It was a little light, and Kakashi suddenly woke up.

At this time, Daiwa ran in.

"Master Kakashi! No

Cried Dahe.

Kakasi ran to the window and looked at the sky.

The original gray sky has disappeared, replaced by pink crystal.

"This is... Jingdun?" Kakashi was surprised.

"Yes, Mr. Kakashi, in a moment, he was covered by the pink crystal about a kilometer around." Daiwa express.

"It seems that Honglian is on the move. Silent so many days, suddenly act, is there any dependence? Or... Reinforcements are coming? "

"Master Kakashi, you mean, here comes the big snake pill?" He was surprised.

"It's possible." Kakashi said, and the rest of them were awake.

"What happened, Kakashi." He asked again.

"Look out there."

No longer cut smell speech directly opened the door, the magnificent Pink Crystal barrier will appear in front of everyone.

"So... So spectacular." Hatta exclaimed.

If he didn't chop again, he said, "is this jingdun? It looks interesting. Bai, how does it compare with your bingdun? "

Bai took a look at the crystal barrier and exclaimed: "this person's crystal escape is really terrible. In terms of lethality, I'm afraid she's still better. But when it comes to the overall strength, we need to have a fight to know."

"Ha ha, bingdun is very interesting to jingdun." No longer cut sneer, seems really full of interest.

"Kakashi, since the other side has already made a move, it must be nearby. Let's make a move, too." Green said.

Kakashi nodded and said, "well, I'm afraid we'll have to go in two directions."

"Two ways?" Green doubt way.

"Well. One way to deal with Honglian, the other way, follow me to find Sanwei. The red lotus should be the bait to delay us. The big snake pill must have gone to seal three tails. If we are all stumbling by Honglian, I'm afraid three tails will become big snake pills by then. "

"That's right." Qing nodded and agreed.

"If you don't chop, you will lead Bai, Chang Shilang, Chutian, zhinai and ya to deal with Honglian." Kakashi said.

Without a sneer, he said, "no problem. It's just a small role."

"Don't look down on her. Except chakra, she can condense anything. But the weakness is sound waves, which you can take advantage of. "

"Cut, even if I don't know her weakness, I can beat her." If you don't cut it again, you will scorn the way.

Kakashi heard some helpless, but did not continue to say anything.

With the strength of no longer cutting, plus the assistance of others, there is no reason to lose.

"Qing, you and I, as well as Dahe and Sakai, are going to deal with Sanwei. Yougui Pill should also be there."

See Kakashi made arrangements, green also did not object.

"OK, that's settled."

"Well. Let's go with me. First of all, we need to break the jingdun border. We feel the edge of the border first


A group of people, running towards the border.

On the other side, big snake pill and Dou are standing on the cliff beside the lake, overlooking the crystal boundary in the distance.

"Ha ha, Honglian's ability is still so outstanding." Big snake pill exclaimed.

"I'm afraid the crystal border won't hold Kakashi." One side of the pocket said.

"Trapped? Ha ha, no, we just need to lead Kakashi out. The next thing is the big play. "

"What's the big snake pill going to do?" Take a good road.

"The characters are almost here, so it's natural to hang up the biggest bait first. Dou, wake up the ghost pill. " Big snake pill said.

"Yes! Big snake pill, my Lord

Pocket said, the side of the sleeping ghost pill gently wake up.

"Well? Where am I? "

Yougui Pill looked around in a confused way, and didn't react for a moment.

"Ghost pill."

The big snake pill's soft voice rang out in Yougui Pill's ear. Yougui Pill was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"Lord snake pill." Ghost pill respectfully said.

"Ha ha, what a good boy. Now, your sister Honglian needs your help. Are you willing? "

"Yes! Sister Honglian is my only home. I am willing to do anything for her. "

"Ha ha, very good."

The big snake pill looked at the ghost pill, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

"Do it, do it."

"Yes! Big snake pill, my Lord

Dou poured the pill into Yougui Pill's hand and said, "Yougui Pill, take this medicine and summon Sanwei out, then you can help your sister Honglian."


"Of course."

Yougui pills hesitated at first. After all, these pills made him miserable before.

But for the sake of Honglian, Yougui Pill swallowed it without hesitation.

Seeing this, the big snake pill stretched out its tongue, licked its lips and said happily, "the good play is about to begin."

At this time, kakasi and others have arrived at the boundary of jingdun boundary.

"Here it is." Kakashi whispered.

Qing untied the seal of his right eye and said in a low voice: "white eye! Go

People of Muye were surprised to see this. They didn't expect that this man had the white eyes of Muye.

Both zhinai and Ya look at Chutian with doubts in their eyes.

Is this a member of the sun clan?

Hatta thought of one thing.

Ririzu once said to Hatta that in the Third World War, Wuyin took away a white eye from a rizong family, which must be the one in front of him.

However, in the face of the enemy, they are not able to say anything at this time.

After all, it's a trophy.

In green white eyes, that crystal Dun is full of chakra, can't find any weakness at all.

"It's strange that there is no weakness in jingdun's border." Green surprised way.

Daiwa smell speech, a hand on the ground, want to try to break through from the ground.

The hand turned into a tree and went deep into the earth.

But it's a pity that the land is broken, and the bottom is still crystal.

"I can't imagine that even the ground is covered with crystal. It's a terrible form of jutsu." He exclaimed.

"It looks like violence is the only way."

Kakashi said, his right hand into the bear bag, took out a bitterness, threw to the crystal border.

Ding's a, bitterness has not been flicked away, fell into Kakashi's hand again.

Kakashi said: "it seems that attacking it will not produce a counterattack. So, one blow will smash it."

"Kakashi, this crystal border has a large area. If you want to break through, one is a powerful single point breakthrough attack, and the other is a large-scale powerful ninja. Only in this way can we ensure that the attack power is not dispersed and achieve the purpose of destruction. " No more.

Kakashi said with a smile, "I understand. I'm good at this."

Kakashi said, a powerful thunder light had appeared in his right hand.
