The scholar's explanation made these people suddenly realize that it was like pulling out the dark clouds to see the blue sky, and there was also the joy of seeing the rainbow after the wind and rain.

As an agricultural country, Daming's main taxes are from land tax, salt tax, wine tax, etc. like other taxes, such as business tax, it is very small and very low.

This has created a situation in which the burden of the poor is extremely heavy, the burden of the rich is extremely light, and the rich are getting richer and richer.

What's more, the burden of the poor is getting heavier and heavier, while the rich try their best to avoid and evade taxes, resulting in a widening gap between the rich and the poor.

As a result, all this unreasonable and tragic situation appeared.

Liu Yuanqiao was born as a businessman. He became an official and was also a person specially responsible for managing money. He was very clear about the door and road in this regard, and had a reasonable response to all irrationalities.

In the past, he was only a small official. Whether he was the governor of Laizhou or governor Denglai, he was a small official of the Ming Dynasty. He was unable to resist the national policies and imperial edicts, and could only let it go. But now that he has sat in the world, he knows that if the world wants long-term stability, there must be a reasonable way of taxation.

After he occupied Shandong, his tax collection methods in Shandong were changed and reorganized.

Liu Yuanqiao knows very well why there are so many refugees rebelling in the world. This is because the people have a heavy burden and can't live at all. They either starve to death or rebel. These rich people are bitter and extravagant. In the end, both sides end up together.

Therefore, we must find a way of symbiosis and coexistence, so that they can continue.

The reason why the Ming court was so poor was that it was killed by these official pits. In short, these official tax policies were to squeeze oil into stones, but the real oil pits did not move. As a result, they could not collect any tax at all.

After Liu Yuanqiao ruled Shandong, the first thing he did was to integrate the officials and the people and collect all taxes. No matter who he was, he had to collect taxes. He was an official with authority and privilege, but he had no right to avoid and exempt taxes.

As long as you are in business, you must pay tax. No matter what your status and background, as long as you are in business, you must pay tax.

On the contrary, these people who plough the land only collect relatively low taxes, which are only responsible for maintaining the grass-roots level and the most basic maintenance.

The Liu family never expected or relied on the land tax as their life-saving food. Their expectation of the land tax was only to supply the expenditure of the local grass-roots government and maintain the basic needs of the local government. As for the expenditure of their upper government and large-scale military operations, one came from the capture of the battlefield and the other came from their business; The third comes from the battle of maysilver.

Liu Yuanqiao's tax reform in Shandong has won them the support of the people and greatly increased their income. In the past few years, Liu Yuanqiao has operated the East three governments, but it has made the East three governments, government and people harmonious and keep their doors closed at night.

Moreover, the amount of taxes, money and food they received was beyond the imagination of the imperial court. If Liu Yuanqiao's financial statements were presented to the emperor, it was estimated that the emperor's eyes would be wide open. I can't believe that the world is so rich.

Through such policies, they quickly won the support of the people. Daming tried his best to collect taxes, but the Liu family was reducing and exempting taxes. It goes without saying where the people stood.

Moreover, the Liu family is a rebel against the Ming Dynasty. In the eyes of many people, the Liu family is an anti thief. They are born with a bad reputation. However, with the introduction of these policies, many people believe that the Liu family is more suitable to rule this place than the imperial court. They get money and food from these lands and recruit a large number of soldiers, which is one of the reasons why they are becoming more and more powerful.

Liu yuanqiang lives and works in Prince De's mansion in Jinan. Although he is still the title of governor Denglai, he is now equivalent to the king of Qi. He lives in the palace and manages the whole of Shandong. Around Liu Yuanqiao, a group of people have always gathered together. They advocate the slogan of "Qi people to Qi and height themselves".

These people have been deeply tied up with Liu Yuanqiao and can no longer get off the car. If something happens to the Liu family, it is estimated that they will also be killed.

Many people believe that the Liu family is so powerful and invincible that the imperial court has no choice but to be soft. If the imperial court is soft, Shandong will have a high degree of autonomy like Yunnan, and they will gain more benefits from the strength of these places.

Who knows that the imperial court was really tough. It just didn't agree to their requirements and launched a large army to attack them. Fortunately, the Qi army was also very competitive, which broke down the Imperial Army and smashed their plot to attack Shandong.

At this stage, Liu Yuanqiao and the people around him feel that there is no way in front of them. If they don't get the recognition of Daming, they can only continue to work against Daming. Think about Daming's strength and those who work against him, they will never come to a good end. All people are numb and feel that there is no way ahead.

