But Zheng Zhilong regretted that it was useless at the moment. In his anger, he cheered everyone up and said loudly, "as long as we stick to dawn, the soldiers in our barracks will dare to support us and kill these traitors."

Zheng Zhilong and his brother Zheng Zhifeng got together. Although they encouraged each other, they listened to the sound of guns and shouts from all directions. They had no bottom at all.

At the moment, Zheng Zhilong felt cold in his heart. Why did he say so? It was because he knew that he had been hit seven inches. To put it bluntly, it was like being beheaded.

It can be said that Zheng Zhilong has one of the most powerful fleets in the world. This fleet is the strongest and invincible in the East. No matter who opposes him, he will face his revenge and attack, and the loss will be considerable.

If the Liu family goes to war with him, they will have no advantage in the moment. This is because the Liu family is strong in their navy, but the Zheng family has more and bigger warships and richer combat experience. If they fight, they must suffer.

But the Liu family was very insidious and treacherous. Instead of fighting with him openly, they chose the way of sneak attack.

They made a sneak attack. They actually encouraged Zheng Zhibao, who has always been honest and honest, to launch a coup and seize power. If others deal with them and the soldiers who have followed Zheng Jiajun for a long time, they will still resolutely resist.

However, if Zheng Zhibao is fighting, it is different. Zheng Zhibao is a senior and insider in the Zheng family. They can only compete for power and profit internally, not externally.

When Zheng Zhilong took advantage of the death of Li Dan and Yan Siqi, he took the opportunity to annex their power, because he himself was an internal figure of shibazhi.

When Zheng Zhilong arrived at this moment, he could not help but feel a little frightened and regretful. He knew that he had obeyed the imperial court's edict and sent troops to attack the Liu family. At this moment, he was afraid that it would be another situation. His personal captain, covered in blood, ran back. He said loudly, "Sir, the big event is bad! All the foreign houses have fallen, and the brothers are over!" Then he fell to the ground and cried loudly.

When the news came, these people were even more shocked and panicked.

The Zheng family called it Ping'an city. Naturally, their wall is also the strongest. Once their wall is captured, it is no different from other cities. As for what they said, as long as they wait until dawn, their reinforcements will arrive, which is impossible.

As far away as Quanzhou, they did not dare to send troops. They were not even opponents of the Zheng family, let alone the rebels. Maybe they wanted these people to fight.

Another is that since Zheng Zhibao is the rebel, with his shrewdness, he will naturally have the means to buy off other people, which means that after they cut off the relationship between the outside world and the outside world, Zheng Zhilong lost control of these people.

Zheng Zhilong was so angry that he pulled out his sword and said loudly, "three leopards, you dog thief! If you have seed, come out and fight with me for 300 rounds!"

Zheng Zhibao was in charge of the second family. He rose in order after his brother Zhihu died, and his family ranked third.

Zheng Zhibao is his younger brother, who is also a person he trusts very much. He is betrayed by someone he trusts. This feeling is very bad. What's worse is that he is unconsciously forced into a corner by others and into a desperate place.

The day before yesterday, he was still in great glory. He was ready to bargain with the imperial court and become a separatist force. The next moment, he was fatally attacked by the rebels and would become a prisoner at any time.

Zheng Zhilong was born as a pirate. Naturally, he knew that in their business, strength was the focus. Everyone followed the strong. Once he was defeated or isolated and blocked in Ping'an City, he couldn't contact his subordinates. Even if he was elevated, he lost her strength. At this moment, he was very angry, so he rushed out, Prepare to fight Zheng Zhibao to the death.

At this time, the Liu family's army also killed here. They came in groups and killed the soldiers who Zheng continued to resist with fire guns one by one. However, for Zheng Zhilong in gold armor, they did not shoot him, but shot the people around him.

Because Zheng Zhibao ordered him to die. Even if he had to, he could not kill Zheng Zhilong. Those who disobeyed the order would kill the whole family.

He Zheng Zhibao means that he can rebel, but he must not kill his big brother.

So Zheng Zhilong can only be captured alive. Even if the other party is a tiger, they can only capture the tiger alive, not shoot it.

Before he rebelled, Zheng Zhibao had a secret agreement with Liu bu. He had a bottom line. The bottom line was that he must not hurt Zheng Zhilong's life, otherwise he would rather not do this activity.

Liu Bu knows that this will increase the difficulty between them and make it possible for them to fail. However, he knows what kind of person his father-in-law is. If he does not agree to this condition, he will certainly not do this rebellion. It has been a great achievement to force him to rebel against the Zheng family and seize power. Then let him kill the Zheng family, It's probably impossible. He's not such a cruel and ruthless person.

