Zhang Xianzhong had ordered the soldiers to withdraw for a while. After dinner, he adjusted the strategy and fought again.

Since the capture of Fengyang, the capital of China, Zhang Xianzhong has become famous all over the world. In the eyes of many people, he is a brave and invincible man. In fact, he is a real general, who can advance, retreat, bend and stretch.

He looks very rough and haughty on the outside, but his mind is very delicate. It can be said that he is rough and meticulous. He is not a reckless person who loses his nature and orders the whole army to attack as soon as he gets angry.

It was because of these characteristics that the army he led stood out among the 36 battalions and became the famous eight kings in the world.

But just as his soldiers were about to retreat, he found chaos in the city. There were flames in many places in the city, and there was a constant sound of urgency. Even the Ming army on the city wall began to panic. At this time, he only saw the city gate open and the Ming army outside the city hurried inside.

Zhang Xianzhong and others were overjoyed. They knew that the spies they had arranged in advance in the city had successfully provoked unrest. They killed and set fire everywhere in the city, causing chaos in the city. Zhang Xianzhong and others quickly stood on horseback and looked over. They only saw that there was a tragic battle at the city gate. These soldiers were blocked outside the city gate.

On the surface, the gate of Anqing should have been occupied by a gang of thugs, who actually prevented the officers and soldiers from entering the city.

Zhang Xianzhong knew that their spies played a role. He was overjoyed and quickly ordered the army to attack and seize the city gate. As long as they could take the opportunity to attack and cooperate with the spies controlling the city gate, they could seize the city gate. As long as they captured the city gate, the battle was over.

When Zhang Xianzhong attacked many large cities, he would use this way to capture cities. This is the way with the least casualties. He would not use the traditional offensive way, because the traditional way is often heavy casualties or months.

His way of using spies to plan the city is to learn from the slave building outside the pass. It can be said that he has tried repeatedly and achieved success many times, which makes him have some superstitious ideas about this way.

When Zhang Xianzhong gave his order, his troops rushed over with all their strength, ready to seize the city gate.

Most of Zhang Xianzhong's troops had ordered and arranged to withdraw for dinner. Everyone was relieved and prepared to withdraw to the camp with weapons, but suddenly they received a new order, that is, the whole army attacked the enemy array.

This makes the soldiers very helpless and very angry, but they have no way. They can only continue to set out with weapons and an empty stomach to attack the enemy camp.

Tens of thousands of troops rushed in and directly attacked the camp of 2000 enemy troops. Now the Ming army began to panic. They sent some people to rob the city gate, and others formed a military array to resist the impact of the enemy army.

If it was Zhang Xianzhong just now, he might not dare to charge the whole army to attack the city gate, but now his spies are seizing the gate. If he doesn't cooperate inside and outside, all his spies who plan the city gate will be killed by the officials and army, and he also missed the good opportunity to easily seize Anqing.

In his words, this is called an opportunity that must be taken advantage of immediately.

Zhang Xianzhong went all out to attack, and the scene of tens of thousands of people attacking Anqing city was quite huge.

When Zhang Xianzhong's army attacked the city gate, the unrest on the city gate almost stopped immediately. It was not a riot at all, but a play played by Liu Bu, mainly to attract each other and attack the city gate.

Not to mention Zhang Xianzhong, if Liu Bu had such a deployment, his spies would have controlled the vicinity of the city gate, and he would attack the whole army himself.

When Zhang Xianzhong's army rushed to the city gate with all its strength, they opened the cover and exposed 10 red cannon. These cannon had already been filled with gunpowder. As soon as they ignited, they roared immediately, and 10 cannon blasted into each other's huge military array.

In the first round of attack and firing, 10 huge bullets were sent out, and a blood and flesh alley of more than 100 meters was ploughed out of the enemy's military array.

And after the first round of firing, they immediately cleaned the bore with their rags and brooms, continued to fill it with gunpowder and continued to fire.

These red cannons are powerful. As long as they are fired, they can plow a flesh and blood alley in the opponent's largest military array. Whether the opponent is wearing iron armor, wearing a shield or a shield car, they are bombarded by one artillery, directly smashed, and then the bullets continue to jump to kill the enemy. Each gun has played a great power and caused heavy casualties to the enemy.

