Liu Buhe had already prepared several workshops here in Jimo garrison camp to make weapons for his army.

They dug many craftsmen from the capital to work for them. At first, these craftsmen in the capital had doubts about working in this small place in Shandong. After all, they are iron rice bowls. Although they live very hard and have few meals, they can be passed down from generation to generation to make a living in this small place in Shandong. No one knows whether it is good or bad.

But when the first batch of craftsmen arrived in Shandong, they worked for a month or two and sent back a large amount of silver, the people in the capital began to make a sensation, and they began to try their best to send people here.

They rushed to Liu GUI, Liu's office in Beijing, and asked to work here. They can easily obtain a large number of craftsmen.

The craftsmen of Daming are all workers and have been handed down from generation to generation. They have grown up under the hands of their parents since childhood. Their craftsmanship is quite exquisite. Compared with the craftsmen in Jimo camp, their craftsmanship is not known to be many times better. A large number of industrial and commercial workers joined, so that their workshops began to have output, and the supply of cold weapon workshops and armor workshops has been normalized, Can provide them with a large number of equipment.

Liu Bu paid more attention to their artillery workshop, the fire gun workshop. Under the guidance of the master Li Wenshan, their fire gun workshop has begun to produce more than 100 fire guns every month. After they changed to day and night shift and worked for 14 hours, the output has further increased, which can provide fire guns for their Liu family's Ding army.

Their muskets are not made of Daming's three eye gun or bird gun, but learn from Portuguese muskets. Their performance is better than Daming's bird system, and has reached the first-class level.

Of course, they can make such good muskets. In addition to the great help of craftsmen from Li Wenshan, Zheng zining transferred craftsmen from her family. They often do business (fight) with Portuguese GouLan people and abduct a lot of craftsmen from them. These craftsmen also make muskets for the Zheng family, Under the guidance of these Portuguese and Spanish technicians, their Liu family also has a first-class firearm manufacturing workshop, which can manufacture firerope guns no less than Portuguese.

Because of the powerful power of muskets, they have rarely trained knife and gun soldiers, but focus on training Musketeers, because training Musketeers is faster and easier to succeed.

It takes at least one or two years to successfully train a well-trained and highly skilled swordsman, but it only takes three or four months to train a fireman.

However, the production of red cannon is still stagnant. Although they have Huang Dong's host and Zheng zining sent a large number of craftsmen to help, they still can't make their own first-class cannon. After all, making cannon is a job of top technology. It doesn't mean doing it. It's equivalent to the top technology today.

Huang Dong can only make ordinary Falang machine guns. He hasn't made such guns as the red cannon. He also coordinates and studies with the help of technicians sent by Zheng zining.

To know the original JianNu, they obtained technicians from the branch office of the Dengzhou military Bureau in the Ming Dynasty. It took them nearly seven years to have their own artillery production ability and manufacture their own red cannon.

Now JianNu has no technology to make red cannon. They only have more than a dozen red cannon bought by Daming from the Portuguese. Although they organized a large number of craftsmen to imitate, they still didn't imitate it for a while and a half.

Liu Bu felt a little upset when he saw that the artillery production was unsatisfactory. After all, he spent so much money and invested so much human and material resources. He didn't hear a sound, and his heart was filled with anger.

Helpless, I had to use the Zheng family's network to buy some red cannon from the Portuguese.

At present, only the Portuguese in Macao can do business with Daming in foreign countries. The Portuguese can own Macao, which is also subject to certain restrictions of Daming. However, the Daming government warned him that it was not allowed to sell red cannon to other people, otherwise they would be deprived of the right to pay tribute.

The relationship between the Portuguese and Daming is a little funny. In the eyes of the Portuguese, they pay 500 liang of silver to Daming every year, which is the rent of Macao from Daming.

But Daming believed that the Portuguese's 500 Liang silver was a tribute to show their respect for the Ming court, so the Ming Court lent them a lot of this place to do business and give them a bite of food.

The Ming Dynasty has always regarded itself as a Heavenly Kingdom. As a Heavenly Kingdom, it has rich products and owns everything. It does not need to do business with foreign countries. Foreigners can only do business with them by paying tribute.

So it also shows a very pitiful side, that is, all the surrounding countries pay tribute to Daming in order to do business with him, but in the eyes of people in these countries, it's just doing business.

