Chapter 648

Name:Never Judge Author:
When they arrived at their Mountain View Mansion, Adrianna told Cedric that she was going to rest in their room, Cedric let her go knowing that carrying twins would be more tiring than when she was pregnant with Yoyo.

"Ask Leon and Dave to meet me in my office." Cedric told his driver before walking into the house himself and heading to his home office on the first floor.

Dave had been on standby the entire day in case Cedric needed anything and Leon followed Cedric around everywhere he went. So it didn't take long for the two men to arrive in his home office.

When Dave and Leon finally joined him, he was speaking with a maid, arranging for that night's dinner. Cedric wanted it to be a relaxed and informal event, it was just going to be family and friends, so there was no need for anything over the top. Just some simple home cooked meals, mostly parents' favorites.

"Sir, you asked for us?" Leon asked as he and Dave entered the room.

Cedric nodded in their direction before telling the maid that that was all he needed and for her to start working with the others on the night's festivities.

"Adrianna would like to find a way to pick Yoyo up from school today." Cedric told Leon and Dave in a displeased tone.

"I thought you already discussed that picking Yoyo up from school is just not possible?" Leon asked Cedric. He knew that his boss had tried really hard to figure out a way to pick their son up from school, but all options were just too risky.

"She's pregnant and I want to make her happy. So help me think of a way." Cedric groaned as he complained to his employees.

Even if Leon and Dave worked for Cedric, to him, they were more like friends. Just as he treated Ian and Camilla as friends, so he was now coming to them not as their boss, but as a friend in desperate need of advice. 

"There is one option that I thought of." Leon said quite hesitantly. "But I'm not sure it's a good idea." Leon said with a frown.

"Spill." Cedric demanded as he looked his bodyguard and friend in the eyes.

"Your car is heavily tinted in the front, so no one will know if someone is seated in the front seat, unless they got into the car themselves." Leon explained.

"Ohhhhh" Dave said as he slowly reacted to Leon's idea. Cedric gave both men a puzzled look as he tried to figure out what they were thinking. 

"I'm not sure if you'll enjoy the idea." Leon said with a shrug. "How long has it been since you last drove a car?" 

"Not that long." Cedric said as he rolled his eyes at his friend. "At least since before I revealed my identity."

"Okay, that's not too bad." Dave said with a laugh. "He isn't going to enjoy this." The young assistant said as he shook his head, already expecting Cedric's complaints.

"Just say it." Cedric said in a loud voice as he grew impatient of his friends taking him around in circles with their idea.

"You drive, I ride in the back." Leon said with a shrug, suggesting that his plan was quite simple.

"And my wife?" Cedric asked Leon with a raised eyebrow.

"She sits in front, people won't see you and you will still be able to pick your son up, it's a win-win scenario. But of course we can only pull this off once." Leon said as he began to think of the repercussions of their plan.

"I'll take it." Cedric said with a nod as he dismissed them and rested for the rest of the day.

Cedric didn't have to wait long till they had to pick Yoyo up from school. He asked Adrianna to meet him in the garage.

When she finally arrived, Cedric opened the front door to one of his simple white sedans.

"We can pick Yoyo up today, but you need to sit in front and don't call out to Yoyo till the door closes." Cedric told his wife. Adrianna smiled and hugged him before finally getting into the car.

"You ready boss?" Leon said with a laugh.

Cedric simply smiled in response before walking over to the driver's side of the car and getting in.

The drive to Yoyo's school took longer than earlier that morning since they no longer had a security escort. This time they had to brave through rush hour traffic. 

When they finally made it to Yoyo's school there was a long line of cars at the gate. Cedric frowned as he saw how many VVIPs were cutting the line.

"I bet Miguel and Veronica are cutting the line too." Adrianna said with a laugh.

"I doubt." Leon told Adrianna as he pointed at a spot two cars ahead of them, and true enough, it was Miguel's car.

They all knew what Miguel's favorite car looked like since the couple had lived at the Mountain View Mansion guest house for over a year while their house was being built. 

"All those VIPs cutting the line will feel so ashamed when they learn that Miguel and Veronica waited in line." Adrianna said with a laugh. "I mean, you can't get more important than the miracle doctor, who probably has an operation tonight."

"He actually doesn't." Cedric said with a smile. "He's coming to dinner, remember?" Cedric reminded his wife.

"Oh,  I forgot. But people don't need to know that." Adrianna told Cedric as she took out her phone and snapped a series of photos.

"What are you doing?" Cedric asked as he tried to look at what his wife was excitedly typing. 

"Sending in an anonymous rumor that people are cutting the line while the Chans are waiting patiently." Adrianna told him as she placed her phone away.

It didn't take too long for the line to move, eventually Cedric was already at the school gate. He watched as several guards walked Dominic out of school, making sure that he was safe.

From the corner of his eye, Cedric spotted a flash, he turned to see what was happening when the door to the car suddenly opened and his son got in.

Cedric managed to catch a glimpse of the man with a camera, but Cedric wasn't sure if he saw things right. He thought he saw Lucius Ting, waiting outside his son's school.