The bullets had stopped whistling, and there was peace ahead. Only Li Jie was left, shrouded in boundless flames.

Fire snakes are dancing, which makes the whole person look particularly scary and terrible.


That man!

This accident was beyond everyone's imagination. No one expected that this would happen. The guy who would be tortured or even killed immediately launched a near death counterattack.

Not only escaped, but even killed Li Si.

And what is the identity of the woman who suddenly appeared?

No one knows. The news that I can summon heroes in the hero League has always been strictly guarded by Xiao Ya and me. Except for the two of us, others don't know, even Fang Qi doesn't know this situation.

But thanks to this surprise, otherwise, I might really die here this time.

"You guys, go and have a look..." Li Jie said in a cold voice to several members of the hunting team next to him.

No one knows whether the goal is to die or live. The only thing we can be sure of is that no one is willing to come forward at this time. If they don't die, won't they end up like Li Si?

The boy who was asked was a little frightened. His throat wriggled and didn't want to come forward.

But this time, it completely angered Li Jie.

He won't allow anyone to resist his rule, absolutely not.


I couldn't see any action of Li Jie. Without even lifting his fingers, a fire snake roared out immediately.

With a hiss, he wound up the boy directly. He only heard a sad scream. The whole man immediately fell to the ground. After two violent convulsions, there was no movement.

The chest also left a circle of charred marks.

At this moment, Li Jie was completely angry.

Harvest the slap at the door. The death of his brother has already made Li Jie angry. Now, plus this guy dares to disobey his orders.

Under the indignation, Li Jie started directly.

Everyone around took a breath, and their faces looked particularly frightened.

"You guys, go over..." Li Jie said coldly.

Those who were named trembled, but no one dared to disobey Li Jie's order at this time.

You look at me, I look at you, one by one came out trembling, cold sweat on your forehead and shortness of breath.

Several people went out for two steps, and then, like a madman, they shot wildly in that direction for a period of time, and then continued to move forward. It seems that this can make them feel a little more at ease.

There was no movement inside. A few people were a little bold. They took the flashlight in their hands and crept past.

I looked it over and found nothing.

"Boss, nothing..." a little brother turned around like the rest of his life and shouted at Li Jie.

However, before a word was finished, a soul stirring and deadly magic sound had appeared.

The sound was cold and beautiful.

But at this time, it became the cry of death.

Ten thousand arrows!

A circle of ice arrows shot directly from the rear. With a hiss, all three people's bodies were pierced.

They don't have the strength of Li Si. This kind of injury is fatal enough.

Before he finished, the man was dead.

At this moment, people immediately turned crazy. Is this guy a man or a ghost? He didn't kill this guy after shooting so many times.

Li Jie's reaction was faster. At the moment when those people just died, dozens of fire snakes condensed into a huge fireball and hit it with a shout.

The picture looked like a rocket, and the huge fireball exploded directly in the shadow.

With a bang, the surrounding buildings trembled.

The flame immediately swallowed up a large area around.

Darling, the guy's flame is really awesome. At such a distance, I can clearly feel the impact of the flame.

Fortunately, this is a corner, and the flame and heat waves are blocked. Otherwise, it may not be very good.

I gasped violently in my throat. My face was ferocious. I knew I must be terrible now.


As my body twitched, a bullet was finally taken out by me and landed on the concrete floor.

Above my thigh, a pit looked particularly tragic.

It was dug out by myself. The bullet stuck in the meat had a great impact on my body. If I couldn't take out the bullet, I wouldn't even dare to use therapy.

Now I regret to point all my skill points to ghost trot. The healing skill has just been increased to level 2, and the healing ability has been increased by 5%.

A green light shrouded the wound on my leg. Under the effect of the treatment, the wound on my leg did not heal completely, but at least it did not bleed any more.

I almost collapsed.

I can't bear the stabbing pain. Every bullet I take out is a huge test for me.

But now, I still have several bullets on me.

Shit, bullets are really something that ordinary people can't avoid. I still can't do the picture in the matrix.

Although the ghost trot was driven, the speed reached the fastest level, and even the light boots on his feet. It may take only three or four seconds to reach 100 meters.

But... It's still no faster than a bullet.

Just then, at least a dozen bullets were shot into me.

I feel fucking lucky and unfortunate.

Unfortunately, I was shot so many times. Fortunately, all of them were not at the key. There was nothing wrong with the fatal places such as chest, stomach, head and eggs, but the arms, legs and shoulders were damaged. Five bullets were stuck in one left leg.

The only thing I'm proud of is that under my protection, ash didn't do anything at all, but the white and tender thigh was wiped by two bullets, leaving two blood red marks, which made me feel a little distressed.

I still have a few bullets on my body. I have to keep moving.

With my clothes in my mouth, I grabbed the blade of Doran again. This time, it was the bullet on my right leg. I took it out with a knife and my fingers.

As for Aishi, she stood in front of me at this corner and became my most loyal guard.

I didn't notice that at this moment, ash's appearance was no longer the usual indifference.

In that pair of cold eyes, you can clearly feel a kind of anger, penetrating anger.

Killing has gradually shown itself in this queen.

This is the first time that ice shooter is so angry. Before, she just appeared in the world as a summoning creature.

Her goal is to exert her power according to the order of the summoner, so as to maintain her existence and avoid the endless darkness.

She made it a deal.

Gain a short light and contribute to the summoner at this time.

No matter what happened, Ashley never showed much movement.

But... It's different.

He seems to have met a fairly good summoner. He doesn't just exist as a summoning beast and call at will. It's more like a human being treated equally.

This makes AI Xi feel a little warm, so AI Xi will also return with her own wisdom and strength.

However, Aishi is a powerful Queen after all, and her heart will not be easily moved.

But this time is different. When he is limited by his level and can't give full play to his full strength, it is this man who runs away with himself.

Heroes will die, too.

When the number of hero deaths exceeds the limit, it is complete extinction.

However, the summoner not only escaped with himself, but also subconsciously blocked his body with his body when the dense bullets shrouded him.

She only suffered some bruises, but he was badly injured.

The dull hum from behind made her feel angry.

For the first time, the killing intention of the ice shooter was so strong.