Liu Bu attached great importance to the parade and the ceremony of entering the city. He must let his army decorate a new look, accept the test of the people of the whole city with a new look, show his strong strength, and then go to all parties to conquer the world.

Even Liu Bu himself, Liu Bu himself, made his first public appearance outside the army after the capture of Nanjing.

Liu Bu began to understand why some people would say that to be a man, you have to wake up and control the power of the world and lie drunk on the beautiful knee, because this is the most enjoyable.

Life is inevitably the most basic things such as eating, drinking and playing. When these most basic things are satisfied, there is nothing more enjoyable than mastering thousands of troops and horses and conquering the world.

That kind of golden iron horse, that kind of high spirited, military orders, thousands of troops and horses listen to my orders. At the command of Liu dashai, thousands of troops charged and thousands of horses galloped. Countless elite generals worked hard for him and fought for him. This kind of warm-blooded and forthright is not comparable to any kind of thing. Liu Bu believes that it is more fascinating than the bridal chamber.

Liu Bu is also addicted to this taste. It can be said that since he came into contact with power, he found that this is the best thing and what men should pursue. With it, you have everything.

Like before, he had an idea, which is to pursue beauty, hold the hand of his son and grow old with his son. This is also a good choice, but now he knows that after you have power and status, some women will post it.

This was most perfectly reflected after he commanded the army and occupied Nanjing.

In the past, he needed to spend money to find a woman or ten thousand liang of silver to buy a prostitute, which has become a representative event of luxury and debauchery for the children of powerful people.

But now, there are countless women who take the initiative to get close to him. The worship posts of famous girls, Miss Qianjin and famous prostitutes in Qinhuai are filled with his attendants. As long as he is willing, he can be a guest of honor.

However, Liu Bu is not interested in these things now. For him, he is interested in laying a larger territory and occupying more rivers and mountains. This feeling that the situation in the world is out of our generation is more exciting and satisfying.

Because he is addicted to history, he might as well be a figure who creates history. This time, Liu Bu will make a public appearance after the city entering ceremony to handle official business as the owner of the city.

Liu bu also changed into his best armor, that is, the armor given to him by Liu Yuanshan in those years. This armor, which is inlaid with gold decoration and extremely beautiful scales in most places, can only be worn on public etiquette occasions. There are few times when he can really fight on the battlefield.

But then again, Liu Bu, a great general, doesn't really lead troops to fight much. He is always planning and deploying and manipulating all this behind the scenes.

Because Liu Bu's family has mastered the new coke blast furnace steelmaking method, their steel output is much higher than that of Daming, and the yield is also very high, which makes their Liu Jun's armor cover a very wide range, and even ordinary soldiers can distribute armor. Such an army is unimaginable in Daming.

They had already occupied the benefits of soldiers and armor, and now they occupied the land of fish and rice. The bases for the supply of rice and cloth in Daming also fell into his hands, which made them stronger and stronger.

Liu Bu wanted to establish their hegemony by force through this way of entering the city.

Some people think that they are making a show. In fact, Liu Bu understands that it is necessary to make a show at the right time, because now too many people are in a wait-and-see state. Liu Bu's powerful military parade is to make those who wait and see realize the huge gap between their Liu family army and the Imperial Army, bet early and be the Minister of the dragon.

Liu Bu is not very good at dealing with political affairs, but he can give these things to his father. His father is a man who grew up from conspiracy. As an octahedral Buddha, he is best at heaven and earth in his sleeve. To put it bluntly, these are the means of political integrity and governance. He is very smart and good at it.

Liu Bu was thinking that turning these military issues into political issues can ensure their effective strength to the greatest extent.

For example, Liu Jiajun is very powerful now, but he also needs to use troops everywhere.

They broke through the Yangtze River defense line, took Nanjing and entered the south of the Yangtze River. The Ming Dynasty has been implementing the plan to use the south of the Yangtze River as a barrier to encircle and suppress them. It is considered bankrupt.

In the south of the Yangtze River, but the land of heaven, most of them are food producing areas. If we can control these places, the imperial court will be more fatally hit, and their strength will be greatly improved. This can not be described in words and data. What they have to do is to seize more places and control more territory before the officials and soldiers have time to respond.

