Wang Wenjie, who originally served as the censor of Jindu in the duchayuan, was in charge of the censor of Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. He could hear the wind and impeach all civil and military officials. He also had a great power. He also had a feeling of high spirited.

In those days, Qi Shijiao, a fellow countryman in Qingzhou, was just a matter of giving. He can already become the leader of the Qi party. Now he is valued as a governor and a censor, which makes him more beautiful and great, hidden as the leader of the Qi party.

This time, the imperial court suddenly ordered him to be the strategist of southern Liaoning, responsible for dealing with the political affairs of southern Liaoning, Denglai and Dongjiang armies, which actually made him a little dissatisfied.

Why do you say that? Because he knew that with his current official position, he was transferred to southern Liaoning for economic strategy, which can not be said to be promoted, but can be said to be promoted at the same level. To know the same official position, he only hung the title of Jindu censor, but he himself was already Jindu censor. How can it be called promotion if Beijing officials transfer local officials at the same level? Moreover, this place in southern Liaoning is not a good place, so it is easy to have accidents.

Wang Wenjie also knows that when he returns to southern Liaoning, he will inevitably conflict with the Liu family and compete for power and profit. This is not what he wants to see. He is also acutely aware that the Liu family has begun to rise. They are the local local snakes and firmly grasp the military and political power. When he goes here and competes with the Liu family, he may not have any chance of winning?

The previous two governors died in obscurity, but he didn't want to be, so he immediately wrote a letter to postpone his post, and then asked the imperial censor zuodu of the Metropolitan Police Academy for leave and went home immediately. Even the leave note was brought by the housekeeper. He directly handed in his official seal and official clothes, and then went back quickly.

Wang Wenjie and his family hurried back all the way. Of course, Wang Wenjie is the master of the Wang family. There are a large number of attendants and guards around him. As long as he gives an order, these people will protect him and set out immediately. Food and luggage along the way will be prepared, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all. Now he is anxious. He just wants to go home immediately and see his mother for the last time.

Wang Wenjie and his party went back to Jimo day and night, and they hurried back to Jimo. When they returned to Jimo, they found that the place was full of joy. It was because the news of Liu's army's great victory came from the south of Liaoning opposite, and Liu's army also captured the chief culprit of Wuqiao mutiny. Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming were cut 3600 knives in front of the governor's Yamen, Finally, he died.

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming are two thieves who have lost all conscience and done all kinds of bad things. Many people hate him to the bone. Only by cutting him thousands of times can they relieve their hatred. Therefore, for several days in a row, many people celebrate by burning firecrackers and beating gongs and drums. There is no such scene in the new year.

Wang Wenjie hurried back with the wind and dust. His face was covered with wind and frost. Seeing that the people of the Liu family were like this, he couldn't help worrying. However, since he had resigned from the imperial court and asked for leave from the imperial court, these are not what he should worry about. Now he wants to rush home as soon as possible to see his mother for the last time.

When Wang Wenjie and his family hurried back to Jimo City and entered the gate of the Wang family's house, they were relieved to see that the Wang family was still not white, which meant that the old lady was still there and they could see the last side.

When the door saw the master coming back, it immediately opened the middle door to welcome the master back. Wang Wenjie kicked off his horse and didn't even drink water. He immediately asked, "how's the old lady now?"

He also knew Wang Wenjie. He looked worried and said, "the old lady looks very good."

Wang Wenjie was sad and helpless, but he was also relieved. After all, his mother was still there, and he could catch up with the last time. It was a great regret in life. If he was not around when his mother died, it would be a pity in life.

At this time, Wang pangzi also received the news. When he knew that his eldest brother came back, he hurried to see his eldest brother drinking tea in the hall. He said, "eldest brother, you came back just in time. Go to see your mother right away? My mother will be very happy and relieved to know you came back?"

Wang Wenjie saw his brother and felt a kind feeling. This was his last relative in the world. He said, "what's the situation of his mother now?"

Wang pangzi said, "it's better than ever. I'm afraid it's just these days. Brother, you're just in time to come back. When your mother sees brother, you can go at ease."

Wang Wenjie said to him, "since the situation is very good, is there no other way?"

Wang pangzi said to him, "Saihua and Lu beiruo said that the medicine stone is invalid and cannot be recovered by manpower."