Level 40!

"Let's go, let's go back and kill that guy tonight." it's finally level 40. Looking at the obvious increase in the attribute, I'm satisfied. My unprecedented strength makes me have the courage to face anyone. I greet several women and am ready to go back.

"Master, you don't have to go there." at this time, sister Dao next to me suddenly hesitated and said.

Dao Mei's face looked quite strange, and even Sona next to her. Both of them seemed strange.

I know both of them are Eni Eurasians. They are full of hatred for the devil who destroyed their hometown and want to kill Warwick.

But because of that hatred, they knew more about how terrible the werewolf's strength was.

Even with so many of us, facing Warwick is full of danger and may die at any time.

"What's the matter? Haven't we agreed?" compared with Dao Mei and SANA, my appearance seems to be much easier, and I don't seem to take this thing as a difficult task.

"I mean, we have plenty of opportunities to kill Warwick in the future. There's no need to take risks at this time." sister Dao hurriedly said: "master, you should know how strong that man is."

"Ha ha, of course I know. After counting, I killed that guy twice. Although I didn't do it the second time, I also helped. This time is no exception." I said with a smile.

After a pause, a trace of tenderness flashed on my face: "moreover, although you two didn't say much, I can feel that you both want to kill that guy, don't you?"

"Yes, I want to kill Warwick, but I don't want the master to take risks." sister Dao stared at me with big eyes, which seemed to contain a special feeling.

Living together for so long, fighting together, killing together, living together, enjoying the joy of victory, getting along day and night, that feeling is far deeper than expected.

"Hee hee, you two......" the Elise next to her couldn't see it anymore. She shook her tall and sexy body and walked to the side of sister Dao.

The slender arm encircled sister Dao's neck, exhaled like orchid, and the fragrant breath sprayed on sister Dao's neck.

Sister Dao seemed very sensitive, and her pretty face immediately turned red.

"Woo... The master wants to solve such a problem for you, and you two are worried that the master will be hurt... To be honest, do you like the little master? If you like the little master, I can give you a part of it..." Elise's smile is particularly ambiguous.

The Spider Queen, among these girls, is like a big sister. She is mature and charming. She doesn't care about teasing Elise at all, but when sister Dao went through this battle, her face turned into a red Fuji apple and was about to drip water.

Those beautiful big eyes were even more erratic. They pushed Elise away from her with both hands: "you... What are you talking about, i... I didn't..."

"Yo Yo... Blush, blush, I must be right? Hee hee, actually, you don't have to hide it. If you like it, just say it openly. What are you afraid of? Moreover, I think the master, the little coyote, must be a beautiful woman like you..."

I'm dizzy. Hey, hey, how can you talk? You've climbed on my head for two days. I know I'm your master. I dare to arrange your master like this. When this thing is over, how can I deal with you.

Rao is my thick skin, and I can't bear to be said by Elise. Besides, am I the kind of person who doesn't refuse to come? Are you kidding? It's slander.

I can't stand watching sister Dao being bullied by Elise: "Well, well, Elise, don't bully arilia... It's not just for you two. I promised solaka before. After all, solaka saved my life. Anyway, I'll help. Moreover, once it succeeds, it will bring us great benefits."

"Moreover, our strength has improved a lot during this period of time. Don't worry. We will succeed this time."

After a pause, I looked at Dao Mei and SANA: "if you two really feel sorry and guilty... Then you'll always be with me."

This was the first time I said this to Dao Mei and SANA. The bodies of the two women seemed to tremble slightly. There was a blush and pallor on that face, and there was a feeling of indescribable and unknown.

I don't know why I say that, but if I don't say something in my heart, I will feel very uncomfortable.

Such a long life has made me used to the days when they are with me. I can't imagine what it would be like if they left me one day. For me, it may be a disaster.

"Tut Tut, master, what you said is really moving. I'm almost crying. Look at these two innocent little sisters, they were fooled by you in a few words." the nearby lefulan refused to let me go. After grasping a small handle, she immediately began to pick my thorn.

No one knows how old leflea is, but it is not inferior to the girl's body, delicate skin, sexy and charming face, and the kind of mature style is also a fatal temptation for men.

"But, isn't it a little eccentric for you to do so? Ashy and I have been with you for such a long time..." Le Fu Lan looked like a heartless man.

This time I didn't sweat, nor did I avoid the topic. My eyes swept over ashy and lefflan.

I looked at two people, at everyone.

I don't know whether it's my promise, my desire, or my deep feelings.

I only know: "I don't want any of you to leave me... No one wants to. I want you to be with me all your life!"

Very overbearing, but this is the desire in my heart. I don't want anyone to leave me.

Le Fu Lan obviously didn't expect to get such an answer from me, but she was very happy. She responded with a charming smile on her face: "hee hee, I don't want to leave my master. You, such a good master, but it's hard to find, especially when you can be outside most of the day without sacrificing your own strength. Such an excellent master can't be found."

I don't know. Maybe even leflea doesn't know whether she can exist outside for a long time without losing much power, or for other reasons.

As for the nearby Aishi, she didn't say a word. Only her crystal eyes were staring at me.

From ash's eyes, I can detect a kind of spoil, an attachment, a reluctance, and some confusion.

There was a slight disappointment in my heart when I didn't get Ai Xi's answer.

"I didn't expect the little master to say such handsome words. It's really unexpected... Unfortunately, I can't talk to the master." SANA's thoughts of regret rang out in my heart.

"No need to speak, but I can hear your voice. That's enough. Let's go. It's too late. Solaka may be waiting for us." I smiled and said.

Let's leave together and go back to the dungeon.

As I walked past ash, I seemed to hear a slight whisper.

"I... won't leave."

The footsteps paused slightly, and the corners of my mouth completely aroused a smile.

That's enough. With so many beauties around me, I should really feel satisfied. They are my greatest wealth and can't be abandoned.

By the time we got back to the dungeon, solaka was already waiting here.

Not only solaka, but also Zijiao, Nami, Xiao Ya and Chen Yi are here.

They also know that everyone's face is worried about our action this time.