Xu Guogong died in public on the battlefield, which dealt a great blow to the Ming army, equivalent to a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Originally, the Ming soldiers on the battlefield were still performing their respective duties. Everyone was responsible for their own affairs. Those who gathered the losers, those who turned to retreat, and those who turned to retreat, also left troops to block.

Because this is a prior strategy. Although they are a little flustered, they can still do it according to the rules set in advance.

They were able to do this because Duke Xu set the sea god needle here to stabilize everything for them.

If they had no military pay, Duke Xu would get them military pay; If they have no food, they will get food for them; Every soldier who died in the war will also get a pension, which can basically be paid the next day.

In addition, Duke Xu, with such a noble status, ate and lived with the soldiers, sharing joys and sorrows, which made others work for him.

It can be said that Duke Xu had a fixed sea god needle in Nanjing, but this fixed sea god needle was broken, which immediately caused an extremely amazing storm.

Originally, they fought and retreated, and everything was very planned and organized. However, because of the sudden death of Duke Xu, these people seemed to have been interrupted and drained of their energy and spirit.

The Ming soldiers on the battlefield were stunned. They took their own weapons and couldn't believe looking at Duke Xu who fell in the blood. Even his own soldiers were stunned and let Duke Xu's body fall to the ground.

In fact, the whole battlefield suddenly calmed down. This was just the idea of the Ming soldiers. It was just because Duke Xu died and the most important person in their hearts died, ignoring everything around them.

The whole battlefield cannot stop because of the death of a general, and it is even more impossible to stop the war. On the contrary, Liu Jun was more excited and happy because he found that this important opponent died.

The two sides were at war. Liu Jun's soldiers soon found that an important general of the enemy had died. It was soon pointed out that this general was the chief General of Nanjing and the soul figure of the city, Xu Guogong.

This is a very important information. They immediately reported it to General Liu Zhongyong, who is commanding the battle on the front line.

After hearing the news, Liu Zhongyong was very happy. The opportunity was not lost. He immediately ordered all departments to go all out to attack and win the Ming army at all costs.

When attacking the city gate and gap, they want the enemy to retreat quickly. As soon as the enemy retreats, they can seize the position and attack the city.

But now they are eager for others to stay. They'd better fight with them. After attacking the city, Liu Jun fought with the Ming army, and the two sides hanged here, which is beneficial to Liu Jun.

They knew that there were not many Ming troops in the city, only more than 20000 people. A large number of people had died when guarding the gap and gate. If these people scattered all over the city and relied on the military facilities in the city to resist, they would still cause great trouble to them, but if these people were here, they would be destroyed and consumed by them, This will help them control the whole city.

It has become a fact that Liu Jun controls Nanjing. It is only a matter of time. If there are fewer enemies, it will be convenient for them to take over this huge city smoothly.

Although Liu Jiajun has a large number of people, up to more than 100000, Nanjing is also one of the top 100 cities. To completely control it, it needs a lot of manpower.

More importantly, once Liu Jiajun takes Nanjing City, it is bound to be impossible for them to keep so many troops stationed here. They must send these troops to attack other places instead.

They attacked Nanjing in order to control the whole south of the Yangtze River. Only by controlling the whole south of the Yangtze River can it make sense to them.

Only by taking Jiangnan and controlling this place can they compete for the capital of the world with Daming. Before that, they can only be regarded as local forces, but if they control Jiangnan, they will become a national force and can compete with Daming.

When the two armies fought, they used every means to win. Now they take advantage of the death of the other leader's general and the confusion of morale and take advantage of his illness to take his life.

The death of Xu Guogong was a situation of mutual growth and decline for both the enemy and ourselves. For the officers and the army, it was a great blow to their morale, while for Liu Jun, it was a great boost.

The soldiers heard that their great enemy had finally died. They had a feeling that our army was destined to be invincible in the world, waved their weapons and cheered.

When the troops continuously entered Nanjing through the huge city gate of the east gate, they saw Liu Bu's handsome flag flying in the wind on the city tower and gave out huge cheers. They shouted in unison: "commander in chief, ten thousand wins! Commander in chief, ten thousand wins."

Liu Bu doesn't have the style of famous generals from ancient times to today. Most of them are proficient in martial arts and outstanding strategies. They share weal and woe with soldiers and take the lead in fighting.

Liu Bu, who was born in a rich family, was almost a noble. He regarded his life more important than anything. Therefore, he ate and lived with the soldiers, sharing weal and woe, but he would not go to war with the soldiers, let alone take the lead in charging and falling into battle.

He is the kind of person who can make others work hard for him and fight for him, but he is not the one who sets an example and infects others with his personality charm. As for his personal force, he is not very outstanding, which is almost the same as ordinary soldiers. Compared with famous generals from ancient to modern times, it is far away. As for his strategy, it is just ordinary.

When he fought with Liu Bu, he could only say that there were no tricks. Every time he worked hard, he was very skillful and shot very accurately. They were good at crushing each other with strength. Their tactics were actually three board axes. In his words, they reduced ten meetings with one force.

However, this does not prevent him from becoming a famous general in the world. He has fought so many wars and so many powerful enemies. All of them were defeated and killed by him. Moreover, his Liu family also has local chaebol forces and has become today's military giant. Finally, he has the ability to infect the south of the Yangtze River and besiege nanzhili.

This is the east of the river. It is the land of kings. Controlling this place makes them really qualified to compete for the world. The Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang first controlled this land of fish and rice, and then began to compete for the world.

Liu Bu led hundreds of thousands of troops to besiege Nanjing city. They did not break blood under Nanjing City, but quickly captured this great city, which made his prestige in the eyes of soldiers extremely high.

The idea of soldiers is relatively simple, that is, who has the ability to lead them to win, win and bring them all kinds of benefits and benefits. He is the boss and the hero in everyone's mind.

Liu Bu did this perfectly. Liu bu also enjoyed the prestige of cheering by thousands of troops and supported by thousands of horses. He stood on the city tower and watched his majestic troops continuously enter Nanjing city. Taking this as the starting point, he made strategies respectively.

Although Nanjing city is very huge, at the moment, it is caught in a fire of war. There are flames and killing sounds everywhere. After Liu Jun entered from the east gate, they completely crushed each other in quantity and quality. This kind of strength crushing is not something that can be resisted by any tricks or morale.

Especially after the death of their leader, Xu Guogong, in the war, their morale dropped to the freezing point.

At this time, people can't help but think of what Duke Xu said before the war. They have done what they should do. Whether Nanjing can defend or not depends on Daming's luck.

When talking at that time, they were full of confidence and thought that no matter how bad it was, it was no problem to keep Nanjing for ten or eight days, but they were captured in such a short time, which made them very frightened.

The officers and soldiers fought a war all by virtue of their morale, which turned a group of sheep into tigers. Everyone summoned up the courage to fight with Liu Jun like a wolf, but when their morale was gone, they collapsed.

When Xu Guogong was a soldier on the spot, they couldn't carry it anymore. Instead, they immediately stopped breathing like the biggest ball was stabbed

When Duke Xu fell to the ground, first of all, the soldier holding his handsome flag beside him dropped his handsome flag on the ground. When the handsome flag fell, they had no morale.

The soldiers wailed in unison, and many people had a feeling that the general situation was gone and they were unable to return to the sky, so they threw away their weapons, turned and ran away.

The role of example is very important. When a soldier threw his weapon and fled, other soldiers also fled one after another. Some were resisting Liu Jun, but others stayed behind to take charge of the rear of the hall. When they saw others escape, they all fled with them. The Ming army guarding the city fell into collapse.