After the battle of Anqing, the mighty army of itinerant bandits began to collapse. They quickly withdrew from the camp. After several days of rectification, the Imperial Army in Fengyang ordered Liu Bu, the general army of Fengyang, to lead his elite army to attack everywhere to eliminate the bandits and itinerant bandits.

At the same time, Hong Chengchou also ordered several of his most famous generals to attack everywhere and hunt down the wandering bandits, among which the best performance belongs to Cao Wenzhao and Zu Kuan.

Especially this time, Cao Wenzhao personally led the troops to chase after them day and night. He went deep alone and attacked the old camp of the wandering bandits in one fell swoop, washing their old camp with blood. This was revenge for the destruction of the Zuling.

We should know that the exiles are fugitives who flee everywhere. Among them, those who can carry their families are people above the level of officers. Only those who have a good face among them can lead their families and robbed beauties to flee everywhere. If they are ordinary soldiers, they don't even have enough to eat? He could still escape with his family, so Cao Wenzhao bloody washed the old camp of the exiled bandits, but it shocked them and angered them completely. They vowed not to destroy Cao Wenzhao and not to be human.

Another outstanding person is Guan Ningjun. His chief officer is Zu Kuan, a native of Liaodong. He was brave and energetic since childhood. He worked as a servant for Zu dashou's family, accepted him as a servant, made great achievements in the war, and gradually promoted to Ningyuan as a general. Most of his soldiers are from outside the Great Wall. They are extremely brave and can win wherever they go.

Zu Kuan is a fierce general in Guan Ning army. He cooperated with Zhu Dadian as early as the Wuqiao mutiny. However, Zu Kuan is an elite figure in Guan Ning army and has his own mountain. This time, he was ordered to enter the pass and dispatched Hong Chengshou to wave his ears.

Last autumn, the imperial court appointed Zu Kuan as the commander of the general army to help suppress the bandits. In October, Zu Kuan led his troops to Henan. Governor Chen Biqian and supervisor Tang Kaiyuan ordered him and Zuo Liangyu to enter Lingbao. As soon as they arrived, they defeated Zhang Xianzhong in Jiaocun.

Soon, Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng came to attack Wenxiang together with Xianzhong. Zu Kuan rushed to the rescue. The thief soldiers withdrew and marched into Lingbao, cutting off Zuo Liangyu and Zu Kuan's troops so that they could not echo each other. Then they fell into Shaanxi in the East and attacked Luoyang. After Zuo Liangyu and Zu Kuan arrived, Yingxiang, Zicheng and Xianzhong evacuated again. Zuo Liangyu chases Yingxiang. Zu Kuan is responsible for chasing Xianzhong. Overnight, the deputy commander zukeyong and others go straight to ge family village. At dawn, they catch up with the thief soldiers and beat them to a great defeat.

The bandits fled to Jiugao mountain in Song County. Zu Kuan buried two ambushes in the gully to lure the bandits down the mountain. The ambush rushed out and captured the head of more than 900 bandits. Soon, Zu Kuan and Deputy generals Liu Zhaoji and Luo Dai met bandits in geliao Town, Ruzhou, and beat them to a great defeat. The bandits were buried for more than 20 miles, and more than 1600 people were beheaded.

Zhang Xianzhong got angry and joined forces with Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng to fight Zu Kuan in Longmen and Baisha, cutting the officers and soldiers in two. After Zu Kuan broke off himself, his soldiers also fought to the death. From the morning to midnight, they won a complete victory and gained more than 1000 heads. Yingxiang and Zicheng fled and wanted to occupy Guangzhou. Zukuan sent Deputy General Li fuming to follow them quietly. The bandits went to attack Queshan. Zu Kuan and others hurried to rescue them. They defeated the bandits and gained more than 580 heads.

Zukuan's soldiers are fierce, simple and straightforward. Their temperament is different from other soldiers. Laws and regulations can't restrain them. In the past, most of the officers and soldiers were from Guanzhong. They were from the same hometown as the bandits. The two armies fought against each other. They greeted each other, even threw away their animals and luggage, and deliberately let the bandits go, calling it a "live war".

The soldiers of Guan Ning army don't speak to them. They kill thieves when they see them, so they often win wars. However, they burn houses and rape women wherever they pass. Relying on their military achievements, they don't stop at all; He also likes field operations and is afraid of searching mountains; When they saw that the bandits were far away and could not be killed in ten and a half days, they thought they were guest generals and did not have a long-term belief. Moreover, Zu Kuan's soldiers did not have strong fighting intention. When they saw that the wind was wrong, they left immediately. This is called Beiren's good walking.

Although Hong Chengchou sent a small number of elite troops to pursue and kill the rogue bandits, they have achieved excellent results, which has also alleviated the local resentment against them. You know, the local people always think that they are ineffective in suppressing bandits and are greedy for life and afraid of death. Now they have finally done something. Running away from the rogue bandits is also regarded as doing something for the local people, So even if Zhu Dadian and others were unwilling, they had no choice but to get some food and grass for them.

In this way, Hong Chengchou finally made his life a little easier.

