Liu Yuanqiao's fleet arrived at Nanjing wharf and officially landed here.

The whole wharf was under comprehensive martial law. They were dressed in red and green, flags fluttering, gongs and drums blaring. When the fleet entered, they burned not firecrackers, but dozens of cannons. They fired salutes in this way to welcome the arrival of their great master.

Liu Yuanqiao and others are the absolute core and soul of Liu Jiajun. Only with them can there be Liu Jiajun, and Liu Bu is the person who Liu Yuanqiao pushed to the front of the screen. Therefore, the whole army pays the greatest respect to their arrival.

They have imposed martial law along the Yangtze River, not to mention the wharf. It can be called five steps and one post and ten steps and one sentry. All people are prohibited from entering and leaving.

Unless there is a special pass, these people who are responsible for welcoming them along the way have also been reviewed by the Security Bureau, and there are three people as security guards. This way of sitting together can ensure that no one dares to play tricks and no spies can get in.

Of course, there is also a premise for them to do so, that is, the people who come to welcome will receive two kilograms of rice grain distributed by the authorities afterwards. It can be said that many people have broken their heads and want to come.

Moreover, the road from the wharf to the palace is basically clean. All the shops along the way are dressed in red and green and decorated. If there are old ones or those damaged in the war, they are repaired quickly or decorated beautifully.

In this way, it is a great nuisance to the people. Just like emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, in order to welcome foreign envoys, he ordered the trees in Luoyang to be wrapped with silk to show wealth and luxury. This has also become an iron evidence of his personal extravagance and lust, regardless of the life and death of the people.

However, Liu Jiajun did this, but it did not arouse other people's disgust or resistance, because all expenses were paid by the authorities.

For example, this time, in order to welcome the arrival of the Liu family, the streets were decorated along the way. The resulting increased expenditure was provided by the government. Why not do it with official money?

After all, the Liu family is a powerful organization that controls Nanjing. His words are orders. You can't refuse to do this unconditionally, let alone provide resources.

Liu Jiajun spent a lot of money in this way, which made Qian Qianyi, a pacifying ambassador, heartache. He was thinking, "with this money, how many things can be done!"

However, Liu Bu understood that the people's hearts were priceless. Their secret investigation also came to a conclusion that the people praised their practice and thought that Liu Jiajun was really different from all the previous governments. He thought that the people were human and reasonable. He would not rob the people's money or launch corvee to let others work for free.

A showdown and a corvee by the government can toss these people to death.

Liu Jiajun's style now, even if it is to buy people's hearts, has also been recognized by the people in Nanjing. He will not apportion freely or promote corvee casually. This is a good official and a good government.

After the ceremony of entering the city, Liu Bu formally established the imperial forest army. His imperial forest army is composed of three divisions. Its core is the Laizhou division on which they started. At the same time, he is selecting a group of elite and young soldiers to join his team.

The imperial forest army is a military level organization and the first regiment under the command of Liu Jiajun. The commander is Liu bu.

The imperial forest army is an army under the direct command of the royal family. Of course, it is a huge army. This does not mean that it is established immediately. They have only been engaged in a few days and are still in extreme chaos. If Laizhou division is not the old base, I'm afraid it will be more chaotic.

Although today's royal guards were not formed, they sent out in an empty group to meet their royal family.

Not only the whole army of the imperial forest army, but also the whole army near Nanjing city were mobilized. In order to ensure that Liu Yuanqiao and others entered Nanjing city without fail, they were five steps, one post and ten steps, and all strongholds were heavily guarded. The comprehensive martial law did not show such a momentum when they attacked Nanjing city.

In order to welcome Liu Yuanqiao and his party, Liu Bu mobilized all the troops he could mobilize, and at least more than 100000 troops were deployed throughout the city. His main purpose of acting like a great enemy was to build momentum.

Liu Yuanqiao's entry into Nanjing is of great significance. He also came here to ascend the throne and become the emperor. When he entered here, he naturally wanted to build up the momentum. The bigger the better. It's best to make a sensation all over the world and everyone knows it.

In the continuous roar of the Navy's huge salute, Liu Yuanqiao and others slowly walked down from the warship, received the salute of thousands of troops, and the people knelt down.

The first division of the imperial forest army, the former Laizhou division, is responsible for protecting the wharf. The imperial forest army is still in the process of grass creation. It is just a grass platform team, but it has taken out their style, brand-new military uniforms, shiny silver jewelry and beautiful ribbons, which makes them look very powerful and powerful.

