Because God night had learned magic, the dangerous root of the six ways also became gentle. He quickly ran among the root of the six ways without worry.

At this time, a powerful wave of chakra came from the distance, including his familiar smell of magic!

Another violent explosion suddenly occurred between heaven and earth!

"No! Something happened to miaomu mountain! "

On an open space in miaomushan, Zilai quickly shuttled through the smoke of gunpowder. Suddenly, a big snake came out of the smoke of gunpowder. He just wanted to use the skill of chaotic lion hair to stop the White Snake, but he didn't want the white snake to be very fast. Almost at the moment of appearance, he bit him on his shoulder.

Zilai also took out kuwu to cut off the big snake, and then cut off his shoulder with kuwu to release a large string of black blood. In the smoke of gunpowder, a man with white face and purple outline in his eyes came out, and he kept mocking, "the tail of the crane is the tail of the crane, and now he dares to come out to be strong."

This person is the big snake pill!

Zilai's face was very ugly. He jumped back, stepped out of the range of gunsmoke, and forced him to ask, "big snake pill! How do you know the way to enter miaomu mountain! "

Big snake pill stretched out its long tongue, smiled coldly, pointed to his head and said, "as long as you move your brain, you can think of it. In "fengdun! Big breakthrough! "

The big snake pill opened its mouth, and a strong wind blew directly to zilaiya. The wind was as sharp as a ninja knife, and the ground swept over seemed to have been ploughed by a plow!

Zilai also made a seal with his hands and shouted, "Huodun! Fire bullet! "

A large flame pours on the strong wind and blows the storm away directly. In this way, the power of the inflammatory bomb is still unabated and pours directly on the face door of the big snake pill!

"Latent snake limbs!"

As the big snake pill shouted in a low voice, countless white snakes flew out of the cuff of the big snake pill and directly hit the flame, destroying the inflammatory bullet in front of the big snake pill in advance, and then the big snake pill patted the ground again, "fierce snake steps!"

In an instant, the ground began to stir, and two big snakes suddenly rose from Zilai's feet and bumped Zilai directly into the air!

"Tuoyan Lvjia!"

Zilai in the air hasn't reacted yet, and there are two big snakes biting Zilai's neck out of thin air!

Since then, his face was calm. He threw out a sword in his hand, then quickly finished printing and shouted, "the art of separating the shadow of the sword in his hand!"

The swords in the hands visible to the naked eye suddenly became dense, directly chopped the two big snakes into pieces, and then threw away their long white hair, "the art of disorderly lion hair!"

Tough long hair tied the other two big snakes under him. Then he shook his head and cut the two big snakes into countless pieces with his hair.

Big snake pill sneered, "you are no longer the art of flying swords in your hand."

Since then, he didn't answer. As soon as he bit his finger, he fell from the sky and patted heavily on the ground, "yellow spring marsh!"

A circle of black swamp suddenly appeared at the foot of big snake pill, and the whole person was sinking down, but there was no panic expression on big snake pill's face. Not only there was no, but also he clapped his hands leisurely.

"It's really good. You've grown up a lot since you came here!"

Zilai's eyes narrowed, and he cast his magic again, "sky cover array!"

The big snake pill finally couldn't sit still this time. He suddenly opened his big mouth and spit out a strong big snake from his mouth. The big snake suddenly flew outside the barrier of tiangai Dharma array, but the big snake pill was trapped in the barrier, and then an extremely uncomfortable scene appeared!

The body of the big snake pill seemed to have no bones. It collapsed into a pool of mud, sank under the yellow spring marsh, and then climbed out of the mouth of the big snake spit out by him!

Since then, he said coldly, "you are really more and more unlike people now."

"Just for scientific research and strength."

The big snake pill stood up straight, wiped the corners of his eyes, and the purple outline on his eyes increased, "by the way, isn't there a boy around you? It seems to be calling God night? I had a fight with him, tut... I can't beat him at all. You'd better let him out, or you may die here. "

The only one who answered the big snake pill was zilaiya's Ninja!

"Needle hell!"

His white hair suddenly turned into a hard iron needle and shot away at the big snake pill. The big snake pill stretched out his hands, and countless snakes appeared to stop the attack of Ziyou's hair needle!

"The evil snake winds!"

Two huge white snakes suddenly reappeared in front of Zilai. Zilai was just about to deal with it, but he heard a loud drink from the big snake pill:

"Evil snake wrist burst!"


Two big snakes suddenly exploded right in front of zilaiye, blowing the unexpected zilaiye several meters away!

"You're getting mean!"

Since then, he didn't stop at all. As soon as he landed, he rolled out again and failed the big snake pill!

The big snake pill said ferociously, "you're going to lose before my skill is used up. I'll try if your body skill has grown!"

"Needle Tibet!"

Zilai also got up from the ground. His hair wrapped his body. He was like a hedgehog. He rushed forward and punched the big snake pill!


The big snake pill suddenly spurted a pillar of blood at his feet. He roared, "you call me mean? You are more despicable! "