These soldiers are the servants of Wu Feifan. They are the most elite group of people in their army. When they see their general rushing with them, they are also courageous. Then they rush forward. They usually eat, drink, whore and gamble together. Everyone has sworn that since they become soldiers, they are brothers. They share weal and woe and live and die together.

Who knows, after their general rushed a few steps, he let the soldiers rush out, and he ran back. This made these soldiers quit. They agreed to take the lead and live and die together.

As a result, there was a situation that made Chen Wenruo feel funny. This was that they finally gathered hundreds of people and prepared for a counter attack. As a result, on the way to the counter attack, Wu Fanfan ran back. His soldiers ran back when they saw that the wind was wrong. As a result, they finally formed a counter attack that did not know the effect, I collapsed before I started.

They rushed halfway and then rushed back. As a result, they didn't kill half of the enemy. Instead, their own people collided with each other and trampled on each other. More people died.

If Chen Wen saw that these people were so bad, he ordered his 200 cavalry to get up and drive them like sheep. There were some soldiers who still had a certain blood. Seeing that the other party was only hundreds of people, he wanted to pull hundreds of people to surround the other party. The other party was just cavalry. As long as he dragged it, the other party would have no mobility, Who knows, before these people gathered, Chen Wenruo ordered the cavalry to throw a few grenades and blow them up crying for their parents.

As a result, before these soldiers gathered together to form an array, they were bombed with blood and flesh. It was very sad that they could not form an array at all. Liu Jun's cavalry were on the periphery and drove these people like sheep. Some cavalry had drawn out their hands and used bows and arrows to shoot those tenacious Ming soldiers.

At this point, the soldiers of the Ming army could no longer organize an effective counter attack. They ran back like a collapse.

They rushed back along the official road. Many soldiers accidentally fell to the ground and just shouted, "help me!" countless big feet stepped on them and turned them into mud.

These Ming soldiers were killed by Liu Jun's soldiers. They scrambled for their lives and ran away. As a result, their own people trampled on each other and were helpless.

It can be said that only some people were killed by the Liu family army, but after the collapse of their army, they trampled on each other and fought each other, but killed many people.

These soldiers were killed by the Liu family army. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to resist at all. However, when they ran for their lives, they saw that someone in front blocked his way and wouldn't let him escape. They were so fierce that they directly slashed and killed with a knife. As a result, since the great war, more soldiers have died in their own hands than in the hands of Chen Wenruo.

If Chen Wen is a battalion commander, he also claims that he has only one battalion and more than 500 soldiers.

According to the rules of the Ming army, which family doesn't eat empty pay? The general said that he had 500 people. If there were more than 200 people, it would be good. Liu Jiajun was awesome. He had strict military discipline and could do without empty pay, but this could only prove that they had only 500 people at most.

Wu Fanfan, he dares to enter here in such a swagger, that is, he believes that the other party has only more than 500 people, and he can hang the other party to fight.

But if Chen Wen didn't tell them that his soldiers were more than 2500, and they were all elite and good soldiers. The Ming army ate empty wages and lied about their numbers. No one would underreport their own, but only overstate their numbers. The result was good. He clearly had 2000 people, close to the strength of a regiment. He said pitifully everywhere that there were only 500 people, No more.

His army has always been training in the barracks, and Xu is not allowed to go out. Because it is an important military area, the people nearby do not know their details. They can only announce how many they have, but only believe how many they have. No one has detailed how many they have.

As a result, Wu Fanfan stepped in without preparation. As a result, they were ambushed and killed one tentacle,

Chen Wenruo first deployed 500 archers to attack the other party, then used artillery to bombard the other party, and then the cavalry charged. He believed that once the three hatchets were out, they would definitely beat the other party. Who knows, they didn't have enough tentacles, but directly defeated the other party.

Looking at so many defeated soldiers running along the official road all over the mountains, he ordered his cavalry to reorganize their formation and prepare for another impact. Moreover, he also ordered the soldiers in his barracks, as long as they were individuals and active, to take the guys and go all out to Yangzhou.

In fact, Chen Wenruo's battalion is also a battalion in the establishment of Liu's army. The extra part is recruited by Chen Wenruo himself. Of course, he made a report in Liu bu. As for the funds, they are directly located in the local government. Chen Wenruo's troops are here. He didn't ask for money from the top or pay money from the top. He is completely self-development.

