Tianxiong army is an Army established by Lu Xiangsheng during the period of knowing Daming mansion. It is mainly composed of infantry, supplemented by cavalry, and uses bows, crossbows and firearms. It is recognized as one of the strongest armies in contemporary times.

Lu Xiangsheng was promoted by the governor of Daming to the right political and military preparation road in Hebei. He was responsible for rectifying the military preparation of Daming, Guangping and Shunde, and formed his own army, called Tianxiong army.

The Tianxiong army is characterized by an army based on kinship. The soldiers in a battalion are usually villagers, friends, brothers and even family members, so they have close relations and close unity with each other. In battle, we advance and retreat together, live and die together, so we have a strong fighting spirit. Once we meet the enemy, we will firmly bite to the end and chase hard.

In fact, this is no different from the servants of most generals, but it has a fatal weakness. If only one person escapes, many people will escape, leading to the collapse of the battle. However, the Tianxiong army with Lu Xiangsheng as the core has no such weakness, because Lu Xiangsheng runs the army strictly and sets an example every time he takes part in the war.

Every time Lu Xiangsheng was in battle, he took the lead in fighting with the thief. Regardless of the blade and saddle, he fought step by step when he lost his horse. It is said that during the war of Queshan, he chased the thief away from the dangerous cliff. One thief shot Xiang shengforehead from the top, and another Sagittarius servant killed his horse. Xiang Sheng raised his knife and fought for disease. When the thief was frightened away, Xiangjie said, "envoy Lu Lian will die when he meets him. Don't commit it."

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, Lu Xiangsheng led Tianxiong's army south of the capital to Hubei, exterminated the rebels in Huanglongtan, wulingguan, Taiping River and other places, and wiped out more than 5000 enemies. In May of the following year, Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang led an army of 300000 to attack Ruzhou. Tianxiong army fought with the roving invaders in the west of the city. First, they shot and killed a large number of enemy cavalry with firearms and crossbows, and then attacked the Chinese army with heavy cavalry to defeat the roving invaders. After Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng were defeated, Lu Xiangsheng pursued more than 100000 vagrants for hundreds of miles with 2000 Tianxiong troops, drove them to Queshan and defeated them again.

This series of victories also promoted Lu Xiang to the position of governor of five provinces and was responsible for the military preparation of the five northern provinces. This is the emperor's great trust in him and his reuse. It can be said that the king's grace is like a mountain.

Lu Xiangsheng was born as a Jinshi. At a young age, he has already taken the position of governor of five provinces. It can be said that he has a bright future and is recognized as the star of the future.

However, after the strong Tianxiong army met Liu Jiajun, they became passive everywhere.

Tianxiong army is not strong, but can it be better than cheap slaves? Even Liu Jiajun, who is against JianNu, is controlled by others everywhere. Tianxiong army is not necessarily stronger than JianNu.

Once he fights with Liu Jiajun, he will definitely suffer and face great difficulties.

After several wars, Liu Jiajun has accumulated rich combat experience, and they all deeply understand that they have great advantages in firearms.

These superior firearms can give the enemy a fatal blow and stand out from the heroes in the world.

How strong is Liu Jiajun's anger? After defeating JianNu and forcing JianNu to ride and shoot, JianNu, who is called the best in the world, also chose to use firearms as weapons.

It's OK to let them build all kinds of cold weapons, shields and armor based on the current productivity of JianNu, but it's a little difficult to let them build fire guns and artillery.

It can be said that the main force of Liu Jiajun suddenly appeared, but pushed Tianxiong army into a fatal crisis.

The Tianxiong army has strict military discipline and brave soldiers. However, he faces the firearm Liu Jiajun. There are cross era differences between the two sides. This difference can not be changed by personal willpower.

Liu Jiajun had the upper hand, but he didn't attack the other party's position with all his strength. He still spied around Tianxiong army, waited for the opportunity, looked for their weaknesses and made a fatal attack.

This tactic is the same as the cavalry tactics of Mongolia, and they can play it because of Lu Xiangsheng's wrong strategy.

If Lu Xiangsheng saw the sudden appearance of the Liu family army, he would break when he made a decision and give up the lives of a large number of soldiers, he might be able to escape. However, Lu Xiangsheng is a stubborn man. He is very brave and strong in fighting. He is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he will not retreat easily?

He wants to stay, fight with Liu Jiajun fiercely, and then retreat calmly, so as to retain their strength to the greatest extent.

But his abacus is too loud? Liu Jiajun didn't follow his method at all. Liu Jiajun's iron cavalry knew that if they attacked the other party's waiting army, they would be able to break through and level them, but there would be no less casualties. Even they would be unable to pursue and kill the other party because of the huge casualties.

They can only watch the other party withdraw, but Liu Jiajun knows that the other party can go only by forming an array to protect themselves. Only by forming an array can they form a fist and be qualified to fight with Liu Jiajun. If they abandon the array and escape or break up, it is equivalent to the meat on Liu Jiajun's chopping board.