However, Hong Chengchou's life was better for a few days, and new news came again, that is, after the hooligans were defeated by them, they could not gain a foothold in the Jianghuai area, so they divided their troops into four routes and fled back to Shaanxi and Sichuan.

This also means that Hong Chengchou's plan to annihilate the flow in Fengyang and the Central Plains went bankrupt. Both the emperor and the imperial court were very angry about this, so he ordered him to lead the army and continue to pursue and kill the wandering bandits.

At the same time, the imperial court appointed two governors to pursue and kill the rogue bandits. One was Hong Chengchou and the other was Lu Xiangsheng. Both of them also had the title of governor of five provinces. There was a lot of overlap in power. In addition, they were both powerful people and very hard, so they carried them one after another. As a result, they shifted their responsibilities to each other, Quarrel with each other.

This made Hong Chengshou spend a lot of energy on these wrangling skills, so that they didn't have enough energy to go all out to deal with the rogue bandits.

Other places are very nervous, but for Fengyang area, it is indeed a turn for the better. Since the main force of the wandering bandits fled one after another, Liu Bu, a great God, is in charge here, which is a fast and stable place.

Liu Bu is also very effective in suppressing bandits. You should know that Liu Jiajun started from suppressing bandits. They are more adept at suppressing bandits, like Zu Kuan's guanning iron cavalry. They are good at fighting in the field, but not in the mountains and forests. Therefore, as long as the wandering bandits escape into the mountains and forests, they are unwilling to suffer and chase. This is called not to enter the mountains and forests.

However, Liu Jiajun is an expert in this field. If you, who are unfamiliar with the place of life, dare to escape to the mountains, it will be a dead end. Under the guidance and leadership of the local people, they go deep into the mountains to pursue and kill the enemy, but they defeat the wandering bandits.

After the main force of the wandering bandits fled, there were as many as forty or fifty thousand disabled and defeated soldiers scattered in Fengyang area. They entrenched here, disturbed the place and brought great harm to the local people.

Liu Bu led his army to attack, beheaded 3000 heads and captured nearly 20000 people in just one month. Although his achievements did not stir the world like Cao Wenzhao and Zu Kuan, they were also very great. At least the local squires and people were very satisfied and happy about it. At least he calmed down the place immediately, Let the place move towards stability.

After the trouble caused by the exiled bandits in Fengyang, what the local people want most is to eradicate these exiled bandits and restore the place to its previous state. That's what they want. Liu Bu has been widely praised by the local squires and people because he has made great contributions to exterminating the exiled bandits, so his position of Fengyang general army is as stable as Mount Tai.

Liu Bu wrote a letter home and asked his wife Zheng zining and Chen Yuanyuan to meet him here and enjoy glory and wealth together.

After repeated consideration, Zheng zining led one of her medium-sized fleets south to Fengyang, but now they are stationed in Yangzhou instead of Fengyang.

Liu Buhe didn't want to get involved in the bad things between Hong Chengshou and Zhu Dadian because there were two great gods fighting and sitting in Fengyang. He simply led his army to suppress the bandits everywhere and came to Yangzhou mansion. They went all the way East and pushed them all the way, but drove all the hooligans away and basically killed them, This made the rogue bandits run away.

At the same time, he is also responsible for escorting Zhang Xianzhong to Beijing with Lu Jiude, the Commissioner of the army. You know, since Liu Bu fooled Lu Jiude last time, Lu Jiude has always believed that escorting Zhang Xianzhong is a hard job and will be intercepted by rogue bandits, so he had to take Liu Bu to escort him. He knew that Liu Bu could not go to Beijing, so he asked Liu Bu to go to Yangzhou, After Yangzhou, you can sail to sea and reach the capital by sea.

Rogue bandits are very powerful on land. They blockade everywhere and can intercept and kill them at any time, but should they be blind at sea? You should know that although the wandering bandits are strong and have elite cavalry and soldiers, they really don't have a qualified water master division or even a boat. They sail on the sea. These people should have no way to take him, right?

They should have taken the canal, but they were worried that even if they took the canal, they would be attacked by the other party. If they took the sea route from Yangzhou, it would be completely safe.

What Lu Jiude wants to do most now is to transport Zhang Xianzhong to the capital and let the emperor cut him thousands of times. Even if he makes a contribution, it is also with this excuse that Liu Bu can escape from the political vortex of Fengyang and arrive in Yangzhou. In fact, he will be better in Yangzhou.

Because the Liu family has a strong navy force, and their navy forces are invincible in the north of the Yangtze River. The navy in charge of his father-in-law and wife is very powerful. Even the navy of the imperial court is not their opponent. Therefore, for Fengyang in the remote inland, Liu Bu is more willing to deploy his army in Yangzhou, It can better ensure their interests.

Liu Jiajun has made a name for himself and won the prize he wants. Now it's time to cash out these prize money. Aren't they fighting and killing to make money? Now that there is a chance to make money, why do you have to fight desperately? Therefore, it is the best choice to enjoy happiness in Yangzhou. Liu Bu's army arrived in Yangzhou in the name of suppressing bandits and escorting Lu Jiude. He also plans to garrison in Yangzhou.