When their parents-in-law thought for a long time and didn't have any good ideas, they were reluctant to let go of such a big fat meat. Liu Bu sighed for this.

Is it true that these salt merchants have such a good life that they have no way to deal with them.

Zheng zining said, "these salt merchants love to play with thin horses and raise opera troupes. They just don't like tulips. If they like tulips, they can severely pit them for a sum of money." she said that the corpse tulip fever is now popular in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is now an emerging country in Europe. It was originally a dependency of Spain. After they became strong, they began to seek independence. They defeated the powerful Spanish Empire and gained independent freedom. They are a new capitalist country and are one of the main countries in the 30-year religious war in full swing, They are on the side of the Protestant alliance.

Now the Netherlands is very small. It is just a small country in Europe, with more than 20000 square kilometers. However, it has huge colonies overseas. Its warships are all over the ports of all countries in the world, and it has the title of sea coachman.

In particular, after defeating Portugal in the East, seizing the city of Malacca and controlling the Strait of Malacca, he has also become the most powerful small power in Nanyang in the East. The East India Company established by him is also the largest force in Nanyang, stabilizing the Portuguese of the old colonial empire.

Now a very special thing is popular in the Netherlands, that is, hyping tulips.

This is also a financial crisis triggered by capital speculation. It can be called the first economic bubble in modern history, and the birth of a bubble is related to tulip, a flower familiar to the people.

Tulip is native to the north and south coast of the Mediterranean, and has been brought to the Western European countries and Asia by the exchange of land and water. The first tulip flower has been introduced into Holland for decades. In the life of the upper aristocrats, tulips are often used as raw materials for making perfume. At the same time, they are also regarded as decorations that can decorate the living room and upgrade the courtyard.

Tulip farmers gradually found that some tulips can open an unusually bright flower after a series of optimization breeding.

The news immediately reached the ears of princes, nobles, businessmen and speculators, and then there was a rush to buy for different purposes.

Tulips take about six years from planting to flowering. This is the first time to plant this fresh foreign crop in Western Europe. Coupled with poor farming technology, it makes it even more difficult to cultivate tulips.

Citizens competed to buy ordinary tulips, while high-end tulips were clenched by nobles and speculators. Tulips, as an aesthetic object, became a special luxury that the Netherlands and even the whole of Europe paid more and more attention to because they were loved and robbed by people!

At that time, Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, had already become the world's leading trade center and business center, and the world's first securities trading center was first born here.

The introduction of tulips, like a bomb, has brought new light to this prosperous place. With the price of tulips rising by the market, the dangerous economic bubble is also quietly forming.

The tulip speculation market participated by the whole people is very popular. People first exchange farm tools and land books for several tulips, and then satisfactorily place the flowers on the land that does not belong to them.

Even some people are eager to have tulip seeds and participate in an absurd gambling organized by speculators. This gambling often uses the acquisition of tulips and other items as bait to attract people to participate in competition.

The failure to get tulip seeds has become a sad thing for the frustrated. It has to be said that the tulip economy in the Netherlands has really been involved in all aspects of their life, and its social consequences are very painful.

The madness of tulip trading is also unimaginable to outsiders. When tulip prices were fried to the peak, the most gorgeous dowry of noble ladies was a dazzling tulip. You know, European nobles are the most extravagant.

Do you really think a tulip can express noble temperament and dignity? Of course, it's true. At an auction in alkmar City, there was an auction record that has not been refreshed so far: 99 tulips were sold for 90000 Dutch guilders. "

This kind of thing is appalling! 90000 Dutch guilders is equivalent to the total income of ordinary families for more than 200 years. At that time, you can buy more than 70 commercial cargo ships and hire 50 sailors to serve a fleet for two years at one time!

Tulip trading has also penetrated into the people, and even small farmers selling fish and vegetables have participated in the speculative trading of tulips. They spent their hard-earned wealth on speculation because the tulip market was fully predictable in the eyes of people at that time.

