Liu Bu didn't want to attend the banquet held by Gao Wang, the prefect of Yangzhou. A prefect hosted a chief soldier for dinner. He was actually set up in a brothel. What should he do if his wife heard about him?

You know, Liu Bu has been very clean since he started again. He no longer lives a life of drunkenness and dreams. He lives in the military camp every day, eats and lives with the soldiers, and is responsible for participating in military aircraft and planning major events.

Because Liu Bu still attaches great importance to his marriage. The basis of marriage lies in loyalty. If both sides don't have loyalty and awe, they can't operate.

After he married Zheng zining and had his beautiful concubine Chen Yuanyuan, he basically met all Liu Bu's fantasies in this regard, so he had no other ideas and worked hard for his Liu family.

Now Liu Bu understands that only after he has mastered great power and more rights can he live better in this world.

He Liu bu used to be proud and didn't help him no matter what happened. But now it's different. As the second generation leader of the Liu family, he shoulders everyone's expectations, but hundreds of thousands of people are waiting for them to eat. Even if the Liu family doesn't want to eat, these people also want to rely on him to eat. They don't want to move forward, and these people will push them forward.

Liu Bu knows that everything about Liu Jiajun comes from the army, so Liu Jiajun is the most important thing for them, and the only way to maintain the strength of this army is strict military discipline. Liu Jiajun is completely different from other armies. It has high welfare, which can basically be compared with professional soldiers in the West.

Although their direct salary is certainly not as good as that of professional soldiers or mercenaries, it is almost the same as the supporting benefits.

Liu Jiajun has a great set of welfare supporting measures, not just receiving military pay. For officers with excellent performance, they get a lot of things, and many things are not even comparable to money.

For example, for the officers who have performed very well, like Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning has sold himself to the Liu family as a slave. He has been a slave of the Liu family for generations. Not only is he a slave of the Liu family, but even his sons and daughters are slaves of the Liu family. The master family has the right to dispose of him and decide his life and death.

But because of his good performance, Liu Bu withdrew his slave status and gave back his surname, making him an official officer of the imperial court. What's more, he ascended to the sky step by step?

What's more, because Xiao Ning has performed extremely well in many major battles, the reward given to him by the Liu family is also extremely rich. When Xiao Ning goes all out to work for the Liu family, he has no other choice.

You should know that everyone can't be an individual. Like Xiao Ning, he also has his parents, wife and children behind him. More importantly, he has a younger brother. His younger brother is different from him. His younger brother is not as strong as him and can't be a soldier. He can only serve as a schoolboy in the backyard of the Liu family and can only do some copying work. If he is lucky, You can delegate it to Liu's store as a partner or an account keeper.

But this time, because he is literate and is also the key cultivation personnel of the Liu family, the Liu family arranged him to serve as the county magistrate in a county under Fengyang City, which is equivalent to directly promoting civilians to officials, which is a leap that many people can't complete in their life.

There are many examples like this. Liu Jiajun's welfare system is not only directly related to money and food, but also related to his family. Such a welfare system is very sticky, so that everyone has no choice but to closely surround them.

Therefore, the Liu family army has extremely strict discipline, and the soldiers also have great willpower. They work not only for the Liu family, but also for themselves and their family.

Liu Buhe has strong control over this army and can completely stop it. They will never eat, drink, whore, gamble, fight and make trouble like other armies.

One thing can be found in all the places where Liu Jiajun is stationed, that is, Liu Jiajun's soldiers will never drink in local brothels or gamble in casinos. They can eat out, but they all abide by local laws and trade fairly. They will never bully people and rob people's women, It can be said that wherever Liu Jiajun appeared, they spread their reputation, which was highly praised by the local people.

Liu Jiajun's reputation spread from Fengyang to Yangzhou, so he won the unanimous welcome of Yangzhou people.

Liu Bu is also a self disciplined person and began to cherish his feathers. Since he published his collection of Liu Bu poems, he also regarded himself as half a literati. He pays great attention to his reputation. He rarely heard of him robbing beautiful women, plundering people's wealth and drinking wine in brothels.

This time, if he hadn't heard that he was going to Lichun hospital, he didn't want to go.