So they are like cats and mice, attacking and sneaking around each other.

On one point, Liu Jiajun has the best advantage. He is on the offensive side, and his troops also have reinforcements to supplement food. Liu Zhongyong, the front-line commander of Liu Jiajun, came to the conclusion that they can fight like this for a few days.

But the Tianxiong army without food and clothes is only one day at most. They will collapse. How many days can people persist without food or drink? Especially in such cold weather? Liu Zhongyong rode his horse to whip. He said, "today is the end of Tianxiong army."

He sincerely admires Lu Xiangsheng and respects him. His style is tough and aboveboard, and his opponents will respect him. However, Liu Zhongyong knows that since he is an enemy, he must destroy it, otherwise he will die. Therefore, even if the other party is Tianxiong army, once he meets them, he will go all out and show no mercy, All we have to do is try our best to kill each other, otherwise they will die.

In this regard, Liu Zhongyong is ruthless and absolutely resolute, so he constantly organizes the army, pours on the other party like a pack of wolves, and then harasses around the military array to weaken the strength of the other party.

Tianxiong army is like a huge elephant with huge body and great strength. Liu Jiajun is a group of hungry wolves. They are not as strong as this elephant, but they can bite around the elephant, bite its wound, let it bleed, let him lose energy and finally fall to the ground and die.

The Tianxiong army is like this. In terms of strength, they are not weak. There are at least 15000 soldiers, including at least 7000 veterans who follow the world from Daming, Hebei, and the others are good soldiers. Their quality is higher than that of the ordinary Ming army. They are considered to be a combat force.

But they simply did not seize the opportunity and did not have the courage to break their arms to survive. They actually stayed to fight with Liu Jiajun, which doomed their tragic end.

With the continuous loss of their strength, their military array began to become thinner and shaken. There is a saying that it is easy to die generously, but it is difficult to die calmly. When people rush forward, they can be afraid of death, but after careful consideration, they will not be afraid of death?

The worst thing about the Tianxiong army now is that they are constantly destroyed by the Liu family army, but they have no ability to resist. What is particularly tragic is that they have no hope, no reinforcements, and only a dead end. This is desperate.

At this time, the news that made them more desperate came. The startling trumpets and several giant trumpets came from the Liu family army. It was Liu Bu who led his main force to arrive.

Liu Bu's handsome flag flew high. Tens of thousands of troops gathered around him and poured into the battlefield to join the ranks of encircling and suppressing Tianxiong army. Liu Bu's reinforcements arrived. Instead of attacking Tianxiong army immediately, they replaced the troops that besieged Tianxiong army for a long time.

Liu Jun's morale was higher with the addition of the new force. Even now it was evening, the sky began to get dark, the temperature began to drop, and it became colder. There were countless bonfires in their positions, but they didn't mean to retreat or withdraw, and continued to bite each other.

Originally, Tianxiong Army thought that most of the other party would retreat after dark. Even if they did not retreat, they would weaken. They could take the opportunity to withdraw to the barracks. Even if their barracks could not resist the impact of the enemy, at least they could eat, put on clothes and maintain their physical strength.

But the other side did not relax at all, still pressing their army.

Tianxiong army was even more desperate.

Cao Huachun, as the envoy in charge of the army, was also pale and trembling with fear. At this moment, he knew that the heavenly hero army was coming to an end. He said to Lu Xiangsheng in a trembling voice: "Lu Shuai, this is the end of the matter. You can't do it. You should lead your own soldiers to break through the siege. Our family will break up for you here."

This sentence is actually what Lu Xiangsheng wants to say to Cao Huachun. After all, Cao Huachun is the emperor's personal representative and military envoy. If he dies on the battlefield, his own responsibility will be greater. He will stay here after his death and let him escape. I hope he can take care of these dead soldiers and strive for some pensions for them.

Lu Xiangsheng led 30000 elite troops to attack the enemy, but he was defeated and returned. Even if he did not die on the battlefield, he would be executed by the emperor. Instead of being humiliated and executed by the emperor, he might as well die in the battlefield and win the reputation of a hero.

So Lu Xiangsheng said: "Cao Gong! Today's defeat was actually Lu's fault. Lu was deeply favored by the emperor, but he didn't think he could repay it. Today, he lost soldiers and generals and didn't have the face to live. So Lu led his troops. After this break, Cao Gong and his family members withdrew to Cangzhou. There are thousands of elite soldiers left by him who can guard the city. If he sees Lu's bones in the future, please collect them for him 。”

When Lu Xiangsheng said this sentence, his mood was very low and very tragic.

You know, when he set out from Tianjin Wei, he was angry and had the ambition to wipe out Shandong and calm the chaos in the world for the emperor at one stroke, but things backfired. He had already lost the war without invading Shandong or even in Hebei. He had no face to go back to see the emperor. He had to prove his innocence with a death certificate.