Ma Wenying thinks he is the most unlucky person.

Their horse family can be said to have fallen from heaven to hell in just a few days, from superior to inferior.

Before his father Ma Dongfan had an accident, he was the most beautiful person in Laizhou Prefecture. He could do whatever he wanted. He would grab the girl he liked and go straight to the yard when he saw the girl. If he didn't want to give money, no one dared to ask.

As long as he liked other people's fields and shops, he would get them. With his efforts, the property of the Ma family has doubled in a few years.

But all this because his father immediately died in the brothel and then disappeared.

The worst thing is that when they held a funeral in the government office, they were kicked out by the governor. When he was doing the funeral, he still thought that after all, his father was the governor of Laizhou, and there were quite a lot of disciples and old officials. He could also make some money through this funeral, because these people were forced to face and give more, but then the tea was cold.

Who knows that his plan completely failed, he was directly ordered by the governor to go out. Who dares to resist and question.

This is not the worst. The worst thing is that Liu Yuanqiao, the new governor appointed by the governor, came faster than he thought. He didn't give them any breathing time, nor did he give them time to move out of the governor's back Yamen. He directly kicked them out and forcibly robbed their property.

This style is also too rough and direct. Ma Wenying is a famous bully in Laizhou Prefecture, but he never does things so simple and rough. He still makes some superficial articles to cover up.

But the other party didn't have any cover up at all. He directly attacked him. You know, they were holding a funeral. They didn't even have a copper plate. They left all their money at home, but they were forcibly kicked out by the other party.

You said you would rush, but they wanted to go back and move out their belongings. The other party directly refused and directly did not allow it, which turned them from the richest Ma family into a street mouse.

Originally, Ma Wenying wanted to make use of the pressure of public opinion to look good to each other. Who knows that they did all the bad things of the Ma family, no one sympathized with them at all. When something happened to them, others did not sympathize with them, but clapped their hands, which made Ma Wenying's plan come to naught.

In this way, their horse family became a lost dog.

Ma Wenying had no choice but to bury his father first.

His father is also a man in his 60s. Many old people like themselves in the folk. After 60, they begin to prepare longevity plates and good feng shui acupoints for themselves. These things are ready-made. Although his father is dead, he can still lie in a good Liuzhou Golden Phoebe coffin, There are also many treasures that his father made a will to be buried together.

These treasures were taken out and wrapped by Ma Wenying and were not found, so they also had some money on them.

Ma Wenying saw his mother, Gao Shi, crying blind. He was also very sad in his heart. He was full of anger. He vowed that he would go to Beijing to sue the imperial court and make public the evil deeds of the Liu family, so that the court could know what kind of person their newly appointed magistrate was.

But Shangjing told the imperial court that they wanted money. They sold all their father's funerary objects, which was estimated to be worse, so he made a discussion with his mother. He said: "My father has several aunts. Now that my father is dead, these aunts are useless. I decided to sell them all to a brothel and get a sum of money. I can also go to Beijing to sue the imperial court for justice for the Ma family."

He also has several rooms, but they are still useful. He decided not to sell them for the time being.

Gao's mother agreed immediately. She said, "it's no use for these women to stay here. Then sell them? Wen Ying, you must strive for success and go to Beijing to sue the imperial court for revenge for our horse family."

Ma Wenying gnashed his teeth. He said, "I will get justice for the Ma family."

However, he thought about the way his father died. It was estimated that as soon as it was spread, no one would dare to recognize him as a friend, so he had to say, "I will get justice for our horse family and take back what we have."

So Ma Wenying made a decision. After burying his father, he immediately went to Beijing to complain.

Originally, their family also had hundreds of people, mainly Ma Wenying's mother and son, his wife Wu, two sons, eight room concubines, and five or six aunts. The rest were hundreds of families, all of them servants and servants.

One of the biggest differences between the Ma family and the Liu family is that the Ma family has always directly bought out and signed a dead deed. To put it bluntly, it is their Ma family's property. Even if they want to kill or sell it, these people have no place to go, so they have to follow them.

