"And now that we've all established that I'm the genius that Remus probably told you about. Let's get started." He proclaimed and sat down on the comfortable and luxurious sofa gazing intensely at the six people sitting opposite to him.
"But before we do. I'll make some things clear for you. I'm a simple man and I like to talk in simple words. If I wanted to play psychological warfare and go along with all this manipulation thing then I would have gone and talked with the old ċunts sitting in the Wizengamot."
"So no mind games." He declared "Are we clear with each other?" he asked.
The table remained serious for a while as werewolves looked at him in shock.
Then the silence broke as the pedo-girl who had given him that sultry look suddenly burst into laughter.
"Oi Moron. I told you that this would be interesting didn't I. Didn't I."
The supposed leader of the group looked embarrassed for a moment before he turned to glare at the woman "Who're you calling Moron you ugly bint."
The girl's face turned red at being called an ugly bint and she picked up a glass kept in front of her and hurled it at the leader who ducked down in time and the unfortunately the glass went and hit the elder werewolf behind him and the whole table went silent at once.
Harry could see the other three werewolf looking embarrassed at their leader's antics as they tried to hide their face with their hands, looking like they wanted to be anywhere but here.
"Moro. Mera. You're both dead." He said but before he could get up from his seat and throttle the two werewolves, a large stick flew in the air and hit him in the head before hitting both Moro and Mera in the head as well.
The the stick went back to the dark corner of the room and an old looking woman with a wrinkled face and grey hair came out, giving a reproachful look to both Moro and Mera who both ducked in shame under that look.
"Mera. What did I told you about acting respectfully in front of our guests?" the old woman asked with an irritated expression but Harry could see the mirth hidden behind her old eyes.
"But moooom…"
"What did I told you about excuses Mera?" the older woman sternly asked and Mera sighed before saying "We should not make them?"
The older woman shook her head with a gentle smile "Go and wait outside Mera. I'll deal with you after this meeting."
"But moom…"
"No excuses Mera. Go wait outside." The woman said with a bit more authority and Mera sulked a bit but did as she was ordered to do.
Then the older woman turned to face him and gave an apologetic smile "Sorry about her. She was a late child so me and my husband pampered her a little too much and she had grown a bit willful ever since."
"No apology needed." He said and gave her an amused glace "So… I'm guessing that you're the real leader of this pack."
The woman looked a bit sad at that and said "No. That position was held by my husband but he was killed in the last war by Fenerir Greyback because he refused to side with the dark lord. After his demise, that role fell on me and I've been acting as as a substitute leader ever since."
The other werewolves in the room looked sad at her revelation and Harry realized that the death of their leader must have been a source of great shame and sadness for them.
"But those are things of the past. And now we must move on forward with our lives." The woman said and Harry gave her a nod as she sat on the sit directly facing opposite to him. "That is why we're here."
"Yup. That is why we're here." He said "But before that, can I get your name. I'm afraid we've not been properly introduced."
"Yes. And my apologies for that. I'll admit that it was rude of me to stay hidden like that. But after the death of my husband, my pack had become a bit over protective of me and asks me to remain behind in important meetings like these so that the history won't repeat itself."
Then she gave a slight bow to him and said "My name is Mia Blacktooth. Leader of the pack known as Whitefangs."
Hmm… he didn't knew that there were different packs of werewolves like these as there was no such thing shown in the movies but on hindsight, such a thing made sense to him.
He would keep such a thing in mind the next time he went to meet any werewolf.
"Nice to meet you Mia. Now before we start, I hope that Remus had made you aware of why I'm here and what I want from your pack. After all, it would terribly embarrassing for me if I went about giving my sales pitch and you didn't understood a single thing about it."
"Yes. That would be embarrassing." The woman said with a smile "Very well then. Let me tell you everything that Remus told us about."
"Apparently you're some sort of genius and have invented a device that is at the level of the Floo network or Wolfsbane potion. And now you want you want people to manufacture this invention of yours. And you're willing to hire us Werewolves for the task. Is that true."
"Yes. I guess that's the gist of it." He said with a nod "In addition to that I would also hire the people from your pack who do not meet the minimum requirement to become my employees as guards for my company."
"Guards?" she asked with a frown.
"Yup. The shop I'm opening won't be a normal shop." He said "It'll a huge mall that will have all manner of clothings, potions and magical artifacts that had never been seen before in the wizarding world. And such a huge shop will eventually catch some negative attention. Your people will make sure to keep my shop safe from such negative attention."
Mai remained quiet at his words so he continued "Aside from that, your people will also be selected as bodyguards for the CEO and some other selected individuals who are not very good at offensive magic and are thus incapable of protecting themselves."
"CEO? Are you saying that you're not the CEO of this company?" she asked curiously.
"No. I might the president of the company but I'm more an inventor kind of guy and am not really good at bringing out the best from other people and making sure that the company goes in the right direction. So I'll not be taking that position. That position will go to someone who is far more suitable for that kind of job than me."
"I'm ȧssuming that you've already selected this CEO of yours?" she asked and he grinned.
"Yep. And I am proud to say that I could not have found a better person for the job if I had a whole lifetime to search for it."
"That good." She asked skeptically "Well, I'll take your word for it I guess. And for your information, I don't have any problem with you taking my pack members as guards as long as you don't piss off someone big and influential."
"Good." He said with a smile "With your fearsome reputation as savage werewolves, I doubt any kid would think about stealing something from my mall."
Mia chuckled at that before shaking her head in mirth "Now with that out of the way, should we go into the details?"
"Yes. Let's." He said and they spent the next four hours talking about details and signing contracts.
All in all, it was a rather productive day for him and the Whitefangs pack.