On the 30th of the twelfth lunar month, on New Year's Eve, people have the custom of staying up late to watch the new year.

ShouSui originated from the fierce beast "Nian" in ancient times. It has been handed down for thousands of years and formed a custom. ShouSui actually guards its own time and life, expresses people's life emotion, and is a kind of awe of nature and life.

New year's Eve is a sleepless night for Chinese people. People gather their families to welcome the new year. After the new year's Eve dinner, the whole family get together, light the lights and stay up late. Staying up on the eve of the new year is called keeping watch or staying up for the new year.

On New Year's Eve, the whole family got together, had a new year's Eve dinner, lit candles or oil lamps, sat around the stove and chatted, waiting for the time to leave the old and welcome the new. This custom gradually prevailed. It is said that Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a "Shou Sui" poem: "cold quits winter snow, warm brings spring breeze" until today, People are also used to keeping watch on New Year's Eve to welcome the new year.

Even the top nobles like the Liu family have to abide by this ancient custom.

But they are different from other people. What other people say at this time should be about eating, drinking and playing, and what they discuss is mainly about their work. There is no way. As the helmsman of the Liu family, the Liu family represents a group and the rice bowl of hundreds of thousands of people.

They must plan for these hundreds of thousands of people, so they are doomed not to be able to waste their time on eating, drinking, fun, firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. These things will be worried about by their own people. What they need to do is plan big things.

After midnight, they began to set off 300000 firecrackers to welcome the arrival of the new year. After the new year, Liu Yuanqiao and everyone put on new clothes and congratulated the patriarch Liu Yuanqiao with joy.

As the patriarch of Liu Yuanqiao, he also gave everyone red envelopes, adding a lot of joy.

Zheng Zhibao was full of wine, but he was very happy and blushed. He also gave Liu bu a red envelope. He said, "you have a concubine so soon, but you should be nice to your son, otherwise I can't spare you."

Liu Bu quickly nodded and bowed and said, "it must be." holding the light red envelope, he felt that there was no oil and water. It was estimated that it was just a silver note.

Thinking of the silver ticket, Liu Bu quickly opened the red envelope and saw that it was actually a house deed of Wujin house in the capital. He was startled and hurriedly said, "thank you, father-in-law. I wish you many blessings and longevity and a long life." such a father-in-law naturally hopes to give him a big red envelope every year.

There are nearly 500 people at the top and bottom of Liu's mansion, and it is impossible for Liu Yuanqiao to personally send red envelopes to each servant. Therefore, except for some core families, Liu Bu and his wife work for others. As the second generation leaders of the Liu family, they represent their father to bless and congratulate the servants of various posts and departments, and give red envelopes.

In this way, Liu Bu feels very boring. Although he has everything he should have, he just doesn't have the flavor of the new year. Maybe people grow up and know the pressure and hardships of life, and they don't have that expectation for the new year.

If they look like children, they are very happy with new clothes and candy. For example, his sister Liu Ying has been very happy. She is not only watching fireworks, but also looking forward to sending red envelopes. She is very happy and has a red face.

After dawn, they had to leave the Liu family's mansion, go to places such as Fushan office and Tibetan army Valley, as well as their factories, wineries and salt factories, and distribute red envelopes and profits to the workers working on the festival.

When Liu Bu and his subordinates came back from these places, they visited them one after another to pay New Year's greetings, such as Zhou Wentong, the governor of Jiaozhou. Jimo county magistrate song xiance, as well as Wang pangzi, as for some people in his army, such as Liu Yuanshan, Liu Kang, Xiao Ning, Liu Zhongyong, Zhou Hui and Mao Shengli, they also came to Liu's mansion one after another to greet Liu BU for the new year. This is one of Liu Bu's people and core elements.

Liu Bu inevitably gave everyone a red envelope and invited everyone to dinner at a banquet set up in his house. Everyone was happy.

These entertainment lasted until the third day of the lunar new year. After the third day of the lunar new year, the entertainment was almost the same. They stayed in the Liu family's mansion and lived a happy life of one wife and one concubine.

The annual holidays of this dynasty include new year's day, winter solstice, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival and new year.

