The Diantong incident brought a great shock to the officialdom of Laizhou. They all know that the Liu family did everything for disaster relief.

What's more, it's important to pay attention to that everyone knows that Diane and he are the hometown and confidant of Zuo chief envoy Lao Yongjia.

It was Lord Lao's arrangement that made Diantong take this position. As a result, Liu Yuanqiao didn't give any face. He also killed Diantong in public and killed all the people in his family. This kind of goods and his wife and children is extremely cruel, heinous and frightening.

Although Lao Yongjia is the left chief envoy of Shandong Province, he often can't control Laizhou government, but after all, he is the left chief envoy of Shandong Province, and he is also a person who lives in the third grade of official residence. He is so shameless. It is estimated that Liu Yuanqiao has offended the chief envoy miserably. Everyone is an official in Shandong. It can be said that he doesn't look up and lowers his head. In the future, he will wear some small shoes.

However, looking at Liu Yuanqiao, he doesn't care at all. He has asked his Liu family to hang out their big house in Linqing for sale. They also have many shops in Linqing, all of which are prosperous luxury shops with very good locations. Now they are sold one by one. Even young master Liu's carriage known all over the world and known as 20000 Liang silver has been pulled out for sale.

The sale of these things is not shocking. What's more shocking is that their Liu family is one of the four fleets with the canal. Now their team has also begun to sell them and intends to transfer them to others. It can be seen that Liu Jia is extremely short of money.

In this way, many people know that this disaster relief has greatly damaged the vitality of the Liu family. Maybe it can't recover.

This makes many people feel puzzled. The Liu family's disaster relief this time seems to be a broken family disaster relief. What are they doing?

Later, people in the officialdom explained that the Liu family's disaster relief is not necessarily voluntary, which comes from the design of the two governors. Both governors put the disaster relief in Shandong on the Liu family.

They did not dare to think about the king Lu's house and the Confucius house, but it was not difficult to think about the Liu house, so they kidnapped the Liu family through various means and morality to bear the burden of disaster relief. With so many victims in Laizhou, if the Liu family failed to provide disaster relief, these hungry victims would eat them, so they had no choice but to provide disaster relief.

In the design of the Liu family, several adults tried their best. For example, when he fumbled with Lord Zhu Dadian in the west, he gave an order not to allow the refugees from the east third house to rush to the West Third House. In the past, a large number of refugees came to Jinan and Jining. Now he gave an order to let the local governments strictly guard the border checkpoints, Refugees from the West Sanfu are not allowed to rush to Jinan.

Persuade them all to go back to Laizhou. If the other party doesn't want to go back to Laizhou, send out force to drive them away. Anyway, he can't enter the West Third House.

Many people can be sure that the Liu family in Linqing is the richest in the world, but after this winter, it is estimated that the Liu family dare not say this sentence.

In fact, these officials know that Shandong is the first year to end the Wuqiao mutiny this year, which is a barrier. If you can get through it, Laizhou government can gradually recover. If you can't get through it, it's hard to say, so disaster relief is the key.

This is not only the matter of Chen YingYuan in the eastern government, but also Zhu Dadian in the western government. The imperial court expressly ordered the western government to assist the eastern government in disaster relief and appease the victims.

At the moment, the North has been in disorder. Since ancient times, there have been frequent droughts in the north, and droughts often occur in Guanzhong. However, this year's drought is more serious. In addition to Shaanxi, the drought in Shanxi is also very serious. Many farmers have no harvest, and countless people starve to death. In many places, the roots of trees, fur and grass have been eaten up, and the people are easy to eat their children.

Fortunately, the drought could not be achieved in a day. At that time, the government was afraid of causing more civil unrest. After truthfully reporting to the imperial court, the imperial court center was also afraid to push the victims to the side of the rebel exiles and expand the strength of the exiles. Therefore, the Imperial court took action to provide relief to the victims in Shanshan and Shaanxi.

The government's actions have greatly alleviated the impact of disasters. People will not starve to death if they have food. The situation is not too bad. However, major disasters occur every year, giving more people with intentions an excuse to make trouble, and giving Chongzhen a headache. Is it because of their own virtue, that God drops disasters every year, either floods or earthquakes, Then came the drought.

In Liaodong alone, Chongzhen was exhausted and his courtiers fought and fought. Zhou Tingru was fought by Wen Ti Ren and returned home. The bandits were more and more suppressed, just like leeks. Now, natural disasters are frequent and chaos is rampant. It's not easy to be the emperor! In addition to fighting with his ministers, Zhu Youjian had to fight with heaven, Liukou and JianNu. Even Chongzhen lamented: I'm too difficult!

Shanxi is a drought and Shandong is an ice disaster. Fortunately, the ice disaster in Shandong is just Dongshan Prefecture. The imperial court pays attention to Dongshan mansion. The situation is still very concerned. They all know that if things here can not be alleviated, it will be completely over.

Therefore, the emperor personally used the imperial edict to Zhu Dadian many times and asked him to help Chen YingYuan stabilize the situation in the east house.

Zhu Dadian is different from Chen YingYuan. Chen YingYuan is famous for having no backing at the top and no foundation at the bottom. It is estimated that he will not be in the position of governor for a long time. However, Zhu Dadian has a high voice for further progress. He holds the title of right chamberlain of the Ministry of military, which is highly appreciated by the emperor.

Liu Yuanqiao killed Dai Antong on the pretext of disaster relief, which made his hometown Lao Yongjia very angry.