Ma Wenying was thinking that I have more than 100 servants under my command. They can help when necessary. If they are short of money, they can sell it.

However, when Ma Wenying was thinking about these ideas, someone shouted: "Lord Liu burned the Ma family's deed of sale and usury order in public."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the servants ran away without hesitation or mercy. Originally, they wanted to run away. Although their deed of sale was in the Ma family, he would not return his own property. Now their deed of sale is in the government office, or in the hands of the new magistrate, It's hard to say whose property they belong to. As a result, it was spread that the new magistrate was a good man and burned all the Ma family's deed of sale and usury IOUs. When will they stay?

Not only did the servants run away, but even Ma Wenying's young aunts he decided to sell all ran away, including his own concubines.

Moreover, several vicious servants beat Ma Wenying while he was not paying attention, and robbed him of the treasures buried with his father.

In the twinkling of an eye, there were only five members of Ma Wenying's family.

This situation makes Ma Wenying feel desolate. He said, "the heart of man is not ancient, the heart of man is not ancient."

He was still gratified. Fortunately, his wife and two sons were still there. Everyone lived and died together. Who knows, before long, his wife Wu told him that since the Ma family had made such an immoral thing, she decided to take the initiative to leave her husband and take her two sons back to her mother's house.

Ma Wenying said angrily, "since ancient times, only those who have divorced their wives, where is the saying of divorce?"

Wu said to her, "tell my father about this?"

Wu Shi is the daughter of a local tyrant in Pingdu Prefecture. Originally, she married the horse family to unite with the strong. Now that the horse family has lost power, there is no need to marry. In the past, Wu Shi was scolded all day and often beaten by her husband when she married the horse family. Now that the horse family has lost power, she doesn't want to hang herself on this dead tree and left with her son.

Ma Wenying didn't think he was down here. Just now he wanted someone to carry the coffin and bury his father first, but in the twinkling of an eye, there were only two of them.

When Ma Wenying saw this, he hurriedly shouted, "oh my God, oh my God. Open your eyes and see if this kind of thing has happened in broad daylight."

He used to rob others in broad daylight, but now when he was robbed by others, all kinds of feelings came to his mind.

Ma Wenying had a headache after he cried. How should he carry his father to his tomb? Now it's just him and his mother. His mother is a little foot old lady with no strength to bind chickens. They don't have silver in their hands. This is a worry.

But in the twinkling of an eye, someone came to solve their troubles. That is, several servants ran back. He was still thinking, do they come to carry the coffin for me in consideration of the feelings of their employers? "

Who knows, when the servants came, they directly threw out Ma Dongfan's body, stripped off his silk shroud, dug out Ma Wenying's mouth silver and stuffed anal jade, didn't let go of the silk quilt and pillow in the coffin, wrapped and tied it on his body, and directly carried the coffin away.

These servants are really knowledgeable. This is a good golden nanmu coffin. The price in the market will not be less than 500 Liang. They will certainly make a lot of money if they carry it to sell. As for the silk shroud and quilt used inside, they are also very high-grade. If they sell it in the market, it is estimated that they can sell it at a good price.

At this moment, Ma Wenying found that there was no end.

But now it was really simple. There was only his father in Chinese clothes, so he carried his father directly on his back and carried him to the tomb of the horse family.

The tomb of the Ma family is a treasure land of geomantic omen. It was made by a well-known expert. When it was made, it was also very luxurious. However, when he came here, he found that the green bricks on the cemetery and many bricks on the tombstone had been dug away, which turned into a bare mound.

Ma Wenying had no choice but to find a broken mat, roll up his father, roll it up, put it in the mound and bury it directly. At this stage, he paid attention to making peace in the earth.

Ma Wenying was lamenting. He didn't expect that when the horse family was in trouble, it was a scene of walls falling and thousands of people pushing. He knew that they couldn't get along in Laizhou. Fortunately, there was an old house in their countryside that they could go back, and there were some fields and shops at home. If they went back, they might still be able to make a living. Now they decided to go back to their hometown first, As for the complaint, it has to be considered in the long run.