The inlaid blue flag, one of the eight banners of JianNu, was built in the 43rd year of Wanli. It is named because the flag is blue and inlaid red. The inlaid blue flag has 30 Niulu. It is commanded by one flag owner, five Jiala EZHEN and 30 assistant leaders (Niu Lu EZHEN).

JianNu was divided into five colors: red, yellow, blue, white and black. They thought that red represented the sun, yellow represented the land, white represented water, blue represented the sky and black represented iron. Iron is also born in earth. If there is earth, there will be no five colors, so there are only four colors: red, yellow, white and blue. It is said that a real woman can survive and develop by relying on heaven, planting land, water and day.

Therefore, yellow stands for soil; White represents water; Red represents day; Blue represents the sky. Therefore, sky, earth, day and water correspond to blue, yellow, red and white. They are the four basic elements of human beings.

As one of the Eight Banners in Jianzhou, the status of Xianglan banner is still quite high, because it represents the forces of nurkhazi, who founded Jianzhou in those years. Under the leadership of Amin, Xianglan banner has always been very strong and powerful. It is not the flag with the lowest status of the five banners in future generations.

Amin has strong personal ability, but he is also arbitrary and arrogant. He not only attracted the jealousy of several other Baylor, but also several other jialaezhen in the flag are very dissatisfied with him.

The inlaid blue flag is also the same as other flags. Every 300 people record a cow, and set a cow to record a real person; The five oxen are recorded as one Jiala, and the Jiala forehead is really one person; Wujiala is a solid mountain, and set up a solid mountain EZHEN, who is the flag owner. However, among the inlaid blue flags led by Amin himself, only two of the five Jiala EZHEN obey him, and the others are divorced from him, which will quickly marginalize him.

Even the power of this flag can't be controlled, so he can't win Huang Taiji and is gradually expelled from the core of power by Huang Taiji.

Amin found these problems, so after he came to southern Liaoning, he also carried out certain reforms, hoping to make a comeback, but before he made any achievements, Liu Jiajun's army came over.

JianNu was able to build a state with a mere three guards, which has become such a powerful situation today. This is because of the wise leadership of Nurhachi and Nurhachi brothers, who established the eight flag system

The Eight Banners system was established under the condition of annexation to the Japanese people and the proliferation of cattle records. At this time, Nurhachi had recruited all departments from a small number of chiefs with dozens of people. After more than 30 years of southern and Northern wars, all residents around Manchuria were flattened, and the country's power was growing day by day. It became a Jurchen Khan with tens of thousands of troops over a thousand miles, but it was still far from the requirement of unifying all departments of Jurchen, In order to enable more Nuzhen and even Mongolian chiefs to lead their troops back, Nurhachi still adopted the policy of grace and authority, obedient ones to be subdued by virtue and rebellious ones to be in the presence of soldiers, so as to consolidate the existing strength, support and subdue the obedient personnel, and send troops to suppress and coerce the tribes that refuse to surrender.

Nurhachi made up household banners for both those who took the initiative to surrender and the enemy soldiers who were forced to surrender, and compiled them in various Niu records, not demoted as slaves (except the Ming people). Those who were originally leaders were still granted official positions, and their subordinates were compiled in the Niu records under their jurisdiction. For those who take the initiative to come back, Nurhachi is given a preferential reward. Whenever they capture a tribe, their subordinates are divided into eight banners, allowing them or their children to command Niu Lu, lead soldiers to fight, and can be granted official positions for their achievements.

Nurhachi even gave pensions to the chiefs and generals of the feud tribe. Even for the Yehe department, which had the deepest contradiction with the founding of the state, Nurhachi pardoned the other beles and Taiji after killing Yehe, except for the two beles of jintaishi and buyangu. In the state of Yehe, no matter good or evil, the whole family did not move, did not break up Father, son and brother, did not separate relatives, and all moved here. Do not * * women, do not seize the bows and arrows held by men, and the property of each family shall be collected by the original owner.

Such a policy made JianNu rise rapidly and become the masters of this land. However, JianNu understood one thing very well, that is, they could annex and melt tribes smaller than them, but it was not good for Daming to use this method, because Daming people were finally supported by the whole Daming and also had their own culture and tradition, It is not easy for them to assimilate, so they treat people of all ethnic groups outside the pass with considerable preferential treatment. If they treat Daming people, it is the end of life and death, and it is the end of butchering cities and villages.

