When the surrounding shock waves gradually subsided, we finally saw the picture of attacking the central area.

But that picture brings us only despair.

Each one was stunned and looked unbelievable.

No way. How did this happen?

The dark descendant sword demon was still motionless, and a blood red mask filled his body to intercept all our attacks.

Inside the mask, the dark sword demon itself didn't even hurt at all.

There are so many of us, together with five animal spirits, all of us focus on an attack, and even the dragon breath of the giant dragon. Even lissandro's frozen mausoleum can't bear this power.

But for the dark born sword demon, it didn't cause the slightest damage.

That blood mask, how abnormal the defense is.

Seriously, at that moment, we couldn't help but feel a sense of despair.

And even more despairing, although our attack did not hurt the dark descendant sword demon, it awakened the dark descendant sword demon from the previous silence.

The guy finally raised his head and saw that there was endless evil and violence in a pair of scarlet eyes on the ugly head.


A roar vented the anger in his heart. Immediately, the whole body suddenly stood up and wanted to rush at us.

That appearance startled us, but soon we found that the dark descendant sword demon was not invincible. The chain tied to this guy completely limited the dark descendant sword demon's movement.

The dark born sword demon seemed to have just found the chain on his body. He suddenly became angry, roared and shocked the world. He struggled angrily and wanted to break free from the chain.

The chain not only trapped the dark sword demon's body, penetrated his chest, even penetrated his shoulder blades, penetrated his thighs, and tied his wrists. It can be said that the defense measures were quite in place.

It seems that the guy zelas is also worried about the dark sword demon.

Unexpectedly, this has become our advantage.

Originally, if this guy really came out alive, I was going to ride the dragon and leave here with everyone.

But I didn't expect that this guy was restricted. After watching for a long time, this guy really couldn't break free from the chain. That's easy to do.

I laughed then.

Dark born sword demons attack closely. Although they are so powerful, they can't hit this guy at a distance.

The wrists are also trapped, that is to say, even if I run to this guy now, this guy has no way of knitting except to support the blood mask.

In this case, if I can't kill you, I'll write it backwards.

The giant Hydra appeared in my hand.

The ultimate talent, and the passivity of the giant Hydra, it's time to show its role.

To tell the truth, this passivity is very powerful, but there has been little opportunity to use it all the time. Unexpectedly, the first person to try this passivity will be the dark descendant sword demon.

Carrying that huge axe, I feel that I must be very arrogant now.

Although the dark born sword demon lost his mind, his instinct was still there. When he looked at me, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at me and roared loudly at me.

But what are you afraid of now? I'm not afraid. You can break free from the chain and bite me?

Smiling triumphantly, under the gaze of others, I approached the dark descendant sword demon a little bit.

"Master, be careful." Ruiwen couldn't bear my pride and couldn't help reminding her.

"Don't worry, I'm sure," I said with a smile, and then came a meter in front of the dark descendant sword demon.

I can almost smell the stink coming out of this guy's mouth. Your sister hasn't brushed her teeth for many days. This bad breath can kill people.

Bah, bah... Spit twice and grasp the axe handle. In the angry eyes of the dark sword demon and the eyes of the five animal spirits, I raised the axe in my hand.

With a bang, it chopped down.

The axe chopped on the blood cover and was bounced off. There was only a slight ripple on the blood cover.

This guy is a little too brave. Besides, what's the use of this attack? The unique moves of so many people just failed to kill the monster. What's the use of splitting with a broken axe?

The fire phoenix just wanted to remind me, but before it could, the axe fell like rain.

Once, twice, three times

The raindrops generally fall down and are bounced off every time, but this time, the situation has become particularly different.


This sound sounded quite different from before. This time, the axe seemed not to be blocked by the blood mask at all. It penetrated the blood mask so easily, and then the sharp axe blade cut directly on the shoulder of the dark descendant sword demon.

This guy instinctively tilted his head, otherwise, the axe would directly hit this guy's head.

The sharp axe, combined with the occasional complete defense breaking effect, has achieved very good results.

The shield is useless, and the strong skin on the dark sword demon is useless at all.

The axe directly cut down the depth of more than 20 cm, and the blood gushed from the dark descendant sword demon as if he wanted to die.

Darling, what happened just now?

Those animal spirits were stunned. They didn't know what was going on.

They don't know that the ultimate talent can have a defense breaking effect, and one out of ten attacks must ignore defense.

Plus the giant Hydra, it also has a fixed chance to launch 100% armor breaking effect.

Two together, although this guy doesn't know where to get the blood mask and his defense is so powerful, I can still cause damage to him.

The physical pain is nothing for the dark descendant sword devil. What really makes the dark descendant sword devil angry is the guy's pride. He is obviously a weak bug, but because he is tied here now, he can only watch this guy show off in front of him, not to mention how unhappy he is.

Dark born sword demons have no reason, but they have instinct.

He instinctively killed. When Tamil appeared, the dark sword demon instinctively controlled the blood pool and killed Tamil.

When we appeared, the dark sword demon instinctively controlled the blood pool and wanted to kill the fire phoenix.

When we found that we didn't jump out of the blood pool, the impulse to kill even let the dark descendant sword demon control the blood pool to explode and want to kill us.

He wanted to kill any living life, and now the bug is swaggering in front of him and constantly hurting his body, which almost makes the dark descendant sword demon crazy.

A roar came continuously, and the body was struggling violently. Those chains were even clattering because of the fierce struggle of the dark descendant sword demon.

But no matter how hard this guy struggled, he couldn't get out of the chain.

And I was more proud when I saw that the dark descendant sword demon couldn't get rid of it.

The axe kept falling down, and the dark sword demon was injured more and more.

Arms, head, chest, waist, abdomen, legs.

Every part of the whole body was covered with blood, hula, sticky blood, almost everywhere in the dark descendant sword demon's whole body.

Fortunately, now is the end. If it is a normal and peaceful era, I don't know if I will be photographed and posted on the microblog, saying that I abuse small animals. No, is it abuse monsters?

What's the matter with him? Although an attack that ignores defense can't use skills and can only attack with an axe, as long as there are many attacks, even if it is executed late, I can scrape off every piece of flesh and blood on this guy. I don't believe he won't die.

Dark descendant sword demon's eyes, that hatred, almost burst into flames.

Ah, hey, how dare you stare at me like that.

Not honest now?

I'm angry. The consequences are serious.

Then the next attack directly broke the protective cover, and the axe cut directly on the dark descendant sword demon's left eye. As a result, the wave broke the guy's left eye directly.

The head is almost split in two.

That bone is so hard!

An eye was broken and the sword demon became a one eyed dragon.

Dark descendant sword demon is in pain, but in my heart, that's cool!