Chen Yuanyuan is a little sad. When she signs the contract tomorrow, she will leave the place where she has lived for more than 10 years and go to the far north of Shandong to be the concubine of the rich.

If there were no accidents, she should have no chance to return to Suzhou, Taohuawu and Liyuan.

After nearly 10 years of hard training, she is only for her debut. She is very proud of her poetry, singing and dancing. She thinks that few like her will become famous and shine on the stage, but what's the use of this? These talents could not earn more money for the boss, or her body was more valuable, so the boss sold it without hesitation.

She has some self pity, but this is the case in this industry. Her result is good. She can be regarded as flying on the branches and becoming a Phoenix.

But she was not sure what would happen tomorrow, how the Liu family would treat him, and whether the Liu childe would treat her well, so she was full of hesitation and anxiety.

It's late at night, but Chen Yuanyuan can't sleep. She's worried about tomorrow.

At this time, if it was normal, she would have gone to bed early, because as a Geisha, if she wanted to protect her voice, she had to drink more water, moisten her throat, go to bed early and get up early.

Zhou Hui and others had already sneaked into the vicinity of the pear garden and were waiting to rob people. However, seeing that Chen Yuanyuan had not fallen asleep in the embroidery building for a long time, they had no choice but to directly use the five drums of Jiming to return the soul fragrance, spray it in, turn her over, wrap it in a quilt and escape directly.

Before that, they had sneaked into the secret room of Li laoguai. They not only stole a sum of money from him, but also stole Chen Yuanyuan's deed of sale. With this deed of sale, it is estimated that Li laoguai will find Chen Yuanyuan in the future, and there is no way.

Of course, Zhou Hui is also a cruel man. He doesn't do anything. Even Xu Zhiqiang ransacks them. After he turns them over with ecstasy, he directly steals the treasure chest they carry with them, which contains the silver note of 10000 Liang he brought.

These silver tickets have secret charges. If there is no secret charge, you can't mention the money. If someone else steals them, it's useless without secret charges. But Zhou Hui steals them, he will give them back to Liu BU for credit. In this way, the secret charge still knows and the money will be returned to Liu bu.

He Zhou Hui is going to do a big thing. He not only needs to get Chen Meimei back, but also needs no money. Only in this way can he reflect the value of Zhou Hui.

As long as Zhou Hui shows his value, he doesn't worry that he has no place in front of Liu bu. This is his plan.

The four of them are all good hands in the army. They used to spy in the field and do life and death and live in the open air. Now they turn to be flower picking thieves and do some chicken singing and dog stealing activities. They are also quite familiar, because they didn't do this kind of activities a while ago.

But after all, they are regular soldiers. They are soldiers, not thieves. They can only be thieves for a while, and they can't be thieves forever. Moreover, their honor doesn't allow their sons and future generations to be thieves, so they grasp the opportunity to develop in the right way.

After Zhou Hui said his plan, the others also strongly supported it, because only in this way can they really show their value. If they just secretly protect and pick up people, in fact, anyone can do it. They want to talk about what to do with Liu bu.

Several of them rented a boat outside Suzhou. After they robbed Chen Meimei overnight, they directly boarded the boat and left immediately. After the pear garden incident tomorrow morning, it is estimated that they are already dozens of miles away, and the officers and soldiers can't catch up. Moreover, how can the officers and soldiers know that they did it? Therefore, this matter is doomed to be a headless case.

Several people who once fought with the Mongols and JianNu in Liaodong had to do these tricks to please Liu Bu, a powerful man. Although they fell in price, they could stand out.

Their ship is an express ship, which is under the banner of the Cao Gang, because Zhou Hui paid a high price for the Cao Gang's express ship. The Cao Gang has always been in collusion with the government, and they often engage in smuggling and transporting goods. For Zhou Hui's activities, they think they are human traffickers making a living, because they collect other people's money and don't ask about it.

Their Cao Gang also has their Cao Gang rules. Once they collect other people's money, they can't take care of other people's bad things, otherwise no one will dare to do business with them in the future.

Zhou Hui is a man who works very well. When he takes action, he takes into account a problem, that is, their big men are unable to take care of a golden young lady, and they are afraid that their master will think too much. Once the master thinks too much, they will be unlucky.

If they were asked to do other businesses and activities and throw people directly into the ship, they would have done nothing. It's not that they have never done this kind of robbery. It's just that this concubine, who is the beloved concubine of their master, is entirely possible to become their mistress. Later, they will blow the wind around his pillow and speak ill of them. They will do it in vain, Not only did they not perform meritorious deeds, they would also be punished.

