Without hesitation, Liu Yuanqiao ordered on the spot: "Liu Bu, commander-in-chief of the Ministry of national defense, underestimated the enemy, rashly advanced and humiliated the country. He ordered to remove the post of commander-in-chief of the Ministry of national defense, act as commander-in-chief of the Ministry of national defense, punish his salary for one year and inform the three armed forces."

Since Liu Bu admits it, he has to be punished. Liu Jiajun's development today depends on reward for meritorious deeds and punishment for mistakes. Even Liu Yuanqiao's son must be punished severely since he made such a big mistake.

Of course, Liu Bu's punishment is exquisite. It can't be a real punishment. Will Liu Bu be short of money for punishing him? Removed from the post of commander-in-chief of the Ministry of defense, but acting as an agent.

This is just a gesture to show the army and other people. Only in this way can the three armed forces be convinced.

Liu Bu half knelt down and said, "yes."

After punishing Liu Bu, he immediately authorized him to set up reinforcements to quickly prepare for the western line.

According to the original plan of the Chinese army, Zhu Xieyuan's heavy army group will arrive as soon as three or four months later. At that time, they have calmly calmed the Jiangnan and Huguang, but at this time, Zhu Xieyuan's army suddenly dispatched, which is the time when they calmed the Jiangnan and Huguang.

The Chinese army has no way, and can only quickly send troops to deal with it, otherwise they are open! They will soon arrive at the foot of Nanjing and besiege them.

Their pride, arrogance and contempt for the enemy brought the destruction of Qingzhou division, which caused them great losses, and Liu Jiajun's invincible reputation was greatly damaged.

Liu Bu returned to the Ministry of national defense and immediately began to mobilize forces that could be mobilized. There were not many troops in Nanjing, mainly for defense.

This time, Liu bu also took Laizhou division, the main force of the imperial forest army defending Nanjing city. Of course, he took some of the main forces. Nanjing city still had to be defended. At the same time, he called back and was moving Buri Gude cavalry troops around Hangzhou.

Their cavalry troops went all out to the East, successfully supported Suzhou, won Hangzhou, and are sweeping the four directions along the coast.

The strength of the Ming army in Suzhou and Hangzhou has been swept up by them. Since Jiangsu and Zhejiang have been settled, we must quickly draw out our troops to support here.

At the same time, their navy troops will be dispatched. They will mobilize more gunships to support Liu Bu's troops.

As the first general of the Chinese army, Liu Bu personally led the army, which naturally caused a sensation between the government and the public.

The Chinese army also knew that it was at a critical juncture of life and death, so they sent the strongest lineup without hesitation, asking for soldiers and people.

This is actually the overall national strength and war mobilization capability.

They plan that within three days at most, they must assemble a force of 20000 people and set out quickly.

It will take them three days. On the one hand, they want to gather troops to give the soldiers time. At the same time, they are also waiting for the cavalry of Buri Gude in Hangzhou.

Now that Hangzhou has won and the whole southeast of Zhejiang is under the control of Liu Jun, there is no need for them to deploy such a powerful force to continue in this area.

The cavalry regiment of Burigude is the strongest strength of Liu Jiajun and their rapid reaction force.

As for the work in Zhejiang and Fujian, it was handed over to senior general Xiao Ning, who was in charge.

Xiao Ning was originally one of several generals under Liu Bu and was as famous as Liu Kang, Liu Yu, Mao Shengli and Yang Shun. However, through this series of battles, he stood out and became a peer with a little higher prestige than these.

Making him second only to Liu Zhongyong, he became a top general of the Chinese army with both wisdom and courage, and changed from a top general to a commander-in-chief.

The Chinese army can also be called a large number of talents. The older generation is still rising, and the younger generation is also emerging in the battle.

Among the younger generation, the most outstanding naturally belong to Chen Wenruo, sun hope and Li Dingguo.

Liu Bu mobilized his army and prepared to set out. He also prepared for the upcoming battle.

Liu Bu returned to the garrison house. Everyone at home received the news. Zheng zining and Chen Yuanyuan were waiting at the door.

Liu Bu had a sad face. The other party was fierce this time and was not easy to deal with. In addition, there were many affairs in the army. He was extremely worried, but when he saw his wives and concubines waiting at the door and his daughter, he immediately showed a smiling face.

Liu Bu took his daughter from Chen Yuanyuan's hand, held her in his arms, looked at her apple like face, and a loving heart rose in his heart. He couldn't help kissing. Little Liu Yuer is still very young. Her father kissed her, but he just smiled a few times.

It's strange to say that little Liu yu'er is very naughty. He just doesn't like being held by strangers. Except his mother and wet nurse, Liu Bu can hold her, and others will cry when they hold her. This may be the nature between father and daughter.

With his daughter in his arms, Liu Bu was in a good mood and said, "give a banquet tonight, even if it's for me."

Zheng zining said angrily, "it's very unfair to you."

Liu Bu said, "what's unfair? As the commander of the three armed forces, it's my fault that the army lost the war. There's no doubt about it." if he doesn't carry it, Mao Shengli has to carry it.

Zheng zining sighed. She also understood this. She was also a commander-in-chief. Naturally, she knew what it was duty bound to do. She said, "seeing that the new year is coming, we still can't spend the new year together."