Because he knew that the people of the Ming Dynasty could not assimilate and pull up their chariot, it was only after they invaded the rich Eastern and southern Liaoning that he did not build this place, but caused fatal destruction to the place. Many villages were flattened by them. This was after Liu Bu's army landed in Gaizhou, Many people in Eastern Liaoning also returned with the army and saw the more desolate and desolate southern Liaoning.

Many people feel sad when they see such a scene. That is, the rich people in the south of the Yangtze River were ruined by JianNu. Ten of millions of people were killed, and dozens of cities have become ruins and villages. Even those who survived are even more decadent.

Amin led his army to Gaizhou. The first confrontation between the two sides is the forward forces of both sides. Both JianNu and Liu Jiajun have a lot of forward forces, all of which are in the pre war. These forward forces are responsible for opening the way in case of mountains, building bridges in case of water, and blocking in case of the enemy, so as to prevent the enemy from directly impacting the main force.

The forward troops of both sides were elite cavalry, so after they met, they didn't talk and immediately fought.

The most legendary thing about JianNu is that they set up troops with 13 sets of armor and laid down the Nuzhen Khanate thousands of miles away from the pass. They also call themselves the post Jin State, but Daming still likes to call them JianNu.

The reason why they built slaves was that they were Jianzhou people. It was once said that they were slaves in the house of Li Chengliang, the commander of Liaodong army, so they were also called Nurhachi. Although the people of the Ming Dynasty called them JianNu or Tartar, which were all contempt, they did not hinder their rapid expansion of power and quickly became one of the main threats of the Ming Dynasty.

JianNu gives people the impression that their equipment is very poor. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. JianNu can defeat Daming not because of their barbarism, but because of their strong military force. You know, Daming has hundreds of years of history, but it also makes the following people corrupt almost as much as the following officers and soldiers.

The eight banners of JianNu are a new force. There is little talk of corruption in the army, and they also invest a lot of resources in the army, because everything they have is robbed by the army, which also makes them believe that they can grab more and even the whole world by the army.

Therefore, the soldiers of JianNu usually wear cotton armor. If they are officers or elite soldiers, they also wear iron armor. The most elite infantry will also have three layers of iron armor on the slope. Like iron armor people, many people think that their strongest is cavalry. In fact, their strongest is their heavy armor infantry. Their heavy armor infantry push shield carts, He broke through the defense line of the Ming army, rushed into the Ming army array, slashed and killed, but he killed the Ming army and cried for his father and mother.

The flag of Xianglan banner has 33 cattle records, which is one of the more powerful elite of the eight banners. However, with Amin's loss of power, several Jiala EZHEN under him are attracted by Huang Taiji and are estranged from him. Therefore, he can only really control more than 10 cattle records in his hand.

However, Amin is also a person who is unwilling to be lonely. Although he found that he has lost some power and there are still ten cattle left under him, he also secretly recruited troops and horses to expand his power with the wealth he has searched for over the years. After he arrived in southern Liaoning, he expanded his power at the first time. With his unremitting efforts, He also successfully expanded his troops again, and once again had 30 Niu records. However, these 30 Niu records did not look like pure real women in the past, nor were they the elite troops who fought all over Liaodong with him.

His troops are a little similar to Daming's, that is, with 10 Niu records as the core, and then 20 Niu records as auxiliary forces. He believes that his strength is expanding. As long as they grow in actual combat, they will become elite sooner or later.

Amin led the elite troops with blue flags this time. The core is 10 Niulu cavalry and 20 Niulu infantry, which is also the most powerful mobile force of JianNu in southern Liaoning.

Of course, Kong Youde, who is stationed in Jinzhou, and Geng Zhongming, who is stationed in Fuzhou, also have good troops. However, it is generally believed that these disabled and defeated soldiers who surrendered from the Ming army are some waste. One of these slave builders can top five. This has formed a general consensus outside the pass. Although it is still gratifying, Kong Youde Although Geng Zhongming and others have more troops and occupy a city, it is generally believed that among the four guards in southern Liaoning, Amin is in a leading position. Although he has the least troops, he is the leader of the inlaid blue flag. He has the most Nvzhen soldiers under his flag, and can also dispatch and order others.

It's just that Amin really doesn't know how to be a man. He treats his men like pigs and dogs. He treats Han people more like dog slaves, which makes Shang Kexi and Kong Youde very unhappy with Amin. In addition, Huang Taiji's solicitation to them makes both sides a little less than pee in a pot. If Shang Kexi is killed, Amin is very happy to see it, He would even stand idly by, but now he knows that the Ming army is coming across the sea. This is a critical moment of life and death. He dare not support the army and respect himself, so he personally led the army to come.