Of course, when Wang Chengen did this, he also received 30000 liang of silver from Zhang Fengyi. Without 30000 liang of silver from Zhang Fengyi, he would not start from the overall situation and be afraid to pull the whole court ministers into the water.

In fact, for today's emperor, even Wang Chengen seems a little speechless, that is, when the emperor takes this job, he takes a golden rice bowl to beg, which is no one's.

You should know that living in the world and earning money are naturally used to enjoy. As emperor Chongzhen, he did not enjoy life, but lived a dry and bitter life. What's the meaning of this?

His majesty, he eats a few dishes a day and lives a dry life, but Wang Chengen lives a very good life. If he is not on duty in the court, he still has his own luxury house outside the inner city, which is luxuriously decorated and extremely comfortable. There are a large number of beautiful women waiting on him, even if he is a eunuch, Doesn't mean he doesn't like beautiful women.

Moreover, there are no eunuchs under the eunuch. He pursues other things even more. For example, what he eats is actually learning from Zhang Fengyi. That is, there must be 36 dishes for one meal. Big fish and meat can't be on the table. They are all exquisite luxuries. That is, because Wang Chengen himself is such a person, he asked him to check other people, He didn't dare to check. He was afraid that others would poke it out. He was like this.

Of course, the common people don't know about the tearing and coercion between the ministers and senior officials, but the common people still know one thing. Which of these officials is not domineering? Which is not the extravagant enjoyment of life?

As for the personal character they boast about, Daode articles say they boast. What else to say? An official in the Ming Dynasty, first of all, was able to do other things because he could boast. Otherwise, he couldn't do other things and become an official at all.

It was Liu Bu's action this time, but it made all the civil and military officials in the court and the people all over the world look at it with new eyes.

Liu Bu recovered the southern Liaoning Sanwei and spread it all over the capital in just one day, which caused a sensation to the people in the capital. The imperial court did not hold large-scale celebrations for this, but many people burned firecrackers and beat gongs and drums to celebrate, because the people all know that this may have been since the apocalypse, The imperial court recovered the territory lost to JianNu for the first time.

Even though southern Liaoning is far away from the capital and does not threaten the security of the capital, the discerning people can see that as long as there is a southern Liaoning, JianNu has to send an army to clean up southern Liaoning first, and then dare to deal with other places without worry. It can be said that today's Liu Bu is equivalent to Mao Wenlong on that day. With Mao Shuai, JianNu can be restrained, He was afraid to go all out south.

While these people are taking to the streets to celebrate and sing praises, they are still praying that there should be no two lengs like yuan Chonghuan to kill Liu Shuai.

The changes of the past made the people in the capital feel a lingering fear.

You know, if yuan Chonghuan hadn't killed Mao Wenlong, with Mao Wenlong's ability, Huang Taiji wanted to clean up his Dongjiang town easily, which was not an easy thing. However, Mao Wenlong's killing gave his generals a huge shock, which made them panic and scared. The new General Chen Jisheng couldn't stop the scene at all, At this time, JianNu took advantage of the situation to attack. As a result, he captured Dongjiang town in one fell swoop, killing tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

When the people of the Ming Dynasty were celebrating Liu Buguang's recovery of the three guards in southern Liaoning, he was very angry and annoyed in the Zhongwei city of Shenyang (Shengjing).

You know, his current situation can be called a great success. It can be said that he has been a big sweat for ten years, and now he is a real big sweat.

It was not the fate of his late king that he became the Great Khan of JianNu, but his own efforts to win it and win it from Baylor, the four major auxiliary countries. Therefore, in order to be a unique and powerful Khan, he did a lot of things. After 10 years of hard work, he really established absolute authority and established his own authority to the whole army, Power has reached the level of Nurhachi.

At this time, both Mongolia and North Korea had been cleaned up by him. He even thought about the next step, that is, to send an army to go deep into the grassland to hunt down Lin Dan Khan, completely break his mind, completely kill Lin Dan Khan, destroy his troops, destroy the Mongolian Empire, seize his imperial seal, and then establish their own country, Only by establishing their own country equal to Daming can they compete with Daming for the world.

It was in such a good situation that Gaizhou in southern Liaoning was attacked, and the whole southern Liaoning was lost in just a few days, which made him very angry,

Huang Taiji analyzed the war situation in the war report he uploaded from below. He knew that the loss of Liaoxi this time was caused by Liu Jiajun's all-out dispatch of the army. In order to deal with them, Liu Jiajun defeated them in one fell swoop from four attacks.

