The Ma Dongfan family and the Gao family are originally the giants of Laizhou. They have been here for decades and for a long time.

Even the tragedy of Laizhou's mutiny could not change their local power, but they completely withdrew from Laizhou's Officialdom because of a scandal.

In fact, the two families have arranged for many of their own people to hold public office in Laizhou Prefecture. If other officials come to hold the post, they mostly need to give them a face and rely on the power of their families to gain a foothold in the local area.

Unfortunately, Liu Yuanqiao took over. He himself is the most powerful power in Laizhou Prefecture. He also has strong strength locally and doesn't need them at all.

Not to mention the emperor and courtiers in officialdom, the Liu family and the Ma family have always been unable to deal with them. They can be regarded as enemies to some extent. Now let your enemies sit in the boss position here, let alone take care of them. It's very funny to focus on you.

Moreover, as a man of Liu Yuanqiao, he has a very strong control and a very strong figure. How can he tolerate his subordinates, not his subordinates and disobey him, but people from other families.

Under the auspices of the magistrate, Liu Yuanqiao successfully took over the post of magistrate and changed into the official uniform of the fourth grade magistrate. This official uniform was not newly issued by the imperial court, but by Ma Dongfan. Although it was a bit unlucky, he had nothing to do for a while and could only make do with it first. The new one could be made by himself.

He Liu Yuanqiao was so anxious that he didn't choose a good day or wait for the appointment of the imperial court. That's because he urgently needed to master the rights here. Because winter is coming, the Liu family is going to carry out large-scale disaster relief. Only when he became the governor general can he better mobilize the resources of the whole government to serve this matter.

Originally, Chen YingYuan was so intolerable to Liu Yuanqiao that he was quite dissatisfied. His eating appearance was a little ugly. However, Liu Yuanqiao explained this, he also felt blameless. What the other party said was also right. If he did not go all out, he would not be able to mobilize the strength of the state capital to provide relief to the victims.

Chen YingYuan was thinking about the difference between Liu Yuanqiao and Ma Dongfan, that is, Ma Dongfang is a square wood. You can't kick him twice, but even if Liu Yuanqiao is a wheel, you don't move. He has run and moved quickly.

In fact, Chen YingYuan also appreciated each other's vigorous style.

Liu Yuanqiao took over the position of the magistrate under the auspices of the magistrate Chen YingYuan. He immediately put on his official clothes, took over the seal of the magistrate and officially sworn in as the new magistrate.

Because the magistrate is taking over, even at night, they still bring all the officials in the city, as well as the famous men, gentry and tyrants in the city to witness this moment, which can be regarded as announcing to the local tyrants that the new power transfer has been completed here.

After Chen YingYuan personally presided over the handover ceremony for Liu Yuanqiao, he said to Liu Yuanqiao, "now, you can be regarded as the local parent officials. It's the responsibility of the relief place. You should take care of yourself."

Liu Yuanqiao said to him, "since I am already the governor of Laizhou, that is, the guardian's parents, I naturally have the responsibility to defend the land and the herdsmen. If the people of Laizhou have something to do, adults can naturally hold the lower officials accountable."

He spoke a hundred times harder than Ma Dongfan, and took all the main things down. If you ask Ma Dongfan to relieve the disaster, you ask him to preside over the relief, he can find 100 reasons to ask you for money, grain and rice. He wants everything, that is, he has to ask for money whenever he moves.

In fact, Chen Yingyuan allocated a batch of grain from the central government or the army to Ma Dongfan and let him arrange for the relief of the victims. But according to Chen Yingyuan's Secret probe, Ma Dongfan told him that 1/10 of the grain was taken out to arrange relief for the victims, and 9/10 was sold by him.

It can be said that even without this scandal, Chen YingYuan is extremely disgusted with Ma Dongfan. He wants to make trouble with him. Who knows that this kind of thing has happened, it's the best.

Song Yuanqiao is a very powerful role. Everyone knows that he is strong and difficult to deal with, but he is very angry with him after he became the governor. At least now, among so many officials under Chen YingYuan, none of them dare to speak to him like this or speak to him with such confidence.

Seeing that the other party was so confident, Chen YingYuan didn't know whether it was bragging or scene words. He said, "since you promised, Lord Liu, I'll wait and see. If there's something hungry everywhere, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people."

