyun exclaimed, but she hesitated shyly and said, "yes..."

Liu Fengyuan immediately stupid, these two people a group, then he?

"You'll help us two groups. Once something happens to either group, you can support it by yourself." Wang Yang said to Liu Fengyuan.

Everyone's division of labor is clear, the rest is to walk in the water.

"Meng Xinghun, do you know the situation here?" Wang Yang looked at the water and asked casually, while the others were struggling with their lives.

You know, the river is very cold. It's easy to get cramps if you go straight down. Wang Yang asked everyone to release their energy within one minute. Otherwise, if you get cramps in such a fast river, it's no different from looking for death.

Meng Xinghun answered while moving: "it takes about ten minutes to get through here."


A minute later, after the warm-up, the crowd retreated along the waterway.

It's very difficult for people to walk in the water. Some of the water below is very fast. If you are not careful, you may fall in it. It's estimated that you will be washed away by the river before you wait for someone to react. It's hard to say what's going on downstream.

They just walked one-third of the way, Wang Yang spit and saw some wood washed down in the distance.

"No, it's been raining heavily before. I'm afraid it's coming down from the upstream." Yungong mountain also saw this scene, suddenly his face was very ugly and said.

Wang Yang reminded everyone to be careful, and then pulled Mei Xiuyun into the water. The two men directly lurked in the water and let the wood float from the top of their heads.

Liu Fengyuan and others are just like this. They can only stay underwater and wait for all the wood to wash down.

What people didn't expect was that there was a lot of wood, and there were even some dead large livestock behind.

In this case, no one dares to come out of the water for a breath. Liu Fengyuan is about to roll his eyes underwater.I don't know how long later, Wang Yang and Mei Xiuyun first came to the surface, while Yungong mountain and Meng Xinghun also came out for a breath, and Meng Xinghun also pulled Liu Fengyuan who was about to lose consciousness.

"My God, I was almost killed by water here."

Liu Fengyuan gasped for breath and muttered bitterly.

Wang Yang's face was very ugly, because Mei Xiuyun's eyes were closed and he had fainted.

"Come on, get ashore!" Wang Yang didn't dare to be careless. He immediately took Mei Xiuyun back along the original road and returned to the shore more than ten meters away from the crowd. The rest of the people also followed.

It was a failure to cross the river this time.

Wang Yang put Mei Xiuyun flat on the bank, and then said: "drowning, I press her abdomen, Liu Fengyuan, you do artificial respiration."

"Ah? Artificial respiration? That's the kiss... " Liu Fengyuan exclaimed blankly.

"Waste what words, people are going to die, but also manage so much?" Yungong mountain kicks Liu Fengyuan.

Liu Fengyuan didn't dare to say anything, so he could only give Mei Xiuyun artificial respiration according to Wang Yang's idea.

Liu Fengyuan is still happy in his heart, but it's a bit awkward to do artificial respiration in front of several old men.

Renyun Gongshan is a poisonous man. Besides, he can't do artificial respiration for Mei Xiuyun, let alone Meng Xinghun. Wang Yang can do it, but he can see Liu Fengyuan's mind, so this kind of thing can only be handed over to Liu Fengyuan.

Wang Yang is very pleased to see Liu Fengyuan and Mei Xiuyun, in the heart of the secret way: "drowning time is not long, there is no danger, Liu Fengyuan, the boss can only help you here."