And at the beginning, they quickly sent troops to loot and attack most of their places, so that they didn't have an accurate judgment and didn't know where the other party would land.

However, these are not problems. The main problem is that he shuobel Amin, who is responsible for guarding the southern Liaoning region, did not make a correct judgment, which is the key to the loss of southern Liaoning. In a rage, he issued a decree: Amin's parents have been evil for a long time, the battle is not effective, he lost his division and land, he has lost his gratitude, his popularity and his life is quiet. Liuzhuang six offices, yuaner two offices, twenty slaves, five hundred sheep and twenty oxen, and the rest of the property was given to zilharan. "

Huang Taiji ordered him to deprive Amin of everything because he had been unhappy with Amin for a long time, so he waited for excuses and reasons to clean him up. Now that he has such a good reason, he doesn't take the opportunity to clean him up. When will he stay?

However, Liu Jiajun suddenly sent troops to cross the Bohai Sea and directly landed the three in southern Liaoning, which was equivalent to occupying their back garden. He was very shocked and angry. Without hesitation, he ordered Baylor to immediately assemble the troops of the other seven banners and go all out to the south to deal with Liu bu.

Originally, Huang Taiji had ordered his fourteenth brother Dourgen to lead an elite army to go deep into the desert to hunt down the remnants of Lin Dan Khan and completely eliminate it. If Lin Dan Khan and his tribe were destroyed, other tribes in Mongolia would lose their nominal co masters and surrender to themselves. Moreover, Huang Taiji was preparing to become emperor. Since he became emperor, One very important thing is the national jade seal. It is said that the national jade seal handed down from the Qin Empire was left in the Royal Palace of Mongolia and handed down from generation to generation. It should be in Lin Dan Khan's hand. If he can seize this thing, it will be of great help to him when he ascends the throne.

This happened again, but it made him very angry and angry. Moreover, southern Liaoning was equivalent to his back garden and his belly confidant. If Liu Jiajun was allowed to occupy here, it would be equivalent to someone putting a knife in his belly and stabbing him at any time, he would lose his life, so he had no choice, He could only lead the elite of his eight banners to the south, ready to drive them out of southern Liaoning while Liu's army was not stable.

Moreover, because of the critical situation, this time he Huang Taiji personally led the army south, which can be regarded as a personal expedition.

However, the Manchurian army is also stationed everywhere. His main direction of military use is to use troops against lindane Khan on the one hand and prepare to attack North Korea again to completely defeat him. This time, if North Korea refuses to obey directly, it will destroy his country, so he has gathered troops in two directions, It happened that there was no problem in both directions, but he thought there was a problem in the south of Liaoning, where they all collapsed, so he had to summon a large army and prepare to start.

It took time for all the armies to assemble. When he assembled the troops of other departments, he directly ordered Dorgon, who was originally going to attack lindan Khan in the desert, to lead his men and horses directly south to take over Amin's military power, and then take back Gaizhou.

On October 25, the fortieth year of the duowanli calendar, Dourgen was born in the city of hetuala, Zuowei, Jianzhou. His name means badger in Manchu. His mother's name is Abahai and ulanala,

In September of the 48th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, the old slave announced that he had deposed the crown prince of Da Belle Daishan, and "made Amin, mang gultai, Huang Taiji, dege, Yue Tuo, zilhalang, azig, Dodo and Dourgen as Heshuo EZHEN" to jointly discuss the national politics, that is, from then on, Dourgen, as an eight year old child, was among the ranks of Heshuo EZHEN participating in the national politics.

After the death of Fucha gundai, his mother Abahai was established as Da Fujin. Because the old slave loved Wu and Wu, Dourgen and his brothers azig and dodo quickly ascended the throne. Under the system of Nurhachi's Communist governance, the Dourgen brothers became one of the pillars of balanced power for the first time.

At this time, Dourgen was not the flag master Belle, but only led 15 Niulu with his brother dodo. In the first year of Chongzhen, the year after his mother died, Dourgen marched with his brother Huang Taiji into the Chahar Department of Mongolia. Dourgen had made war achievements and broke the enemy in aomuling. Huang Taiji gave him mergen daiqing, which means the beautiful name of the wise commander, and became the Flag Master of the white flag.

In the fourth year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji initially set up six departments and ordered Dourgen to take charge of the affairs of the Ministry of officials. It can be said that he had a high position, power and prominence.