Who knows, at this time, there was another change. Jiangnan, as the headquarters of the imperial court and the important place for the imperial court to encircle and suppress the Liu family, actually had such a thing. Without hesitation, the Liu family resolutely sent troops, quickly entered Yangzhou, forcibly crossed the Yangtze River, took Zhenjiang and attacked Nanjing in one fell swoop.

Nanjing once, which means that the whole Jiangnan belongs to the Liu family. As their sphere of influence, these people around Liu Yuanqiao see the opportunity and the possibility that the Liu family can replace the Zhu family.

In the past, it would be very difficult for the Liu family to fight against the whole imperial court with Shandong. Many people are not optimistic about the Liu family and are ready to change their face. The imperial court does not recognize the Liu family. If the Liu family continues to fight with the imperial court, it will eventually be a dead end. They are unwilling to die with them.

Who knows, when we were in a difficult situation, such a situation emerged. The Liu family occupied Shandong, Jianghuai and Jiangnan. In terms of strength, it is no weaker than Daming and has the ability to work with Daming.

The worst part of Daming is the piece of fat swallowed by the Liu family, which happened to be cut from Daming.

It can be said that how fast the strength of the Liu family expanded, how fast Daming declined. This group of local giants in Shandong led by Liu Yuanqiao saw the opportunity and persuaded them one after another.

However, these people are still somewhat conservative. They suggest that Liu Yuanqiao be directly called the king of Qi and immediately go south to become the emperor.

Liu Yuanqiao, what position he holds and what title he hangs, this is the second. They will go south immediately. This is true.

Although Jinan is good, it is not a place of hegemony. If Liu Yuanqiao occupies the south of the Yangtze River and sits in the South and north of Nanjing, it is possible to ascend the throne and become the emperor.

Little Liu Shuai led millions of powerful troops to capture Nanjing, which excited and delighted the German palace of Liu Yuanqiao.

Without hesitation, Liu Yuanqiao immediately ordered the people around him to pack up, prepare for the South and go straight to Nanjing.

The people who settled in Nanjing this time, in addition to a group of personnel from the army and his official office, his mother, his daughter-in-law, wives and concubines will also go together. In short, the whole Liu family will go together.

Now the Liu family does not have the name of the royal family, but has the reality of the royal family. However, if they want to sit down, as the royal family, they still have to settle in Nanjing. Ascend the throne and become emperor in this area.

Therefore, Liu Yuanqiao and his colleagues moved very quickly. They basically didn't hesitate and didn't pack any luggage. They planned to go south immediately three days after receiving the news. Even though the road is blocked by heavy snow and the road is rugged and difficult to walk in very cold winter, he still didn't hesitate. He was still ready to pack and start at any time.

Liu Yuanqiao has always been a decisive person. When he makes a decision, he will make a decision. He never procrastinates.

He sits in Nanjing and Shandong at two levels. If he is in Shandong, he is only a couple in the country. If he takes charge of Nanjing, he will have half of the country.

After the old Buddha heard the news, she didn't hesitate. She said, "it's up to Da Lang to decide everything."

Liu Yuanqiao is a big filial son. Starting in a cold day is no problem for him. For her officials, they are not allowed to refuse and refuse. They go to Jiangnan to be officials and emperors in this colorful world. He is worried about what to dislike

The journey is far away, and my mother can't stand it.

But in this regard, Liu Fuqi made good arrangements. He promised that he would make perfect arrangements along the way and would not let the old Buddha suffer any hardship.

In fact, their route to the South now is to go south on a large scale along the official road. Although they have swept the way once, it is not absolutely safe, so they decided to return to Dengzhou, embark from Dengzhou and go south along the coastline.

In terms of the sea, it is a dangerous way for others. It is indeed a smooth way for Liu Yuanqiao and the Liu family. They have long controlled the sea power in the nearby area. Now the Zheng family, the only threat to them, has officially joined the Liu family and become a part of their navy. It can be said that the southeast coast is free to cross.

They did not occupy Daming, but it can be said that they control all the sea areas and coasts of Daming. If they go south along the coastline under the protection of a large number of warships, they have the best safety factor.

The most important thing is that the old Buddha also agreed to this plan. Since the old Buddha agreed, Liu Yuanqiao immediately ordered his attendants to prepare their luggage, take things, assemble the guard and start at any time.