Some farmers and vendors are willing to spend their life savings to buy a tulip bulb. Most of them who dare to take risks have really made a lot of money in this brave spirit of life! So he changed his destiny.

This has to make people sigh the wonder of the capital market. Some people are content with the status quo all their life and can't get their due reward and wealth in the end, but taking shortcuts and speculation can make people rich overnight.

However, this investment method is not popular in Daming, because Daming has no stocks and Futures (except salt). It is not easy to replicate such success, and it is not easy to operate such a market.

However, Liu Bu came up with another way to pit money from here, that is, there are thousands of ways to pit money in the world. There are still ways to pit these people.

Liu Bu thought of all kinds of trickery in later generations. He immediately thought of two, told Zheng zining and asked her if she had any operation methods and talents in this field.

No matter Liu Bu or Zheng zining, they are all big people. There are a lot of people working for them and working for them. It can be said that there are brave generals and officers who are good at fighting, as well as those who make a fool of themselves.

With these people, they will become invincible and powerful.

Zheng zining said, "whether he is feasible or not, we have to try. These people are so rich. If we don't help them spend a little, we are really sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth, the poor people, and the Liu family Army soldiers who died on the battlefield."

Liu Bu found for the first time that stealing money can be so righteous and noble, so he thought it was natural and said, "that's it."

After the couple thought of such a treacherous plan, they were excited and couldn't sleep. They didn't see each other for a day. It was like three autumn days, but they didn't see each other for several months. As a result, they were excited again.

The next morning, when mizhu got up, he immediately summoned Wu Fugui, his local leader. His father wrote him a letter, that is, Wu Fugui is responsible for everything in Yangzhou. Anything can be handed over to him. He is a trustworthy person.

How can Wu Fugui gain such trust as Liu Yuanqiao? Because he was the one who followed Liu Yuanqiao when he wandered the Jianghu. He once blocked the knife for Liu Yuanqiao, almost in exchange for his life.

That's why Liu Yuanqiao asked him to be responsible for his affairs in Yangzhou. In fact, his affairs in Yangzhou are equivalent to the Fengyang general army in the Liu family system.

Wu Fugui smiled and smiled no matter who he saw, even to his servants, as if he would never be angry, as if he were the kind of person without temper.

But strangely, when he saw Liu Bu, he looked serious and had no expression. If he didn't know, he thought he was dissatisfied with Liu Bu and angry with Liu Bu?

Liu Bu first asked Wu Fugui about Yangzhou's business. Wu Fugui also handed in the bill unambiguously and listed it one by one to Liu Bu and told him all his income and expenditure.

Wu Fugui has something he is proud of, and also something he dares to stand tall. That is, under his auspices, the Liu family's business in Yangzhou is really booming. In the past year, the profit has increased by 20%. This ability is very great. This is the reason why he dares to stand tall in front of Liu bu.

Wu Fugui has no such ability as Liu Yuanqiao. He can't be an eight faced Buddha, but he is also a person who speaks to people and ghosts. His smiles are actually disguised. They are a way to disguise his fierce and cunning. Only when he faces his own people, he will be serious and serious.

No matter who sees Wu Fugui, his first reaction is that he is a hypocritical and shameless villain, a rich and powerful man who has done all kinds of bad things. He always keeps smiling. This is just equivalent to the hypocrisy of the fox, but many people have suffered under his smile and capsized in his gutter. He is also a little famous figure in Yangzhou, Although unlike the salt merchant, he is famous for his absurd wealth, he is famous for his cunning. Everyone who knows him knows that he is not a good man.

After looking through the bill, Liu Bu checked all the things, and then said, "Uncle Wu, you've worked hard. I actually want to discuss something with you today."

Liu Bu said nothing to his father. There is no secret. Since his father has explained that Wu Fugui can be reused, he will not hesitate to reuse this person and give him the task he wants to do, because there is at least some trust between their father and son.

At least their father and son, Liu Yuanqiao is reliable, and Liu Bu is also reliable.