Since Liu Yuanqiao is an official under his rule, he has one advantage, that is, he can directly issue orders to the other party and let him carry out them. If he does not carry out them, he can also say that he is incompetent and pick on his faults in all aspects. This is what Chen YingYuan likes very much. Anyway, he is also a very capable person. If he is willing to help him with all his strength, It must be a good player.

Since Liu Yuanqiao was promoted by Governor Chen YingYuan himself, he had to say something for him. He said to the local celebrities and gentry: "Lord Liu Yuanqiao has rich experience as an official. What he has done in Linqing tax clearance is highly praised by everyone. Even Lord Zhang of the Ministry of household is very satisfied with Lord Liu's ability to govern the local area. This is also my official's great effort to explore such famous people to come to Laizhou to guard the pastoral side. I hope all officials and squires will cooperate with each other to jointly benefit Fuzi."

Many celebrities and gentry attended the ceremony. When they saw the governor's strong support for Liu Yuanqiao, they knew that they must have reached an agreement. Otherwise, the governor could not speak directly for him without a bottom line. They were all thinking about what would happen this time when they came to Laizhou government for the transfer of power.

Since Laizhou prefecture has a new magistrate, there will certainly be a new power reshuffle. It depends on the new magistrate. How much is his goal? How much you want and where you can eat.

They were dealing with this matter overnight. After dealing with it, Liu Yuanqiao said to Chen YingYuan, "adults are tired all the way. Why don't you take a break in the backyard?"

Chen YingYuan frowned. He said, "the Ma family are still in the back hall. They are still doing funerals?" he didn't want to touch this eyebrow.

Seriously, if Ma Dongfan died officially, as his boss, he must come to pay homage in person, send elegiac couplets, write some commemorative articles, and send some memorial ceremonies. However, when the other party died in this despicable and shameful way, he could not wait to break off his relationship with the other party immediately. He was afraid that being associated with such people would stink his reputation, So it is impossible for him to give gifts and worship, let alone have any feelings of colleagues.

Liu Yuanqiao said to him, "Sir, you can rest assured that the backyard has been emptied. The lower officer will find a quiet place for adults to rest."

It turned out that when they were working ahead, when Liu Yuanqiao officially announced that he would take over the post of prefect, his assistant song xiance began to drive the Ma family out.

I heard correctly. Instead of giving them time to move out, I directly sent out my servants and threw them out.

Those are the servants of the Liu family. They are all three big and five thick soldiers. They are not so polite and polite. When they see these people, they immediately take big sticks to drive them out. As for the Ma family's property, they just throw out some of the other party's luggage and clothes, and the others are not allowed to take away. Frankly, they rob them directly.

Ma Dongfan's family was crying here: "come and see, the magistrate's bones are not cold, so someone humiliated and humiliated his family. It's really heaven without eyes!"

Such a lively scene, even at night, many people gathered outside the magistrate's Yamen to watch the excitement.

In fact, it's already evening. If it was normal time, the people would have fallen asleep long ago, but we all know that today is destined to be a sleepless night. First, the Ma family held a funeral in the magistrate's Yamen this evening. Secondly, the governor came, conducted a trial and urgent appointment, and appointed a new magistrate, so to speak, The magistrate's office has never been so busy here. Which people don't like to watch it? Thousands of them gathered around the magistrate's Yamen to watch the excitement.

Many people came to see the excitement with lanterns and torches. They were as happy as the Spring Festival. It can be said that Laizhou prefecture has not been so lively since the rebels withdrew last year.

As a result, they saw the new Zhizhi directly driving people behind. The Ma family were doing funerals. They rushed out all night without face. They directly rushed out of the door. Ma Dongfan's coffin was thrown outside the door. It was extremely shameful and inhumane. Many people couldn't help blaming one after another, The new prefect is ruthless and indifferent to his colleagues.

Song xiance, who was in charge of this area, saw everyone's accusations against the Liu family, arched his hands and said: "The old and young men of Laizhou know that Ma Dongfan is a dog official. Since he took office, he has always been corrupt and perverted the law, embezzled and bribed, bullied the people and committed all kinds of evil. He is famous for only doing bad things and has never done a good thing. Such shameless people, my Liu family will never be in collusion with them. As a court official, Ma Dongfan went to brothels to visit prostitutes Death is a disgrace to the imperial court and Laizhou. Such villains are shameless. They dare to hold a funeral in the imperial government. It's really invincible if they are extremely cheap. They dare to stink and shameless. We Liu family dare not? We'll drive them out today. If you don't accept it, sue me. The grievance drum is there. "