So before Zhou Hui robbed people, he invited another mother Rong to come here to help take care of Chen Yuanyuan.

In this way, it is easy to expose their whereabouts and whereabouts, but there is no way to be safe, so we have to do so.

After the medicine the next day, Chen Yuanyuan woke up and was so frightened that the flowers turned pale and said, "where is this place? What are you doing?"

At this time, if Zhou Hui and some big men appeared, they would certainly scare Chen Yuanyuan, but at this time, it was mother Rong who invited them to take care of people, and then the problem was different.

This mother Zhou is a lonely old man outside the city. When she was young, she mixed in the dust. When she was old, she couldn't make a living. No one took care of her. She found a place to live outside the city and usually did some midwifery and matchmaking work for people.

Zhou Hui asked her to take care of Chen Yuanyuan and said that as long as she took good care of people, she would give her a sum of money in the north. In fact, mother Rong didn't believe it, but Zhou Hui's knives were very persuasive and had no choice but to follow.

Mother Rong explained to her, but she couldn't say anything, so she had to say that the master sent these people to pick up the young lady.

Mother Rong, he didn't know who Zhou Hui and them were instructed by. Naturally, Zhou Hui wouldn't tell her that it was Liu Bu who sent them, so he could only tell some Chen Yuanyuan vaguely.

Chen Yuanyuan is also a person who rolls on the road and half a person. She doesn't believe anything mammy Rong said, but she sees their ship going north on the Wujiang River, and outside the cabin are several guards with knives, all of whom are ferocious. She doesn't dare to make a mistake. She is very afraid, but there is no way at present, We have to acquiesce to the current dangerous situation.

Fortunately, Mammy Rong was very kind to her. She always took good care of her without any malice. She tried her best to please her and comforted her a little in her heart.

These people only limited her freedom. There were no restrictions on food, housing and clothing. She could get whatever she wanted to eat and wear. They didn't beat, scold and insult her.

Mother Rong also responded to her requests and tried her best to flatter and flatter her. The attitude of these people made her feel that there was a big man who ordered someone to hijack her.

As long as she saw this person, she would know what the problem was.

Most of the Kung Fu Chen Yuanyuan learned after birth is to learn how to serve men and how to make men happy. She can be sure that a powerful man sent these people. As long as this man appears now, she can know what happened?

Originally, Zhou Hui and others were ordered to secretly protect Chen Yuanyuan. Why did they suddenly change their orders and plans? One is to show value; Second, they have been sending someone to eavesdrop on them with Xu Zhiqiang

Knowing that Xu Zhiqiang has colluded with Li Ruonan, the governor of Linqing, they know that once they return to Linqing, they will send Chen Yuanyuan first and let their father and son enjoy it first.

They know that they must have entered the boundary of Linqing. They may not be the opponents of Li Ruonan, the governor of a state. The other party can mobilize many people to deal with them, so they decided to go ahead and bypass Xu Jianqiang. They also hacked him and let the villain who colluded with outsiders to betray his master and mother pay a heavy price.

It is estimated that after Xu Zhiqiang returned to Linqing, it is difficult to explain to the owner of the Liu family. He didn't receive the money. What should I say?

Even if his brother is a housekeeper, he may not be able to protect him. This guy is doomed.

Moreover, they knew that there was collusion between the Xu Jianqiang brothers and the governor Li Ruonan and told Liu bu that it should be a great achievement, so they dared to do this kind of activity.

When Xu Zhiqiang woke up at the peach blossom dock in Suzhou, he found that he was drunk on the table and fell asleep directly on the table. He had a headache, but he instinctively felt very wrong. He immediately went to see the treasure box he carried with him, but the treasure box had already disappeared. He was so scared that he turned pale

However, he also knew that it was no use for these people to steal his treasure chest. There were silver tickets in it. It couldn't be used without a secret deposit. If they stole it, it would be a pile of waste paper.

Although the other party can't use the money in the secret custody, he has a big problem if he loses the silver ticket. He can't get the money. The treacherous and cunning Li laoguai can't give Chen Yuanyuan to them.

Did you go back and tell Master Liu Yuanqiao that the money was missing and no one redeemed it? It is estimated that master Liu's temper will break his leg in public.

For a moment, Xu Ziqiang was so frightened that he almost peed in his pants.

Like his dead parents, Li laoguai in Liyuan was also frightened to find that Chen Yuanyuan was missing. This is 10000 liang of silver.