So Zheng Zhilong rushed out and prepared to fight to the death. His men saw that the Lord general was so brave and followed him out.

But Liu Jun's soldiers didn't aim their guns at Zheng Zhilong, but at the people around him. As a result, Zheng Zhilong rushed out and nothing happened. The soldiers around him fell in batches. The two sides were very close, so they could shoot these people at close range.

They had no choice but to return to the main hall of the inner government, the Catholic Church, as a last resort.

Zheng Zhilong didn't want to retreat, but he saw that the other party had prepared a lot of horse harnesses and net bags. He wanted to capture him alive, so he had to retreat.

Zheng Zhilong believes in Catholicism. There is also a Catholic named Nicholas Zheng, so his main hall is built in accordance with the style of western catholicism. It looks very tall, towering and solid. If necessary, it can be used as a basis for defense.

In the shouting of killing, Liu Jiajun's soldiers broke through the wall of the inner house, surrounded from all directions and surrounded the three main halls of the inner court.

Of the three main halls, of course, the most important is the Catholic Church, which is the place where they hold important banquets and celebrations, followed by the warehouse, which is the place where they place and store the gold, silver and jewelry they have robbed for many years.

In fact, the most important thing should be the warehouse. Seizing here is equivalent to seizing the property of the Zheng family.

If someone else attacked here, he would attack the warehouse first, but Zheng Zhibao was different. He came here to seize power, not money.

And he also knows that if he can't successfully control Zheng Zhilong, no matter how much money he takes from the other party, he will be robbed by Zheng Zhilong one by one. If he comes out, he will always pay back.

Therefore, the urgent task is to control Zheng Zhilong. If you take him down, you can control it well.

So Zheng Zhibao personally led the most elite troops to surround the main building. He has three floors inside and three floors outside. Make sure that no fly can fly out.

At this time, the battle took place only half an hour. Within half an hour, they attacked fiercely and took down Zheng's house in one fell swoop. At this time, the sky began to shine, but most people still lit candles, torches and lanterns. Under the hazy light, they were as miserable as lost dogs.

After confirming that the other party had become a turtle in a jar, Zheng Zhibao sent a negotiator to ask the other party to surrender.

Zheng Zhilong was very angry when he saw that the other party sent messengers to surrender to him. He spit on the other party's messengers. He said, "the old three, an anti bone boy, dares to let me surrender to him. He has this courage. Why don't you let him tell me himself?"

He Zheng Zhilong was thinking that if he dared to come, I would chop him to death.

The messenger Zheng Fuyong, Zheng Zhibao's confidant, followed him for many years and knew Zheng Zhilong and others. He said: "the second leader's move today is really a last resort. You can't see the situation clearly and hold Zhu Ming's ship that is going to be silent, but this is to bring everyone to the disaster."

Zheng Zhilong sneered and said, "He Zheng Zhibao made trouble and dared to attack Zheng's house. Is it reasonable for such a person?"

Zheng Fuyong said: "Those of us who live in the world only believe in one thing, that is, natural selection and survival of the fittest. Whoever has a hard fist will be the boss. The second leader has successfully controlled the overall situation. The second leader should know the current affairs as a hero and release his power. The second leader can guarantee that you will not die. You can take all the treasures of the house away and find a place in Jining. You are as rich as a prince "Life."

Zheng Zhilong sneered at him. He said, "send out his autumn dream and tell him that the three leopards want to seize the power of the Zheng family unless I die!"

Zheng Fuyong said to him, "Why are you so stubborn? Now we have the upper hand. It's only half an hour's current affairs to kill the people in this house. Why?"

Zheng Zhilong said loudly, "I'd rather be broken than complete. Let people all over the world know what kind of sinister villain Zheng Zhibao, who thinks he is a hero."

Although Zheng Zhilong said so proudly, he did not win the support of the people around him. The people around him heard that Zheng Zhibao had made conditions. As long as they handed over their rights and let them live, they were a little excited and winked at Zheng Zhilong one after another, hoping that they would agree to such conditions.

You should know that some of them have licked blood with a knife, countless enemies and done a lot of bad things. Once they lose the protection of military power and the protection of officials, their fate will be very miserable.

Now they have no power and their officials are about to lose. If they can take their money and live a rich man's life in another place, it is actually a good choice. However, Zheng Zhilong is like a second Leng. He can't see the situation clearly and wants to die. Therefore, everyone is worried about him. Zheng Zhifeng coughed and wanted to speak.