The reputation of Lichun hospital is so great that Liu Bu has a very strong impulse to find out whether there is a person named Wei Chunhua and a person named Wei Xiaobao in Lichun hospital. This is his first reaction. The second reaction is that the age is wrong. You know, whether it is Wei Chunhua or Wei Xiaobao, They were all born after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, or decades later, but Lichun courtyard has made a reputation. Even Liu Bu, who came through people, wanted to find out.

Lichun house is actually one of the four famous houses in Yangzhou city. His name is brothel. In fact, it is equivalent to the combination of five-star hotels and night performances in later generations. Many poets and writers come here to spend a lot of money and drink and have fun. Liu Bu, accompanied by a large number of officers, entered Lichun house. When he looked at the luxury facilities here, he found that there is such a luxurious place in the world.

Whether it's Liu Bu or the officers Liu Zhongyong, Liu Kang, Xiao Ning and Mao Shengli around Liu Bu, they always think that the Liu family's mansion is the most luxurious place in the world. The luxury of the Liu family's mansion is nothing strange. After all, the Liu family in Linqing is rich and the world is not in vain, But a brothel in Yangzhou City has such luxurious decoration and style, which surprised them. It is said that Jiangnan is rich and famous.

As Liu Bu, the second most powerful person in Fengyang mansion, arrived here, Yangzhou local celebrities basically came to welcome him. At the same time, four famous prostitutes from Lichun house were sent to greet Liu Bu, a top general.

I saw yingyanyan, colorful, very lively.

Liu Bu may not be ranked in the whole Ming Dynasty, but in Yangzhou Prefecture, he is even the top person. Even the magistrate looks down on him, because Liu Bu is the chief soldier of the whole Fengyang Prefecture and controls the military power in this area.

If nobody had ever thought of them as a matter of fact, now has the final say of the army, but no one can tell them.

And this time, Gao Wang, the governor of Yangzhou, didn't put his shelf on and directly welcomed Liu Bu at the door of Lichun garden.

If he had welcomed a general soldier as a prefect ten years ago, it would be very cheap. It would have become a joke in officialdom, but now it's different. Now it's troubled times, the market of military generals is rising, and their literary ministers are falling.

Now it is the uncle who has soldiers in his hands. Even the magistrate Gao Wang is thinking that when he has to get a servant out, he can protect himself when something happens.

Is a prefect awesome? When Fengyang mansion was conquered, the governor was killed and the magistrate was killed. I don't know how many officials were killed. What is his little magistrate?

Liu buta led his Liu family Army today to sweep through 13 counties in five prefectures of Fengyang and restore the prosperity of many places. Even those places like Yangzhou Prefecture that have not received military disasters have been completely affected by them, because after Fengyang Prefecture and other prefectures were captured, a large number of refugees with 100 surnames fled, and they have complained about the ferocity of the exiles and the cruelty of the war, This also makes many people full of fear for the future.

At this time, the only thing they can count on is the officers and soldiers, but many people also know what the officers and soldiers are. They can bully the people at ordinary times. There is no way to deal with these powerful rogue bandits.

The key is that there are many of them, often hundreds of thousands, millions of people, for tens of miles. The officers and soldiers are afraid and retreat. Liu Bu is the only one among the officers and soldiers who dare to take the initiative to fight back against the powerful exiles and defeat them on the battlefield.

Zhang Xianzhong is a well-known figure in the world. He was already famous. After he conquered Fengyang City, the capital of China, his personal prestige reached its peak, but he was defeated by Liu bu. It can be said that how famous Zhang Xianzhong is, how famous Liu Bu is. After all, Liu Bu is the person who defeated Zhang Xianzhong, And Liu Bu has the legendary invincible general. As long as you attack it with one shot, no matter how strong you are, they will blow you to pieces.

In fact, the cannon owned by Liu Buhe is a red cannon, which is a rear bore cannon from Portugal. It is completely different from the cannon in the era of Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and has greater power.

But emperor Taizu defeated the powerful Mongolian cavalry with his artillery, drove the Mongols out of the Central Plains and restored China. He sealed all his artillery and called them Shenwei invincible general army, which has influenced the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years. In the folk of the Ming Dynasty, as long as such emperor's artifact is used, there is no enemy who can't win.

Many people are surprised that a local army in the Liujia military area can defeat the roving bandits and capture Zhang Xianzhong alive, isn't it? But after hearing that they have an invincible general, there is nothing to be surprised.