The roving bandit army was originally attacked by the red cannon with great momentum and like a wolf like a tiger, but it was hit head-on by the red cannon. The opponent's cannon was so powerful that it basically hoodwinked them. They have also fought with the officers and soldiers for many times. When have they seen such powerful cannon? In the past, everything was destroyed, people were blown apart, and horses were blown apart.

When they rushed within 200 steps, Liu Jiajun launched their Falang machine gun to bombard the enemy. You know, the Falang machine gun, but the child and mother gun, they had nine single gun barrels to cooperate, which meant that he was faster and bombarded the enemy's camp fiercely, and a large number of rogue soldiers fell.

Although there were tens of thousands of Zhang Xianzhong's army, they were jointly bombed by the red cannon and the Frankie cannon of the official Army, which made them very dead and injured. Many soldiers fell all over the place because they were too dense, and they often fell all over the place with one shot.

Such a scene made the wandering bandit soldiers cold hearted. Many people fought with two feet and almost peed. Moreover, they rushed into the vicinity of the Ming army array. They found that they should have been in a hurry, unprepared and unable to enter the city gate, but the other party is not what they imagined now, But a neat queue, orderly and ready to wait for them.

This makes the roving bandits very strange, but they are now in a position to ride a tiger. They can't stop at all. They have no other idea but to rush to the enemy array and crush the enemy.

They are different from just now. Just now Wang Zhaolin sent more than 2000 people to rush into the array. Now nearly 20000 people rush into the array and seize the city together. What a huge momentum.

Zhang Xianzhong sent his main army to surround anqing house, and several other gates were blocked. Now it's the north gate, which is the main battlefield. He gathered nearly 20000 main troops here. He also wanted to break through the gate of Anqing house and attack it with his main army. Now he thought it was a great opportunity.

In this case, they were full of joy and high morale. When they attacked the Ming army, they were hit head-on by the Ming army. The Ming army artillery bombed them crying for their parents, and the casualties were very heavy.

Even if Zhang Xianzhong is used to seeing the big scene, he is also cold. However, the red cannon deserves its reputation. We should seize Anqing city and these red cannons anyway. As long as I have red cannons, it will not be difficult to beat Nanjing City in the future.

Before, he always thought that the red cannon was what the Ming army boasted. There was no such powerful weapon at all. When the red cannon was powerful, he knew that the red cannon was more powerful than he thought.

This made him very shocked and envious, and strengthened his determination to win the city. If he wanted to win the city, he could win the red cannon.

Therefore, tens of thousands of his troops braved the enemy's fierce artillery fire and marched forward bravely, with heavy casualties. If they were faced with such strong artillery fire, he would immediately order the troops to retreat and advance in the midst of such strong and fierce artillery fire. This is to let the soldiers serve as cannon fodder and take human lives.

But now he thinks they have controlled the city gate, and the opportunity is very rare. If they don't take the opportunity to seize the city gate, they want to capture Anqing City, which is not easy.

Because of these reasons, Zhang Xianzhong ordered his troops to go all out and rush forward recklessly, hoping to win the city gate. Winning the city gate means that they won Anqing City, defeated the enemy and captured the red cannon.

Zhang Xianzhong is an ambitious man. Seeing that the red cannon is so powerful, he immediately wants to have such an artifact. As long as he has such a red cannon, do he still have to be afraid of being chased by the government and the army? Later, the officers and soldiers opened the way and the rear of the hall for him.

Because of these reasons, even if the immediate conditions are very bad and they are not allowed to rush forward, they still rush forward regardless of everything.

The scene in front of Liu Bu was what he dreamed of. The enemy took the initiative to attack their positions in the form of large military formations and large groups. Their positions had weapons such as red cannon and Frankie cannon.

After they got close, they would have archers and Musketeers to attack the enemy. Under the full attack of their far and near firepower, the wandering bandits who rushed like water fell one after another. When they rushed near the Ming army array, they were firmly blocked, like water rushing onto a dam, and could not move forward any more.

It would be even worse if these roving bandits could not move forward. This means that they stood on the ground and let the Ming army's red cannon and franji cannon bombard repeatedly. The soldiers fell in pieces and rivers of blood, with heavy casualties.