As the most powerful legion of the Chinese Empire and the Legion defending the emperor, the imperial forest army is also equipped with the most elite equipment, including cavalry and artillery. It is not convenient to pull out their artillery, but their five thousand cavalry came out with thunderous hooves, clanging iron armor and murderous spirit.

The people in the city saw such a momentum, but they were surprised and shocked.

Many people understand that the Liu family has occupied Nanjing, a land of hegemony, and controlled the south of the Yangtze River. They have the strength and capital to compete for the world. They will certainly not be willing to be ordinary.

The Liu family became emperor, which means the coming of the northern and Southern Dynasties, and also means that the war between the Liu family and Daming will be endless.

However, some people are very happy about this. Liu Jiajun is so powerful, which means that they can protect them and protect them from the tyranny of the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Jiajun is an occupying force and their natural enemy, but what Liu Jun did is what the people have been looking forward to, so their mood is very complex.

The mood of the people is very complex, but one thing is certain, that is, Liu Jiajun is strong and rich.

Liu Yuanqiao was very pleased to see that his son had made such a big scene, which was also in line with his expectations. From the moment he entered Nanjing City, he knew that his identity was different. He was no longer a powerful man in Shandong, but a figure who dominated the world. He was likely to replace Daming and become the emperor of a new generation of powerful empire.

Liu Yuanqiao, like Liu Bu, has a very strong unified thought, and their ideas are the same. They are either defeated or unified. As for the opposition between the north and the South and the coexistence of the two dynasties, it is impossible.

Liu Yuanqiao did not hate emperor Chongzhen or the imperial court. His rebellion was mainly caused by interests. Personally, he did not want to kill all the officials of the Zhu Ming dynasty or the imperial court.

But in fact, it forced him to come to this step. He must kill all these people in order to ensure the long-term stability of his new dynasty.

Seeing Qian Qianyi and other civil and military officials in Nanjing kneeling at the gate to meet them, Liu Yuanqiao was very happy.

Instead of being so arrogant and rude as Liu Bu, Liu Yuanqiao jumped off his horse, helped Qian Qianyi up and said, "Mr. Qian has worked hard."

Liu Yuanqiao is different from Liu bu. Without Liu Bu's God perspective, he doesn't know the truth. Liu Bu despises Qian Qianyi and the whole Donglin Party from the bottom of his heart. However, Liu Yuanqiao is different. He is a person of this era and is deeply influenced by all the people of this era. Qian Qianyi is a famous scholar in the world. With his support, he can almost get the support of scholars all over the world.

Liu Yuanqiao has a great advantage in the scholar's forest, that is, because his father-in-law is Yan Shenggong, also known as the son-in-law of the Confucius family, he will naturally win the favor of scholars all over the world.

But this time, his rebellion also made the Confucius government enter a very embarrassing situation. Do you support or oppose it? be in a dilemma.

Since the rebellion of the Liu family, the Kong family has cut off all contacts with the Liu family, but has not publicly claimed that the two sides have cut off their kinship.

Scholars regard themselves as loyal. Loyalty is the foundation of integrity. As a model of scholars in the world, Liu Yuanqiao, the son-in-law of the Kong family, actually rebelled, which makes the Kong family very lose face. They can only be silent.

You know, the Confucius family has been secretly satirized that they are two ministers of the twenty-three dynasties. They just laugh it off. Fame is the second, wealth is true, and as an authentic Confucian, their status can not be shaken.

But this time Liu Yuanqiao rebelled, it was really embarrassing and a real dilemma for them.

However, Liu Yuanqiao is also very good. He did not force the Kong family to support him, but just let them acquiesce to neutrality.

This is what the Kongs have done for more than 2000 years. When there are wars in the Central Plains and the imperial dynasty is about to change, they will remain neutral, wait for peace in the world, and then enjoy wealth.

Only the Kong family has such ability. If it were other families, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out.

In this era, there are few scholars, and scholars control public opinion, which is doomed to the superior position of readers and the unshakable position of the Confucius family. Whoever is the enemy of the Confucius family is equivalent to the enemy of scholars all over the world.

Liu Yuanqiao did not dare to make enemies with scholars. He valued scholars very much, so he jumped off his horse, helped Qian Qianyi up and affectionately called him Mr.

Liu Yuanqiao's warmth is like spring, which is in sharp contrast to Liu Bu's coldness like ice and snow, which flattered Qian Qianyi. He hurriedly said, "no! No! It's all part of his job."

When Liu Bu was dignified, he called himself a subordinate. Liu Yuanqiao was good at talking. He called himself a certain and shook up.