Liu Bu had to say, "as long as the family is together, one day is not like the new year. We will have a banquet tonight and drink all night. I wish Ben Shuai a successful expedition."

Chen Yuanyuan said: "it is necessary. The commander-in-chief will win when he goes out."

After Liu Bu decided to enlist in person, he began to mobilize the strength of his men, and he would give some time for the generals and soldiers to say goodbye to their families.

Everyone knows that today's war will be a war. Winning will establish Liu Jun's hegemony in the south. If he loses, it is estimated that the Chinese Empire will no longer exist.

Mao Shengli's death has caused heavy casualties and hurt Liu Jiajun's muscles and bones. If their most powerful Liu Bu is defeated, it means that no one in the Chinese army can resist Zhu Xieyuan's front.

In the Yiling war, the Qingzhou division of the Chinese army was destroyed, but it was also the arrogance of the Chinese army.

Liu Bu placed a banquet in his house and drank with his wife and concubine. Zheng zining was pregnant and should not drink. What he drank was freshly squeezed fruit juice. Chen Yuanyuan had a full moon and was able to drink, so Chen Yuanyuan drank with him.

Looking at the table full of rare delicacies and grape wine, somehow, Chen Yuanyuan thought of a Tang poem. She whispered: "the luminous cup of grape wine. If you want to drink the pipa, you can urge it immediately. Don't laugh when you get drunk. How many people have been recruited since ancient times?"

This is a very good poem, but Zheng zining is very uncomfortable. She said, "bah, bah, bah! What is the number of people back? When the commander goes out, he will get success. How many people go is how many people return."

Chen Yuanyuan also knows that she made a mistake. Today is a farewell banquet for Liu bu. It's a bit unlucky to say this. It's very disappointing. She quickly punished herself with a glass to show that she made a mistake.

Liu Bu didn't care. He didn't care about these intentions. The war was based on comprehensive strength, and the strategies of the generals of both sides also played a certain role, but he still reduced ten meetings at one time.

Liu Jiajun is better than the enemy, and the army is stronger than the other party. Even if he fights hard with the other party, he also has the upper hand. There is not so much to think about. He must be happy when he is proud of his life. Don't make the golden goblet empty to the moon. It's such a beautiful day, and there are beautiful women to accompany him. Liu Bu is in a good mood and has another drink. He said Zheng zining: "I'll sing a little song for you. I'll make sure you like it."

Zheng zining's eyes lit up when she heard Liu Bu sing a little song. She said, "you haven't had a new song for a long time. At the moment, you have to make a song for the occasion."

Hearing that Liu Bu was going to sing a little song, Chen Yuanyuan immediately took the Pipa and said, "how about letting Yuanyuan accompany the marshal?"

Liu Bu said, "you have never heard of my little song, nor have you ever had a score. You can't accompany it."

Chen Yuanyuan was overjoyed. He said, "but your new work, marshal?" she asked and quickly brought paper and pen and ink. Liu Bu's poems are not many, but they are all excellent works. Chen Yuanyuan has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Liu Bu drank a glass of wine, knocked on the bowl with his chopsticks and sang loudly, "sunken fish and wild geese,

be so beautiful that the moon hides her face and the flowers blush for shame at sight of her,

Beauty has nowhere to hide,

Beauty has nowhere to hide.

People around, like bathing in spring,

I'd rather die than regret.


National beauty and natural fragrance, let entanglement,

Even if life is short,

Even if life is short.

You love me, you come and I go,

How lucky to be in pairs.

Aha, hey,

When I bow my hands to you,

All the people sang in unison for the ages.


You see, the distant mountains smile and the water flows long,

The sea withers and the stone crumbles from generation to generation.


You're drunk today,

Love your beauty.

Don't wait for your white hair to regret.


You're drunk today,

Love your beauty,

Let me hold the beauty back

After this song was sung, Zheng zining was intoxicated. She loved it: treat me red handed, rivers and mountains to please you. This word, Liu Bu's last sentence, gently sang to him: let me hold the beauty back! It also made her blush. She said: "singing a song is so numb."

Chen Yuanyuan clapped his hands and said with a smile, "it's tender like water. It's just that Liu Shuai can sing so domineering and deep love."

Liu Bu was very happy and said, "it's called love can't put it down, and another song for Yuanyuan, love rivers and mountains, love beautiful people more."

Liu Bu cleared his throat and said, "there is no end to the extravagant love of the world of mortals,

Can't tell the world's grievances,

From generation to generation,

With the same blood,

Drinking the same water,

The road is long and long.

Red flowers with green leaves, of course,

Who will accompany you all your life?

Back and forth,

Once again,

Although the lotus root is broken, the silk is still connected

Sigh that there are many changes in the world.

Love Jiangshan, love Jiangshan,

More beautiful people, more beautiful people,

Which hero would rather be alone?

Good boy, good boy,

Be bold, be bold,

Ambition and pride are well-known all over the world.

Life is just a few autumn!

If you don't get drunk,

East, my beauty!

The Yellow River flows in the west,

Come on, have a drink,

If you don't get drunk,

Don't worry about things

Liu Bu's singing skills are very poor. He doesn't understand the ups and downs, nor does he have a connecting link, tremor and falsetto, but he can't stand the excellent lyrics and songs. He is also very suitable for the situation. He is fascinated by the two beauties. Chen beauties are even more tearful and ecstatic. It's even more intoxicating to drink fermented wine.