Lao Yongjia also reported this matter to governor Zhu Dadian.

His left chief envoy can't reach Laizhou, but Lord Zhu Dadian, who has high authority in Shandong, can.

Zhu Dadian was very angry with Lao Yongjia who came to make a small report. In fact, he appreciated Liu Yuanqiao's performance.

Zhu Dadian said, "now that there is a great drought in the gorge, the imperial court goes all out to provide disaster relief. Even the emperor spends all his money to provide disaster relief. In this case, Diane dares to greedy for disaster relief food. He is not unjust in his death?"

Lao Yongjia said: "My lord clearly sees that Liu Yuanqiao is killing people with a knife and overstepping his authority. If even Dai Zhi county is guilty, it's good to take him to Beijing to ask for guilt. Why do you want to make people kill Dai in the street in public? It's humiliating. Second: since Dai has been killed, why do you want to make the mob rob his property and kill the children of the Dai family? Such killing is cruel and heinous."

Zhu Dadian said: "in troubled times, we should use heavy codes. He Liu Yuanqiao also stabilized the situation in Laizhou, started disaster relief here, and stabilized the east third house."

Lao Yongjia was stupid enough to hear Zhu Dadian's words. He said, "my Lord, he just kills people with a knife! He is so reckless and reckless. If he doesn't stop it in time, it will be a great harm sooner or later."

Zhu Dadian said, "it's not my official who speaks for Liu Yuanqiao, but Diane and he really deserve to die. Even when today's son has exhausted his family wealth for disaster relief, he dares to reach inside. Who will die if he doesn't die? It's better for a family to cry than the people all the way."

Lao Yongjia was scolded by the governor and blushed. He didn't dare to say any more, so he had to return unhappily.

Last winter (the sixth year of Chongzhen), the roving bandits broke through the encirclement of the government and army and entered Henan. After the capture of Nanyang, the roving bandits divided their troops, Lao Huihui and other five battalions invaded Huguang, Li Zicheng and others entered Hanzhong, and Zhang Xianzhong led his troops to Xinyang.

On February 28, Zhang Xianzhong and other 13 battalion rebels left Tongguan from Shangxi and Luoxi in Henan Province and entered Southern Han. In March, laohuihui and other departments also returned from Sichuan to Shaanxi, and the roving bandits joined forces again to become a powerful force.

In April of the seventh year of Chongzhen, Wu Gan came to ask for millet to relieve hunger. Since August last year, there has been no rain in Shanxi and Shaanxi. The people are hungry and eat each other. The people are hungry and disorderly, and the Ming generals kill many good people and make contributions. The counties in Zhongzhou are more afraid of officers and soldiers than "thieves". On the sixth day of the first day of the year, Emperor Chongzhen ordered to distribute money to relieve hunger.

In June of the seventh year of Chongzhen, Governor Chen Qiyu and Yunyang Fuzhi Lu Xiangsheng joined forces in Shangjin. At that time, most of the vagrants entered Southern Han. Chen Qiyu led the army to the West and asked the four governors of Shaanxi, Yunyang, Huguang and Henan to encircle and suppress the vagrants in Southern Han. The vagrants Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng saw the four gatherings of the Ming army and mistakenly walked through Xing'an trunk gorge. In the canyon is an ancient plank road with steep mountains on all sides It was easy to get in but difficult to get out. It was raining for 20 days, and the trapped bandits were exhausted. Li Zicheng used Gu Junen to cheat surrender and lured Qi Yu and his generals with heavy treasure. Qi Yu promised. In July, more than 36000 bandits escaped from the trunk gap.

Encirclement and suppression of the roving bandits has made the Ming army tired of running and bleeding. JianNu is coming again.

JianNu Khan Huang Taiji made a second expedition to Chahar in the West in order to unify southern Mongolia. In autumn and July, JianNu army returned to the army. In the name of the Ming border general disturbing its territory, killing its people and hiding fugitives, they entered the upper fort and surrounded the Xuanfu house on the eighth day of July. The guards of the Xuanfu house shelled and retreated from Yingzhou, plundered Datong and captured the victory fort. The capital was shocked, and the commander-in-chief Chen Hongfan was ordered to guard Juyong and the governor Ding kuichu was ordered to guard it Bauhinia, Yanmen.

The army of the Nu army attacked the area in four ways. The castle was lost at the time. The later Jin troops attacked the Qiu Ling. Jiang Bingcai, the * Ling Qiu Zhi county, was holding up the troops. The garrison Shiqi was teaching the total Chen Yanwu, Ma Ru Zhi, Dian Shi Zhang, and Lu Dun Fu. He died in the war. After the city broke, the magistrate Jiang Bingcai hanged himself and died.

Emperor Chongzhen, who was beset with internal and external difficulties, gathered in Shaanxi with roving bandits and ordered Henan troops to enter Tonghua, Sichuan troops from Xing and Han, Shanxi troops out of Puzhou and Hancheng, and Huguang troops into Shang and Luo to jointly suppress the roving bandits. However, on October 27, Huguang troops assisted Hanzhong and were defeated by the roving bandits, and Deputy General Yang Zhengfang and his department Zhang Shida died.

After Chen Qiyu was arrested, Hong Chengchou was ordered to take charge of the military affairs of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Chu, Henan and Sichuan provinces as the Minister of the Ministry of war, and was ready to encircle and suppress the roving bandits on a larger scale. The world was in chaos. Lao didn't think about the military and state affairs, but complained for his disciples. Why didn't he make Zhu Dadian angry.