But in the eyes of the Ming court, this is tribute, this is surrender, this is kneeling down. If you don't obey, I won't allow you to pay tribute.

Therefore, if Liu Bu and the Portuguese people in Macao buy red cannon, they can't buy it. They don't dare to offend Daming, a big buyer. However, if they let the Zheng family, who has always done smuggling business with them, it will be different. It's not obvious, but it's OK secretly. The key is that the money is in place.

Liu bu also knew that he was too impatient, because making red cannon is the top casting technology today. He was not a poor man who could make it with several talents. He was very surprised that they could successfully make muskets.

After returning to Jimo camp, Liu Bu began to pay close attention to his armament production at the first time. He wanted to ensure that several of his armament workshops started day and night to build weapons, armor, muskets and equip his army.

Now the Liu family is not short of people. If there are not enough people, they can match people at any time. Often next to a big craftsman, they are equipped with two or three people to help. Even in this way, they still decided to divide into two shifts and build them day and night.

Liu Buhe began to prepare their Liu family's car camp. Their Liu family's car camp, mainly artillery, fire guns and long guns, formed a strong camp as their strategic strike force.

Liu Bu knew that as long as the new year passed, it was the eighth year of Chongzhen, which was a very lively year. You know, the eighth year of Chongzhen was also very famous in history, and it was also a year when the Ming Dynasty was going to decline incomparably.

Because of the chaos caused by the vagrants in this year, Shaanxi, Henan, Shanxi, Huguang, Sichuan and other provinces were affected. The imperial court sent out a large army to encircle and suppress them. Who knows, the vagrants highlighted the encirclement circle, invaded Fengyang, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and dug up the ancestral tombs of the imperial family of the Ming Dynasty.

Since the tomb of Daming's ancestors was dug, the national fortune of Daming has been getting worse year by year.

Liu bu also knew that the situation was critical, so he would go to Jimo the next day after he became a pro to rectify the army and train his army, waiting for chaos in the world.

You know, it's December 20 when they got married. Ten days later, it's the lunar new year. After the new year, it's 1635. According to reason, they should take the opportunity to rest. After the new year, they can only take charge of his army.

Although Zheng zining is a strong woman, she can't avoid the limitations of the times. That is, she follows the chicken and the dog. She married a monkey and ran all over the mountain. Liu Bu insisted on not resting. She should continue her work and continue to promote his military plan. She had to follow Liu Bu to Jimo camp. It was sweet for her husband to sing and follow her husband.

Originally, in Liu Bu's mind, he wanted Zheng zining to live in the Liu family mansion and preside over the overall situation. This is what the Liu family's young grandmother should do. Then he took Chen Yuanyuan to Jimo, so that they can sleep and live together, so they can also enjoy the blessing of beauty.

However, Zheng zining is very smart. She doesn't want those empty things, but needs real things. She doesn't live in the Liu family's mansion, but follows Liu Bu to Jimo camp. Even Liu Bu's courage doesn't dare to bring Chen Yuanyuan to Jimo camp, which is a plan that can't keep up with the change.

However, Liu Bu's presence here in Jimo camp has greatly increased their work progress.

Liu Bu has recruited many professionals around him. As long as they prepare enough talents, they will start to expand their army in an all-round way.

You know, they only had more than 1000 families in March this year, but now they have exceeded tens of thousands. Of course, many of these 10000 have not been strictly trained.

What Liu Bu has to do now is to train these more than 10000 servants. As long as these more than 10000 servants are trained, they can dominate the party.

These soldiers must be given generous benefits, equipped with sophisticated equipment, and bound by strict military training and military regulations before they can become elite troops.

Liu Bu doesn't want to be like Liu Zeqing. He has forty or fifty thousand troops, but these forty or fifty thousand troops are local Jiwa dogs and vulnerable garbage soldiers.

In Liu Bu's vision, 12000 of them can form three groups. The three groups are a bit like the role of the three camps that prepared Japanese companies in the past.

The three groups echo each other. It is quite possible for 8000 elite servants to guard the three East houses.

The other 4000 is their mobile strike force. Whether they are arranged to attack roving bandits or JianNu, it is a matter of one sentence.

If this point is reached, Liu Bu's imagination has become the general trend. He can go out of Shandong, dominate the world and compete with the heroes of the world.