There is a saying called a sheep, fighting with a group of lions, that is, the whole group is sheep; A lion went to war with a flock of sheep, that is, the whole flock of sheep are lions.

Chen Wenruo ordered that after his army went all out to charge the enemy, he himself did not hesitate, did not reserve, and rushed forward directly.

After escaping for several miles, these collapsed Ming troops were unable to run and were out of breath, so they were ready to rest. Some generals gathered some defeated soldiers and prepared to resist with their high-level status. Who knows that they haven't gathered the soldiers yet, Liu Jiajun's cavalry rushed over like a storm, The soldiers were scared to death and continued to run for their lives.

Seeing the Liu family army suppressed like a dark cloud covering the top, they were so frightened that they ran away. They only knew to run for their lives. Some people stood in front and dared to be fierce. They took a knife and directly cut and killed them. They looked like those who stood in my way.

But they didn't have the courage to deal with Liu Jiajun and let the other party drive them away like sheep.

Wu Fanfan attacked Cuigang camp easily in his plan. He dispatched 30000 troops this time, mainly to train his army. He called it an armed parade. As a result, tens of thousands of troops drove in the direction of Cuigang along the official road. The front army had been defeated, and the back didn't know, When these soldiers fled back like ghosts, they also fled. As a result, there were all soldiers fleeing for their lives in the thirty mile official road from Cuigang to Yangzhou. They were all soldiers in rout, and their cries soared to the sky.

This time, Chen Wenruo rode a war horse all the way like a bulldozer and pushed forward directly. When he saw someone coming, he slashed and killed with a knife. They were all like soldiers running for their lives in the Ming army. They were fierce and those who blocked me died.

Chen Wenruo rode his war horse and rushed forward quickly. If he saw someone in the way, he would kill him. If the other party fled to the roadside, fled to the field and jumped into the river, he would not bother to chase him, but moved forward quickly along the official road.

The soldiers of the Liu family army saw that their battalion commander was so cruel and brave, and their morale was greatly boosted. They took the guy in their hand, shouted and rushed forward.

They really rushed forward this time. Because the artillery was heavy, they couldn't push the artillery. Then they rushed behind the infantry with knives, guns and sticks. Even the fire army in charge of cooking and the civilian men in charge of cleaning also rushed forward with the army with shoulder poles and long guns.

Chen Wenruo's orders, as long as they can breathe and climb, they have to rush forward with all their strength. The main thing is to rush into the other party's formation when the other party is defeated, make the other party flustered and make the other party unable to organize. The so-called 30000 army is equivalent to 30000 sheep to be slaughtered by them.

If Chen Wenruo has greater ambition, this is to take advantage of the other party's defeat and chaos, continue to attack quickly, quickly rush into the other party's team, and then take the opportunity to seize the city gate and take Yangzhou.

Chen Wenruo is responsible for guarding here. In fact, he is not guarding here. He is just a military presence. In order to prepare for entering here again in the future, he is also preparing for capturing Yangzhou. Therefore, although Chen Wenruo has few troops and has great ambition, there is a small Yangzhou model in his camp. He has had countless drills and plans, Ready to see how to win Yangzhou city.

However, Yangzhou city is a top-level city with a population of one million and only a few hundred people want to win the city, which is very difficult. Even if his human force expands to 2500, it is not easy to win it.

This time, with an unprecedented victory, he was ready to defeat each other's enemies one by one, drive them away like cattle and sheep, and seize the opportunity to seize the city gate.

All the other soldiers went out of the city and were killed by him. They were slaughtered like pigs and sheep. Even those who were not dead were hiding in the fields and in the wild. There was no way to defend the city. As long as he took the gate at one stroke, he could seize Yangzhou City and present it to marshal Liu bu.

That's why Chen Wenruo gave such an order. As long as he could breathe back, anyone who could move had to take the guy and go all out to press him in the direction of Yangzhou. They didn't want their barracks. As for the prisoners and all kinds of weapons and equipment everywhere, they just had to rush forward like a raging wind and rush to the gate of Yangzhou as fast as possible, It's best to rush to the gate when the enemy doesn't respond, take this gate at one stroke, and Yangzhou belongs to them.