Now the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers let them press on the ground and fight on the ground, but they have not been completely defeated. If they have not been completely defeated and revived, it will be their bad luck.

Daming can exist for more than 200 years. Naturally, it has its own ability. When the country is broken and the family is destroyed, there are many chaotic officials and thieves. They are afraid of the enemy like tigers and will collapse in the face of the enemy. However, many people will fight the enemy to the end and remain loyal to Daming.

Liu Bu believes that all this is based on the word "fast". What he needs to do with this set of combined boxing is to knock them down and break them down at the fastest speed. Once successful, he can completely occupy the advantage, so he will toss about the city entry ceremony.

The purpose is to show off their force and let more of them take refuge, so as to achieve the effect of rumors.

Liu Bu felt it was a pity that their huge warships could not go ashore, and their powerful cavalry team had been sent to attack the front line of Suzhou and Hangzhou. These fist troops, the most elite troops, could not participate in the city style. If they could, they would be more powerful.

Nanjing city is surrounded by water, and the Huaihe River passes through the city. However, the Huaihe River can only be entered by small warships. For example, their main warships cannot enter, and his main force cannot enter. Liu Bu's plan to show off his powerful firepower is a little difficult to open.

Moreover, it was very difficult for them to pull their red cannons into the city. Liu Bu's plan was to pull at least 100 red cannons out for a show so that these people could see what a big artillery is.

However, due to the problems of manpower and roads, they can only pull 50 cannons in at most. 50 red cannons are appalling and amazing for Daming, but they are nothing for Liu bu.

In his main warship, there are nearly 20 guns, 10 on one side, and as many as 30 auxiliary guns. It is simply a mobile fort. These mobile forts can't get into the city, which makes people feel that there are deficiencies in the United States.

However, Liu Bu will never let go of his Navy. He knows that the navy is their fist and their sharp knife, so today's entering the city style starts from the Navy.

The Navy's 20 main warships lined up along the Yangtze River, and then fired empty bombs into the river. More than 200 cannons roared together and blew up countless water columns. The scene was extremely amazing, which shocked the people who went out of the city to watch the Liu Navy audition.

Qian Qianyi saw such a powerful momentum. He was full of exclamation and said, "the treasure ship of eunuch Sanbao went to the West was just like this."

In fact, the treasure ships of eunuch Sanbao's voyages to the West are not as good as these new warships. After all, they are warships more than 200 years ago, and Daming has been lost. He is no longer able to make such ships.

The Zheng family's main warships, on the one hand, came from private shipyards along the coast. On the other hand, they absorbed western technology, integrated China and the west, and learned from the practice of Western battleships.

This made the Daming Navy, who was used to setting up a cannon in the bow and a cannon in the stern, surprised to see so many cannons together. It was a real shock and fear.

After the cannon roared, the first thing to start was the Laizhou division, on which Liu Bu became famous. Tens of thousands of soldiers in iron armor lined up in a neat queue, singing the war song of being loyal to the country, carrying their guns, walked bravely and proudly, entered the city gate and walked through the city along Zhuque street.

The soldiers of the Liu family army, with flags blocking the sun, swords and guns like a forest and iron armor, poured in like a torrent of steel. When they moved, an earth shaking murderous spirit came to their faces, which shocked and surprised the people watching on both sides of the street.

In the eyes of ordinary people, soldiers dressed in armor are servants and the most elite soldiers. Let's see that Liu Jiajun seems to be dressed in armor. What's the concept?

Can't Liu Bu's so-called millions of powerful masters approve armour? If so, it's really not difficult to overwhelm Daming?

These troops are returning from the battlefield. They are veterans who have fought in the battlefield, killed people and stained with blood. They look calm, angry, and walk in a neat queue. The sound of footsteps coming forward, combined with the clang sound of iron armor, makes people excited and heroic.

What Liu Bu likes to hear most is the sound of these soldiers marching in a neat queue and colliding with iron armor. It is full of the beauty of power and has the feeling of steel like indestructibility. Liu bu also feels the majestic power from his huge army. The strength of his Liu family comes from these soldiers.

The honor of the Liu family was given by these soldiers and defended by them. Liu Bu was proud of his army and affectionately called them Liu Jiajun.