The Lantern Festival has five days off on New Year's day and three days off on the winter solstice. The Lantern Festival is highly valued in this dynasty. The ten days off is twice that of the Spring Festival. In addition, there is a one month "seal" month from December 20 to January 20 of the next year. During this period, officials do not have to deal with any judicial cases, but they still need to go to the workplace from time to time to carry out some daily affairs, which is equivalent to giving officials a 30 day buffer period, so that they can better face the complicated work in the new year.

When it comes to official holidays, Liu Bu has been a holiday since the day he got married. However, although they are officials of the imperial court, they actually work for themselves and are not willing to rest.

They know one thing very well, that is, as the helmsman of the Liu family, their father and son are in charge of hundreds of thousands of people. If they make a mistake in decision-making, hundreds of thousands of people will have no food to eat and be displaced. Therefore, they are also cautious, cautious and extremely cautious.

For example, Liu BU should have a rest on his wedding night, but the enemy didn't give him time to rest. He also chose to attack him when he was married. How dare he sleep and take a relaxing vacation in this case?

And now it's the Spring Festival. Everyone speaks auspicious words. Everyone hopes that the new year will be better than last year.

But Liu Bu knows one thing, that is, the new year will be worse than the seven years of Chongzhen, which they think is bad. Others don't know it's good. They are full of hope for the future and know that the future will be worse. Therefore, Liu Bu has great pressure. As for the new year, they also approved their own six-day leave and took it to the fifth day of the new year, Then he began to go to Jimo camp and began to train his army.

Now it can be said that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the world was in chaos. The only thing he can rely on is their Liu family army. If Liu family army can't be relied on, the only thing they can do is to drive their ships to sea, so as not to make sacrifices to Daming when Daming perished.

But at this moment, even by boat, is it a good result? You know, now it is the age of great navigation. Westerners have come to the east one after another, occupied Nanyang, and began to occupy all the known lands in the world. Where can they escape?

If they go overseas, they are also under the rule and repression of others. What is the role of their escape there?

So after a few happy days at home, Liu Bu began to leave for Jimo on the fifth day of the new year to start training.

After the beginning of the new year, they began to formally set up their car battalion. The car battalion in this era is a little like the group army of later generations. It is composed of carts, Fran machine guns, Musketeers, spearmen and cavalry. It is a synthetic service composed of multiple arms.

For these troops, cooperation between us is the key.

Taking advantage of the gap of the Chinese new year, Liu Zhongyong also went to major military towns to recruit many veterans. Some of these veterans are good at car battalion operations and began to plan and train them.

Liu Bu knows that as long as his car camp is trained, even if they have strategic strike power, they can fight against JianNu. If they are just Musketeers and archers, they will be dead against JianNu's elite heavy armor infantry.

In terms of training the army, Liu Bu always regarded their imaginary enemy as the most powerful modeling heavy armor infantry in the world, rather than the garbage soldiers of Daming.

To be with this one in the East. Fight with the strongest medium armour infantry. They can only deal with them through strict training and excellent weapons.

Daming's fire gun can't deal with JianNu's heavy armor infantry, so the fire guns they use now are all the same Western Fire rope guns. This kind of gun has very strong firepower, coupled with their Frankie guns and the grenades they specially asked expert craftsmen to make. This is their secret weapon for paying heavy armor infantry.

You know, JianNu's heavy armour infantry are very powerful. Since their rise, they have played such a large territory from a small place in Jianzhou, occupied a Liao town (northeast), and beat the Mongols to cry for their parents and kneel down. Such vicious people can't be despised.

It can be said that since the rise of JianNu, the Ming Dynasty has been completely defeated in a series of battles with JianNu. JianNu has a strong advantage in both the field war and the siege, because they have an elite heavy armor infantry.

Therefore, how to deal with JianNu's heavy armor infantry has become the focus of Liu Bu's research. If they can't deal with this heavy armor infantry, it's very difficult for them to think about a good life, and they will be destroyed by the other party at any time.

And Liu bu also knows one thing, that is, people have no foresight, there must be immediate worries! If they don't find JianNu, Jianru will find them, so the first war between them will happen sooner or later. Now is the best time to prepare. Don't wait until the other party hits the door.